
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

{“A Blogger I Admire” - Doris Plaster from Hold my Hand}

On July 29 my dear friend Doris Plaser from the blog Hold my Hand wrote a post about her FIRST book release. Her book is available at Amazon. I pride myself for owning a signed copy. Doris and I go back quite some time as she's one of my early followers on Blogger. We both have written briefly for Lookville but that was not to our liking. The language used there is by far not at the level we find here on Blogger. Let me show you my personal copy...
Sweet Doris, thank you ever so much for your personal message inside; I will treasure that forever!
I have placed my Giovanni Raspini & Co silver alphabet angels from my on line boutique Spectrenoir, on the book; spelling out Doris' name... 
Yes, Doris is a native of Colombia and therefore it is even more of an accomplishment to do this in a second language! How many never even publish a book in their 'mother tongue'?
Truly "A Blogger I Admire!!!"

You should also read Doris' story that explains the title of her blog: Hold my Hand. Click My Patient, my Hero.
So now you have an idea for your early Christmas shopping...


  1. Dear Mariette,

    Many thanks for sharing the review and introducing us, to your friend Doris.
    With an aging population, Rest Homes are such a great place, where people can have the care and be in a safe place, what they need. I will look out for this book.
    Sorry about the delay in my post, could not get the link to work, for my daughters photos, ( ninny I am and was not doing it in HTML ) thanks for the visit and should be
    there now.

    Have a wonderful week

  2. Dankjewel nog voor de link naar Doris' blog die je me eerder stuurde!

  3. Oh my goodness, Mariette, what a surprise! You are too kind to me. I am blessed with your friendship, and all I have learned from you and Pieter.



  4. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    deine Buchvorstellung hört sich ja sehr interessant an und weckt mein Interesse!!
    Danke Dir meine Liebe für deine lieben Kommentare.
    Ja über den Spiegel von Sigrid habe ich mich riesig gefreut, das kannst Du mir glauben lach!!
    Das mit den kleinen Bildern in ihrem Shop hat mich auch gestört, da man die Sachen nicht genauer betrachten kann. So dachte ich auch der Spiegel wäre viel kleiner!!
    Ich wünsche Dir eine schöne entspannte Woche, Sonne brauche ich Dir ja nicht zu wünschen nicht wahr :))
    sei lieb gegrüßt von

  5. This looks like a truly beautiful book Mariette! Congratulations to your friend for getting published.
    xo Catherine

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das Buch ist sicherlich sehr interessant. Überall werden die Menschen immer älter und wünschen sich auch im Alter eine hohe Lebensqualität. Deine Begeisterung über das Buch ist richtig ansteckend.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  7. What a thoughtful and lovely present you received - sounds like a good book!

  8. Congratulations to your friend Doris on the release of her first book! It looks lovely!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
