
Thursday, August 25, 2011

{Green Pecans for Georgian Nocino Liqueur}

One week ago, on Thursday August 18, dear friend Bea wrote a post on her Modern Country Lady blog about Green Walnut Liqueur (see: Green walnut liqueur). Living in the Southeast of the USA, naturally we have NO  walnuts but we got PECANS and even in our own garden! So I did try my luck and made us some Green Pecan Liqueur - the Georgian version for the Italian Nocino Liqueur. So in a couple of months we will try it, drizzled over some ice cream for dessert and let you know! Recipe below this photo...
25 - 30 green pecans (or walnuts for the northern regions)
¾ liter Brandy
600 g sugar
1 cinnamon stick
6 cloves
1 vanilla bean
zest of 1 lemon
Wash your green pecans (walnuts) and wear gloves and make sure that you don't stain your cutting surface with the nuts.
Use a glass bowl (because the nuts will stain other surfaces) to pour the brandy with the sugar. 
Add the zest of one lemon, the cloves and split the vanilla been lengthwise with a paring knife. You can scrape the seeds down from both sides and cut the pod in half and add as well.
Stir well till the sugar more or less has dissolved.
Now put the green pecan parts into a clean glass bottle you prepared for this recipe.
Pour the brandy and spice mixture over the nuts and shake well to blend.
Leave for at least one month and shake in-between, making sure that all sugar has dissolved.
Then you strain the mixture into bottles and leave it for six more weeks.
Ready in time for the holidays!
In Italy, Nocino is used as a digestive. You can also drizzle it over ice cream or use it in custards with cake.

Sadly the result was not what we expected it to be; way too bitter...


  1. Dearest Mariette,

    what a nice recipe! Sounds delicious!
    And your Photos are great!
    I'm sure you will enjoy the Liquer!
    We made it with green walmnts a few years ago and it was lovely!

    have a great day,
    sending love and hugs,

  2. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful your liqueur will be and many thanks for sharing the recipe.
    Will try this one day as we often have lots of walnuts.
    Please tell us what it is like when you try it.

    Have a happy day

  3. Ziet er lekker uit, Mariette!
    Alleen ben ik niet zo van de alcohol, ik geef er echt niks om.
    Fijne dag wenst je,

  4. wow... that`s medicine, isn`t it?! ;-)

    greetings from (hot) austria!

  5. Ohhhh .. this sounds fabulous ... and what a wonderful treat to serve to family and friends over the holidays .. thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe ... blessings.. xo HHL

  6. Dear Mariette what a nice recipe! Looks soo delicious, I alke it!

    Nice weekend, kisses:)

  7. Lieve Mariette,

    Je likeur klinkt goed! Ik ben heel benieuwd naar het uiteindelijke resultaat over een half jaar. Wat een genot om bomen met pecannoten in jullie tuin te hebben. Al dat lekkerre gebak dat je ermee kunt maken........Het water loopt mij in de mond...

    Een gezellige dag!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  8. Yummo! I bet that is gonna be good! My Mammaw had a pecan tree in her front yard in Mississippi and always had ziplock bags of pecans in her freezer. They were sooooo good! Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  9. Ben benieuwd naar het eindresultaat. Ik kan he-le-maal NIET tegen alcohol :( Na 1 wijntje tolt het in mijn hoofd en krijg ik de slappe lach......
    Succes met je brouwsel.
    Groetjes Bianca

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    das Rezept für den Likör hört sich gut an. Ich habe es kopiert und werde es mit Walnüssen versuchen.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht

  11. Hallo Mariette,
    du bist so clever. Das gwird bestimmt auch mit Pecan Nüssen lecker. Unsere Walnüsse sind dieses jahr schon fast reif. Ich werde das Rezept nächstes Jahr versuchen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Hello Mariette,
    That looks refreshing and delicious,thnks for sharing it.



  13. Dear Mariette,

    That looks delightful..hmmm... salud!

    (((( Hugs to you and Pieter )))))


  14. I wonder why the nuts have to be green? I'm not a big fan of pecans (not being from the South) but I do love Walnuts, but the chances of me finding green walnuts here is 0:0

    It does sound good over vanilla ice cream ;-) Curious to see how it turns out.

    Have a lovely Friday,
    Doris and Gizzy :-)

  15. I used to live in northern Italy and used to make nocino. I now live in Texas and make Pecancino. Here's my recipe.
    One bottle of everclear 40 green cut in half pecans, a cinnamon stick, three star anise, a nutmeg, 8 cloves and half a lemon. Put in a glass jar that can be sealed. Shake for 40 days. Strain and add a bottle of sweet white wine and a simple syrup made with 4 cups of water and 3 1)2 cups of sugar. Bottle it up and you drink it as a digestive one year later.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
