
Friday, August 5, 2011

{Childhood Memories - Rainier Cherries}

On July 1, I did write the blog Nature's Candy - Sweet Cherries in which I also mentioned 'Spekkersen' yellow Ranier cherries with a red blush. That was one of the three varieties my Dad had in his garden. On Tuesday, when we went shopping in Atlanta I found my 'Childhood Memories - Rainier Cherries' at Trader Joe's. That made me very happy and of course they went home with us in the cool box!
Rainier Cherries with a blush. My childhood 'Spekkersen'...
Shown here in a yellow/white French Pillivuyt bowl.
From Trader Joe's comes this delicious product grown in the State of Washington
You noticed the condense on those cherries? Look what the difference was between the fridge and our outside temperature where I took the photos in our gazebo...
At 2:50 PM it was 36°C and RealFeel®: 45°C
Cherries are 'Nature's Candy' and just yummy!
What is your favorite fruit on hot summer afternoons?
Do you have some childhood memories that are fruit related?
Love to hear them...


  1. Looks so delicious! I like to eat cherries on picnics, really cold from the cooler. Your pictures are making me hungry! We had a cherry tree and would make cherry cobbler. I'm going to have to get busy this week and make one. Happy Summer!

  2. Cara Mariette,questo tipo di ciliegie,si trovano in collina dalle mie parti,nel mese di maggio e giugno!Baci,Rosetta

  3. Yes, I remember your post about your memories of Cherries. How GORGEOUS and DELICIOUS looking Rainier Cherries they are!!!
    Lovely pink color, don't they have♪♪♪
    Happy for your finding, Orchid.

  4. We don't get those kinds of cherries here. Only the really dark ones. Since I grew up in the South, watermelon was always a big thing ... with salt of course. :) Have a fabulous Friday! Tammy

  5. And figs! I love figs. Our neighbor in Mississippi had a tree and we used to go sneak a few fresh figs. My Mammaw made the best fig preserves eaten on yummy homemade biscuits. Delish!

  6. Gorgeous colours, but I have to admit I have never had them.Are they as sweet as the dark red cherries ? I will never know :-))
    Thank you for all your lovely comments, and what a good idea to put the facebook page link on, so people can link to the pictures of Maud and Millie on the Country Living Facebook page. I have now put the link on - should have thought about it !!

  7. ciao mariette, che bei colori!!!!!!!!! amo le ciliegie.....un abbraccio grande grande lory

  8. Hallo Mariette,
    die gelben Kirschen sehen ja paradisisch schön aus. Ich kenne sie leider auch nicht, nur Mirabellen, aber das ist ja etwas anderes. Mein Lieblingsobst als Kind waren Bananen (kleingedrückt mit Kondensmilch) LOL.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. Cherries, deep dark black/red Bings are my absolute favorite. I almost can't stop eating them! The Rainier are good too. xo,

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    diese Art von Kirschen findet man bei uns gar nicht mehr. Ich entsinne mich, dass mein Großvater einen solchen Baum in seinem Garten stehen hatte. Sie sind knackig und schmecken paradiesisch gut.
    Liebe Abendgrüße sendet dir

  11. Oh wat grappig, ik heb ze in de tuin en half juni waren ze al rijp!
    Fruit uit mijn jeugd? Ik herinner mij de vele stalletjes langs de provinciale weg in Frankrijk met kersen, perziken ook druiven als we op vakantie gingen. En ook de kersen in de Betuwe.

    Groetjes Janny

  12. My husband is a huge cherry lover. He eats them nearly every day when they're in season. He usually goes for the dark red ones.

    I grew up in Las Vegas mostly where there's barely an agriculture to speak of. But when I was 10, we moved to Massachusetts for the summer. We lived in a summer rental house by a lake and I used to spend my days,either alone picking blueberries in the woods or fishing with newly made friends. It truly was the best summer of my childhood.

    Have a wonderful Friday! xo, A

  13. Bonjour dear Mariette,
    So glad you are featuring delicious Rainier cherries on your blog today. We are lucky, here in Seattle, to get them early in the season. Thanks to my favorite grocery store (Trader Joes), it looks like you got them also! I love how plump and "craquantes" they are, not soft or mushy like so many other cherries. In France, my favorite cherries are the Montmorency type, grown in the Paris area. Love their sweet taste. My mom makes the best cherry clafoutis ever! A bientot! Veronique aka French Girl in Seattle

  14. liebe mariette,

    ich habe noch NIE solche kirschen gesehen, im ersten moment habe ich gedacht, es sind unreife! wie die wohl schmecken.... ?! :-)

    die lebenslinien des fußes zu zählen, das wäre mal etwas anderes! ;-) gute idee!!

    hab einen wunderschönen abend und ein angenehmes wochenende!

  15. Bonsoir ~ Okay then! I read your post and just had to run over to town and get some. You are right, they are so delicious! As usual, I can't stop at 2 dozen, so had 3! Hmm... hope tomorrow that I am still happy I read your post!LOL! Have a lovely weekend Mon Ami ~ Chelle


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