
Friday, July 15, 2011

{Our Jasminum Sambac 'Maid of Orleans' - "Arabian Tea Jasmine"}

Our Jasminum Sambac 'Maid of Orleans' - "Arabian Tea Jasmine" is one of summers delights! Wish you could smell those flowers... 
This one is again available at Logee's Greenhouses Tropical Plants.
 Of course we have been watering these planters with our jasmines!

Such heavenly fragrance...

Buds look real nice but the flowers actually live but one day...
Even an empty stem, where once a flower was, looks pretty!
Grateful for being watered...


  1. Che spettacolo questo gelsomino!!!!...immagino il profumo!!! Buona giornata,Anna.

  2. Hello, Mariette!!!
    Your Jasmine look STUNNING and gave me really refreshing coolness under this weather♪♪♪

    Thank you very much for the card, I was happy to get it.
    Well, it seems that I am having a problem in blogger. My new posts are not being updated!
    Well, sorry if I had indecent manner for you. I will have to hung in with this situation.

    To MY Dearest Mariette, LOVE Orchid.

  3. Wat n prachtige bloemen!!!!
    Heb het stukje vn Nina gelezen maar nog niet gereageerd. Bedankt voor de tip! Nu werken...

  4. Dear Mariette,

    Your pictures are so beautiful I think I can smell their delicate fragance from here, just looking at them...Is it possible? :)


  5. Weer zo'n mooie jasmijn, wat zal dat heerlijk geuren bij jullie!Wat heerlijk hè zo'n warm klimaat, ook lange zomeravonden?Gaat het weer wat beter met je?

    Fijn weekend,


  6. I love the Jasminum Sambac Maid of Orleans, the flowers smell awesome. I use the fresh flowers boiled with green tea. The other variety's of Jasminum Sambac are also fragrant, slow growing, edible, and are Summer/Spring bloomers. You can read about the other variety of Jasminum Sambac. The guy that does that site might be able to help you get a hold of specific varieties too.

  7. Oh my friend, I can just smell that gorgeous Jasmin, as I too have the lovely scent of jasmin in my heart, as we had a plant crawling in our bedroom wondow's iron gate, back in our lovely house..huge house, we don't have it anymore since we are empty nesters, lol..
    Dear Mariette, you can't imagine how happy I am the little cup is written in your Dutch language! The owner of the Antique European shop where I buy the European things I love and so does my mom, (obviously, lol)lives in Holland and he shops there and in the rest of Europe for great antiques to send them here. To make the story short, he read it immediatelly and told me what it said, but it was me the one that got confused because he said the china was from Germany, but not what was written in the tea cup!!! I was waiting for you to clear it out to me! I corrected it in my post, so everyone knows that what written there is in Dutch! Thank you for translating it for me.
    I bought gorgeous vintage Dutch blue and white plates for my wall, so I will post later on when I get them up.
    Big hugs,

  8. Finally come from circles to your blog!
    LOVE the fragrance of Jasmine, and once I was given a Chinese (loose leaf)Jasmin tea, I was hooked forever! Beautiful captured by you:)


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