
Saturday, July 16, 2011

{YES, I did find the Italian artist who did my chalk drawing!}

Just wanted to share with you that the Worldwide Web is a marvelous thing! YES, I did find the Italian artist who did my chalk drawing. Just by chance, Iolanda Sotgiu found my post in Italy and she is the sister of the artist, Mirella Sotgiu. Look at my previous post about it below.
Mirella is still painting, you can see some of her oil paintings: quadri ad olio on Iolanda's Facebook, and also on  Youtube: branduardi. Girotondo. quadri ad olio you can see several paintings that Iolanda put on for her. I certainly feel honored for having her work in my living room here in the USA! Oh, her son Luigi is happily married and has a son and daughter. She send me some photos but Luigi does not like to be on social media so we respect that. But it is great to know that all are doing well. SMALL WORLD!
Mirella Sotgiu
Related link:


  1. Du hast recht, liebe Mariette, die Welt ist wirklich klein :-) was für ein schöner Zufall ... darüber kann man sich wirklich sehr freuen ... herzliche Morgengrüße schickt die Rosabella ♥

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    Rosabella hat es treffend formuliert.
    Wir freuen uns mit dir über
    diesen Glücksfall.

    Herzliche Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  3. That is a beautiful chalk drawing. I am in awe of artists who can do such beautiful work. What a gift! Have a wonderful day. Tammy

  4. ..esistono persone con le mani d'oro...stupendo questo ritatto!!! Baci,Anna.

  5. Dearest Mariette
    That is just remarkable! The web is really tremendous for things like that. It seems like a brilliant artist with a great sense of finesse - the drawing is beautiful. I used to do portraits in soft pastels - a medium I really love to use.
    Much love
    from Joan

  6. P.S. Just looking at your facial traits - I wondered if you are born in the astrological sign of leo or aries?
    xo Joan

  7. Mon ami, this is abeautiful what a fabulous treasure. So happy you were able to re-connect with the artist. Wishing you a fabulous week-end..xo Blessings, HHL

  8. the web is amazing for that kind of thing. I love the drawing so much, she's really talented. The colours are so delicate, I would also be happy to have it for years and years on my wall.

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    da hast Du wirklich Glück gehabt.
    Danke für die ganzen Hinweise. Höchst interessant.
    Einen schönen Restsamstag wünscht

  10. Hi Mariette, what a post! I recall very well your previous one, therefore I'm so glad you have been able to pinpoint it at least: it's simply gorgeous as the model!
    Have a blissful weekend, dear.

  11. Hello My Dear Mariette...

    The Internet is, indeed, a marvelous invention!

    Thank you so much for all your visits and comments to my blog.

    Regarding the Tokay geckos, I learned about the possibility of their giving painful bites from written information at the exhibit, itself. It was on the enclosed glass case where they are displayed.

    I don't know too much about geckos, myself, Mariette. Anyway, I'm glad the Tokays you had contact with never bit! ha! Take care and have a wonderful Saturday. Susan p.s. I tried to send this via e-mail but it asked for so much sign-up information, I gave up! Not too techie.

  12. Hello mariette,
    oh, great, that you found Mirella again. I am sure she is happy to get in contact with you again.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  13. Dat is leuk! Mooie tekening!

    Fijne zondag,

    groetjes Janny

  14. Pretty amazing, but then you seem to have a knack for finding people- like the Dutch guy who helped via KLM to get a sister to visit her brother's grave- as she could not afford to fly there- as you wrote on one of your posts- as I seem to remember ( I may have it slightly wrong) you traced him through facebook,I think - thatt was pretty amazing too.
    O, Mariette, I am very sad I have to tell you we had to put our wonderful cat Gibson to sleep.We had no option but to put him to sleep to spare him any further suffering and pain.Did you ever have to make a decision like that? Do you think we have the right to make these decisions ?
    In the end I just wanted him to be OK, - and there was no cure-It's something that leaves you feeling very bad and awful, as surely everyone prefers life to no life.
    O well, sorry about the philosophy lesson and things !!

  15. that portrait is EXQUISITE! You are so beautiful! Gorgeous eyes!

  16. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful drawing of you dear friend, you look beautiful and must be so lovely to have it hanging up.
    So glad that you were able to track down Mirella. Yes, it is a small world and we can be thankful for the Internet in helping us.

    Wishing you a lovely weekend and sending hugs

  17. How beautiful Mariette! And so wonderful that you found the artist ~ very fun. It is indeed a very small world.

    Happy Sunday friend!
    xo Catherine


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