
Monday, August 8, 2011

{Black Mission Figs in our Food Dehydrator}

With the downfall of the economy, we ought to preserve in a smarter way. When fruits and veggies are on sale, or if they are yielding in your garden. We have done so for several years, using our 9-Tray Large-Excalibur with 26 hour Timer. Look here: 9-tray Excalibur. Not only available for the USA but also International. I can only highly recommend this as it works great. Let me show you ours with the Black Mission figs. Pieter has cut them in half and than just filled up the racks and put the timer on. Easy job! I made some fig cakes in the kitchen meanwhile...
Due to the drought this year, our Black Mission figs were rather small, compared to previous years.
Very easy system and depending on how much you want to dehydrate, you get 9 drawers in total.
Some fresh Black Mission figs and already dehydrated ones.
This year did not yield enough for filling up my large Italian canning jar...
I've made some special fig cakes too; will show you that later.
Did transfer them to this round Italian jar from Firenze and it filled up!
Are you also preserving some of your fruits this way? Apples, pears or e.g. mangoes that are on sale?

In the afternoon we usually have our tea with some dried fruits and nuts as a healthy snack.


  1. Dear Mariette,
    you are so clever. That is a ingenious idea to dry fruits in a dehydrator. I have a smaller one and use it every year. I dry my herbs from the garden like thyme, oregano and savory. I dry mushrooms from the forest. And I dry all fruits, which are too much to can. And right, they are the best snacks for breakfast or tea.What a pity that my fig tree died.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Bella l'idea di essiccare i frutti!! Io devo fare i fichi caramellati e ho appena finito di fare la marmellata di avessi quella macchina potrei essiccare anch'io un pò di frutta come scorta!! Il traduttore ora funziona!!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  3. Great and very taste idea, I lake it!

    Have a nice week, kisses:)

  4. Ziet er ingenieus uit! Ik ben dit jaar begonnen met 't zelf maken van jam: heerlijk! Groetjes, Inge

  5. Oh, yes we hear your country's economy is not in so much of a good condition and "yen" got high now.
    black fig... I've never seen black one. Do they have different taste from our radish one? I reminisce my neighbor sometimes gave us some from her tree when little, and I loved them♡♡♡
    Drying♬♬♬ Good idea, isn't it.

    PS> Thank you for your kind comment. Did I miss your precious long one? I am SO greatful for your thought.

    Lots of love and Hugs xoxo, Orchid.

  6. One of my favorite snacks is dried figs, peanuts and green tea. Yummo! How wonderful that you are able to dehydrate your own fruits. Looks like a great machine. Enjoy! Best wishes, Tammy

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    Ich liebe Feigen, aber besonders die frischen. Bei uns sind sie noch nicht reiff, aber vielleicht sind es auch keine Black Mission Feigen. In Deutschland hatte ich nur die getrockneted gekosted aber die frischen sind was himmlisches ;-)

    My dad is a carpenter and he once converted a Wardrobe/Schrank that they were no longer using into a fruit dehydrator. No clue how he did it, but he dehydrated all kinds of fruits...I never used one before. I would imagine it's healthier too if you make your own so you don't have to use so many additives, right? It's usually healthier to eat homemade.

    Have a wonderful week und bis bald. Auf Wiederschreiben LOL
    Viele Gruesse von Doris und Gizzy :-)

  8. Dear Mariette,
    Your country's economy is affect in our country and all share had tumble down that we had before and it almost every ten years of off and on happening.
    My thought was you need to except lived in the tough times.
    In country like in Japan that we used to everything make dry to eat and we don't throw away a foods.
    I loved dry fruit there has more test in some fruit.
    My favorite is dry persimmons.
    Have a great day.

  9. I've never tried to dry fruit before but that is a very handy machine you have Mariette.

    I'm still trying to figure out how to 'keep' a bit of summer for winter. I wonder if it would fit in your fancy machine??!! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely week friend!
    xo Catherine

  10. I absolutely love figs. Since my dad is from southern Italy (where we have the olive farm), we also have many fig trees. We always have SO much that we sundried them between nets in the summer sun. I actually still have some from last year...better go eat them before the new batch


Thanks for your visit and comment.
