
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

{2004 Hurricane Francis - Our Garden Before and After}

  • On September 7 of 2004, Hurricane Francis did 'visit' us briefly... and things never looked the same in our garden. 
  • Our triple stem River Birch got severely damaged and had to be cut down. Sad to see them go down that way by brutal force!

  • This photo is taken from our balcony, before Francis did strike us...
  • The sky looks 'pregnant' (zwangere lucht) and the water is about to break.

  • There goes our 13 year old river birch with its unusual triple stem.

  • Deadly wounded so Pieter had to put it out of its misery...
  • What a green grass we had then! Now it is all dead, like in winter time.
Related link:
{Our Damage from Tornado spin off of Hurricane Earl, 2003} | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    liebe Grüße von unserem Besuch bei dir

    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. Hallo Mariette,
    unglaublich, welche starken kräfte die Hurricans haben. Wir kennen das ja nur aus dem Fernsehen. Schade um die schöne Birke, aber es wurde wieder Platz für etwas Neues. Hauptsache, das Haus und die Menschen/Katzen kamen nicht zu Schaden.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  3. Ein wahnsinn, was die Natur alles zu stande bringt, Schönheiten und Katastrophen!

    Aber Euer Garten hat sich gut Erholt, wie man sieht. Ist das wirklich alles Euer Garten, sieht mehr wie ein Park aus ;-)
    Da komme ich mit meinem 400qm Schrebergarten nicht an *lach*

    LG Lea

  4. Che orrore che sono questi uragani!Baci,Rosetta

  5. Nature certainly has two sides ... it can give and take equally. I hope you stay safe and no hurricanes, storms, etc. come your way. Your gardens are most beautiful ... you and Pieter have worked so hard on giving nature a little helping hand , may it not be disturb.. so that it can be enjoyed by many for decades to come!! Wishing you a tres beautiful day ... Blessings, xo HHL

  6. che peccato per le tue piante!!!!!!!!!!1 deve essere terribile...un abbraccio grande lory

  7. Ja vreselijk als je ziet wat die stormen kunnen aanrichten!
    Fijne dag wenst je,

  8. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat ontzettend zonde van zo'n prachtige oude boom!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  9. Dear Mariette,
    What furry Mother Nature can show! The before and after pics are incredible. So sorry you lost your gorgeous tree. Seven years have come and gone and lots of bad weather in between. So thankful for the pretty days when we get them. Our heat is a bit cooler and for that we are so thankful, but you can smell the burning wildfires here in Texas all around. So many have lost everything. It is not near us, but you can catch the scent in the air which is a reminder that people are suffering. Prayers for all.

    Happy Fall sweet friend.
    Love, Celestina Marie

  10. Mother Nature can really unleash her fury.......I am hoping she calms down somewhat, as we have had a heck of a summer, with earthquake, hurricane,
    tropical storms, torrential rains from the effects of the TS, drought, raging wildfires due to that lack of rain.....:( xo

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    es ist schrecklich anzuschauen, was die Hurrikans anrichten. Wir können uns die Gewalt nicht vorstellen, hier bei uns in Deutschland.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  12. Thankfully it was a tree that didn't cause damage to anything. Very strange about that butterfly in your previous post. Hope your day is good. We had Open House at school this evening so didn't get home until 9 pm. It's definitely time to hit the hay. best wishes, Tammy

  13. Only God can make a tree! I know that you and Pieter are good stewards and that was indeed a loss.
    We are in the browns also. We are watering tonight. It is not the same as rain.
    Have a great weekend.


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