
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Angel's Trumpet}

Already on June 10, Pieter photographed our Brugmansia species 'Angel's Trumpet' with its very first blossoms. Usually they continue to bloom all through summer. This year however, because of the drought, we've waited in vain - nothing has bloomed after these two. Sorry, not much to show but this is it for 2011. We got these beauties from Logee's. This Andean native is sweetly fragrant. Look below post at {Our last Datura Angel's Trumpets and TEA with a Twist} how it looked last year in November!
It becomes a flower within a flower.
Its botanical name is: Datura inoxia var. quinquecuspida. Common names: devil's trumpet, downy thornapple, toloache, angel's trumpet. Family: Solanaceae (nightshade Family).

Related links:
{Our Datura Angel's Trumpets} | previous post by me
BRUGMANSIAS and DATURAS | interesting info!


  1. Che bellezza, sembra abbia dei piccoli tentacoli, delle braccia sinuose che si allungano verso la macchina fotografica!
    Felice giornata...

  2. Wat mooi Mariette....liefs van

  3. Bello,dolce e particolare questo fiore!Baci,Rosetta

  4. You and me both, sadly, then , have not much luck with this stunning plant- aklthough you still have these pictures! I grew mine from seed quite succesfully, byt , having no green house, but a garage with windowns, let them overwinter there.. and out of sight is out of mind.. so my proud Datura's withered away due to lack of water .. so sad.I have seen fabulous " Trees" of these in Germany, and the scent is .. well , it just blows you away! Maybe next year for both of us!!

  5. Ci regali sempre delle meraviglie!! Grazie Mariette, questo fiore non lo avevo mai visto!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  6. Incredible beautiful, didn't know this brugmansia yet. Sorry for not visiting/commenting more often Mariëtte, busy times, but promise I will be back soon!!
    Bisous from Versailles,

  7. Hi Mariette, who expretion beautiful form of nature! orchestrated by God, this class is beautiful! greetings, Rose Marie

  8. Deze bloem is prachtig Mariette, het is een dubbele hè? Ik heb hem eens van papier gemaakt, heel lastig, maar is wél gelukt.

    Groetjes Janny

  9. They are so very pretty and at least they did bloom. We are having dust here again. Boo! Hope your day is good. Tammy

  10. Hello mariette,
    it is truly an Angels trumpet, would love to hear the music that an Angel could make with this blooms. I have a simple pink one. Love the smell.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  11. What an gorgeous flower! It truly deserves its name!

  12. it is still beautiful! I have never seen a flower like that!

    I found out the answer to your question about the adopt-a-thon...(wanted to tell you in case I don't get a chance to update my blog about it)

    They had 104 kitties ADOPTED!!!!

    Isn't that just wonderful!?
    thanks so much for asking!

  13. It is my anniversary today - 31 years, and your beautiful flowers made my day. Thank you.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  14. Dear Mariette, You Angel's Trumpet is absolutely gorgeous. Mine has not bloomed at all. So many things in my garden have not bloomed this year. It would take two hands to name them all. I have a neighbor who has a large one that blooms til frost. Alas, it did not bloom this year.
    I am so glad that you have these two beautiful blooms. This year, we have to get out there and get pics to enjoy later.
    Have a great day.
    Love to You,


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