
Monday, July 25, 2011

{Our Dinner with + Gift to our Medical Friends}

After quite a wait we finally managed to get together with all our medical Friends. Yes, Friends with a capital F! They went the extra mile for both of us. First in January of 2010 when I got almost completely paralyzed and ran for days a high fever that didn't want to go down, they all came together to see me at the hospital. Two Internal Medicine doctors and one Radiologist. The latter traveled after work the two hours to my bedside, with his wife. I was even given some delicious home cooked Indian food from the other friend, the Internal Medicine doctor's wife. We know each other for 28 years! It feels so good to leave your well being in the hands of caring, true Friends! They found a cure for my rare auto immune disease and I was quickly on the mend and therefore forever grateful to them.
In September when Pieter had his heart attack, without the usual symptoms, he was sent off per ambulance to the next big city for treatment by a good heart surgeon, who did his quadruple bypass surgery. Once again, I felt secure for leaving Pieter into the hands of dear medical Friends.
So naturally, we wanted to do something for them in return, something special and from the heart. Due to all sorts of family circumstances we could not sooner get all together than July 19. We made reservations at Ristorante da Maria with Lady Chef Maria and Heinz. This time we had her cook vegetarian Indian food, for all of us. We worked in India for over ten years for Pond's India and for another company in Poona, so we LOVE the spicy food.
Now to the special gifts that I found in Germany, in the north near Hamburg. Elvira from the blog Rosengärtchen (Rose Garden) not only creates fabulous Christening gowns and such but she also designed very unique handbags with Peacocks, which she called Secret Garden.
This one caught my attention in her blog: Tasche Secret Garden and in her online shop. Knowing that the Peacock is a very special symbol in our Friends' culture, I contacted Elvira after she made me a Rose Bag: Tasche Romantic Rose und eine Uberraschung and shown also here: {Introducing YOU to Romantic Rose Handbags from RosenRomanze Germany}. Asking her if she would be able to make three of those. She wrote back yes; all unique items and thus different, but she was more than happy to make them for me. That was in October of 2010...
Elvira used blue seed pearls, semi precious stones and metal rose bead buttons for a closure on this luxurious bag. She designed it such that one looks through a window of an old Palace into its secret garden, where peacocks proudly show their beautiful feathers, between the flower beds...
Also the inside of the bag shows this romantic floral paradise, with on its trails here and there a peacock feather... like on the inner-bag with multiple compartments for cell phone etc.
Elvira made this unique design by using different materials such as linen, cotton batting, wool, and decorated it with fancy embroidery and lace.
On a string, attached to the bag, is a pouch that closes with mother of pearl buttons, for securing money or keys.
Secret Garden Bag 2 with a tassel.
Secret Garden Bag 3.
With a lot of thanks towards Elvira for letting me use her photos!

Which bag would you like most?


  1. All gorgeous with exquisite details that I'm sure will be appreciated and treasured for years to come. If I had to choose one, I think it would be no. 2

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    du bist vielseitig begabt. Das ist

    Sonnige Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  3. Her work is absolutely gorgeous! They are all so lovely and certainly a perfect gift. Have a great week. Tammy

  4. Liebe Mariettte,
    ich könnte mich nicht entscheiden. Alle Taschen gefallen mir. Ich habe mir den Blog gemerkt.
    Bedanken möchte ich mich für die lieben Wote bei mir. Der Engel ist mein täglicher Begleiter. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass ich ihn immer tragen würde. Es ist aber so.
    Nochmals vielen Dank dafür, dass ich ihn bekommen habe.
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht

  5. Yes, very exquisite and beautiful. Love the design of Peacock. Thoughtful of you♡♡♡

    Take Care of Yourselves under the unbearable hot weather!!!
    Blessing to you, Orchid.

  6. I think all bags are beautiful but if I choose one that I likes secret Garden Bag 2 with A tassel.

  7. What beautiful creations! The tassel on #2 captured me. Thank you for introducing such a talented artisian... will go and take a look at her blog/boutique.. wishing you a fabulous day xo HHL

    P.S. We finally got a beautiful thunderstorm and much needed down pour of rain through the earlu morning hours... our garden beauties will be so happy today..xo

  8. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    wie schön das Du solche Freunde hast, die weder Zeit noch Mühe scheuen um zu Dir oder deinem Mann zu kommen und zu helfen.
    Diese Freundschaft ist wirklich etwas sehr kostbares und das hast Du zum Anlass genommen um mit diesen Taschen DANKE zu sagen.
    Man merkt das Du dir sehr viele Gedanken gemacht hast und das Resultat kann sich sehen lassen. jede Tasche für sich ein Traum, ganz wichtig dabei der Pfau und auch die vielen liebevollen Details, zauberhaft!!!
    Ganz sicher war euer Treffen in dem Restaurant schon wunderbar aber die Taschen waren doch sicher das Highlight oder??
    sei ganz herzlich gegrüßt von

  9. Hi Mariette, so nice to meet you, thank you for your visit and kind comment. I loved the photographs from your niece, she is very talented.

    I enjoyed today's post, I love this handbag, as I love peacocks (all birds, actually). I will pay her a visit too.


  10. Hallo Mariette
    Bedankt voor de leuke berichtjes.
    Wat een leuke handtasjes,die rose vind ik super en zo mooi afgewerkt.
    Lieve groetjes Carine
    Van de blog Liesje

  11. You have has a bad time with your health Haven't you?
    But it seems it all over and you can talks about it.
    A good friends are nice to have especially true friend.
    I have five good friends thought hopefully we can keeps a long time
    but who knows?
    You has been Melbourne and you have
    first cousin lived in here...
    I hope you likes here:-)
    I can't eat much a spice food because my stomach will upset:-)
    Have a nice day,

  12. E' bello avere grandi amici!!!! Complimenti ad Elvira, è borsa che preferisco è la seconda ma sono belle entrambe!!!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  13. Hallo Mariette,
    Freundschaft ist wirklich etwas sehr wichtiges, genauso wie Gesundheit. Was wären wir ohne unsere Freunde im leben. Die Taschen von Elivira sind alle zauberhaft.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  14. Hi Mariette, Thank you for sharing this beautiful handwork. The design and craftmanship is not often found to this degree. She is truly and artist. I know your friends appreciated your generosity.
    Try to stay cool.
    Much love and blessings, Ginger

  15. Dear Mariette,
    I love all the bags. Each one is gorgeous and it would be hard to decide on a favorite.
    What a talented and creative artist you share with us.
    I am so glad you are well and had the good Friends to see you through to better days.
    Yes, good friends are a blessing and to be cherished.

    Stay cool. I know you are as HOT as we are here. 106 degrees today.
    Way too HOT!!

    Love to you dear friend.
    Celestina Marie xo

  16. Dear Mariette,

    All the bags are so beautiful and love the peacock theme and the colours. There are so many talented people out there and I enjoy seeing what everyone is creating.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Also how neat that you have great Medical friends that care for you.


  17. Liebe Mariette,

    leider funktionierte die Übersetzung nicht, aber dennoch habe ich verstanden, dass du meine Taschen wieder sehr liebevoll ins Szene gesetzt hast. Vielen herzlichen Dank dafür.
    Wie schön, dass du solch liebe Freunde hast und es ist auch schön für sie, dass sie dich als Freundin haben.

    Ich wünsche dir und Pieter einen wunderschönen tag.

    Liebe Grüße von Elvira

  18. This is so pretty, Mariette. I love all the details and that tassle completes it. Spectacular.

  19. Liebe Mariette, die Taschen sind nicht nur romantisch, sondern auch so detailverliebt, ich kann Elvira nur bewundern, um ihre "Gaben".
    Bei dir werden sie sich genau richtig fühlen....
    Herzlichst Anett


Thanks for your visit and comment.
