
Sunday, July 24, 2011

{TIP: How YOU can place 5 LinkWithin - Related Posts with Thumbnails}

  • Today I would love to share with you a TIP on how YOU can place up to 5 LinkWithin - Related Posts with Thumbnails under each post. 
  • It is real easy to do. Look at the example of 5 Thumbnails shown below so you know what I am talking about...

  • Just follow these steps. Click on→ this link first.

  • Fill out your Email, copy and paste your Blog Link and choose Platform.
  • For WIDTH you select 5 stories from the drop-down window!
  • Click: Get Widget

  • Click Install Widget to open Blogger in a new window, and follow the steps below in that window.
  • Click on Add Widget after you selected a blog (if you have more than one...).

  • Now Drag and Drop the LinkWithin box under the 'Blog Posts' box as shown above.

  • Click on Save and you're done! You have now 2 more chances that people click on another interesting post to visit. This is the fastest and easiest way for anyone to get to any post!

Have had to remove this widget as it caused lots of problems!


  1. I never started using labels or links on my blog and after two years, don't guess I will. Lots of folks who have tried to switch to the new editor of late, have found that their blogs are really screwy. I'm afraid to do anything different for fear of having a problem and losing everything. I'll just stick with nice and simple for now.

    As for the crochet, I can get cotton thread here but I've never worked with it. For the pillow, I am using a thin cotton which is what I use for the doilies. My crochet is not very neat though, and I am not always able to follow patterns perfectly. However, the African flower should be easy enough and I am pretty sure I am doing it right, but just am not seeing the detail that Marilyn created. I made an African flower using acrylic in different colors each round and it turned out okay. I'll just keep plugging away and if I can't figure it out, will move on to something else. I think I'll start a giant granny using up all the leftover yarn I've got around here.

    Hubby didn't walk last nite as the nite before he said he felt like he was boiling. He said it felt lik 100 C and not 45 or 50 C. :/

    Have a wonderful Sunday! :) Tammy

  2. Oh, you are so versatile person. And how sweet of you to share with us. Thank you very much.
    I've been wondering how you did seeing it in your lovely blog.

    PS> I trully hope that you can find someone to help you wearing your kimono you brought back from Japan!!! I think it is not so hard to put on if it is "yukata, summer kimono". Oh, how I wish to be close to you!!!

    Hope you are having lovely weekend. Love and hugs, xoxo Orchid.

  3. Happy Sunday Mariette!

    That is a terrific tip! There's so many fun widgets and gadgets to choose from. It's hard to keep track of them all.

    Hope you are having a lovely weekend friend!
    xo Catherine

  4. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich immer wieder erneut
    über deine Aktivitäten.

    Frohe Sonntagsgrüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  5. Hello Mariette,
    you are so clever with all this tecnique things. Thank you for sharing.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  6. Hello my dear friend Mariette:
    Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words, and yes, you are right about my treasures, my favorite ones are the 103 old glass jars, I love them. And it is very nice from you to teach about all we can do with our blogs, I still have to learn lots of things, thanks for sharing this very important tip. Take care and have a great week.

    Lots of love

    Your friend Laura =)

  7. WOW great info. thanks!

    Debbiedoo's Blogging and Blabbing

  8. My dear friend Mariette:
    Thank you so much for your sweet words in your last email you sent me. I truly admire you very much.
    And also, I want to thank you for your tip to get this widget, I just made it and my blog looks much better now, I like it a lot!!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
    Lots of love,
    Laura =)


Thanks for your visit and comment.
