
Thursday, September 8, 2011

{Lepiota rhacoides - the Shaggy Parasol}

These Lepiota rhacoides - Shaggy Parasol mushrooms did grow in our garden after some rain in July and early August.
When the Lepiota species are growing, its scales on the cap are the result of its cap expansion causing the surface tissue to crack.
As Pieter always used to say if he got questioned about a certain species being edible or not:
'You can eat them ALL - some of them only once...'
Therefore we never take the risk as they often look alike and they can easily be mistaken for the wrong ones. Annually there are quite a number of death because of this.
Our advice is to buy them and only eat the commercially grown varieties.



  1. Beautiful and nteresting mushroom dear Mariette!

    Have anice weekend, kisses:)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    Very Beautiful, clear pictures as usual!!!
    Oh, as you say we hear few case of death in Japan. Precaution may be better even though yours look so pretty.

    Hope you are doing fine, from Japan. Orchid*

  3. I had not realized the reason for the broken, shaggy top. Having read this, Mariette, it all makes scene. It's as though they were stretching out of their skin.


  4. Liebe Mariette,

    deine Aufnahmen der Pilze sehen wirklich traumhaft schön aus.

    Ich würde sie als wahre "Prachtexemplare" bezeichnen.

    Herzliche Grüße,

  5. Hallo Mariette,
    wir sammeln gerne Pilze. Ähnlich, wie bei Pflanzen, muss man sie nur richtig kennen und lieber ein untypisches Exemplar stehen lassen. Viele Verwechslungen kommen hier vor, weil Menschen aus dem Süden zuhause den roh giftigen Perlpilz (Amanita rubescens) sammeln, den es hier kaum gibt. Sie verwechseln den dann mit unserem tödlichen Knollenblätterpilz. Dein Parasol-Pilz ist ein Musterexemplar. Wir haben junge Parasole in Butter gebraten. Die älteren Exemplare sind kein wirklicher Genuß mehr. Sie sind auch viel zu schön zum Essen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  6. Pieter is very funny....and very wise! I will think about that line everytime I see a mushroom from now on!


  7. These photos captured the detail of the mushroom beautifully. I love Pieter's witty response ... wishing you a fabulous day!! xo HHL

  8. These photos captured the detail of the mushroom beautifully. I love Pieter's witty response ... wishing you a fabulous day!! xo HHL

  9. Quanti funghi Mariette...e che belli!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  10. Mariette, that has to be the prettiest mushroom I have ever seen! As you said, I wouldn't take a chance on eating it. But the shape is so lovely. xo,

  11. Tolle Aufnahme, liebe Mariette! Ich traue mich immer nicht, Champignonähnliche Pilze zu sammeln, zumal mal sie leicht mit dem giftigen Knollenblätterpilz verwechseln kann. Sie stehen manchmal nahe beieinander und man muß schon hochkonzentriert sein und bleiben, um nicht einen folgenschweren Fehler zu machen.

    Am besten untersucht man die Sporen mit einem Mikroskop, aber das wäre mir denn doch zuaufwändig.

    Aber ich schaue mir die Pilze immer sehr gerne im Wald, in der Natur an.

    Liebe Grüße

  12. they make for lovely photos, but yes, i'd avoid trying them for food! :)

  13. Hi lovely lady.
    I love all your beautiful photos!!
    I also avoid trying them for food. you never know about a good one and a bad ones.
    XXOO Diane

  14. WOOOOW so big!
    It looks very Beautiful.


  15. What a beautiful mushroom (never thought I'd type that sentence). We have some poisonous varieties around here. Every so often we hear about people having liver failure from them, some do not survive.

    Hoping you are well. xo

  16. How wonderful these mushrooms! I love to see them in the fields in the country...never sooo BIG! Great photos dear Mariette! I've always been a follower and thank you for the chance on the beautiful Victoria book. Have a nice weekend.
    Hugs, FABBY

  17. Hi, I love those little parasol mushrooms. I expect to see a wee fairy peeking from behind. Tell Pieter that I love a man with humor. The reply regarding the consumption of mushrooms is classic. If not it will be.
    Mariette, I thought of you when I did the shrub post. I just knew that title would draw you in. Bob is still shaking his head.
    I wasn't trying to play a joke on him. I just put them there to dry.
    Love to you and Pieter,

  18. Hi Mariette! Wow, so glad you came by right away! Thank you so much for your lovely and generous comments! I did clic on your button for the give away, I saw it at Johanna's, Silver and Rosen. I am a follower of yours too, as I don't want to loose you either, I love friends from all over and it's been so great meeting you! Love,

  19. OMG .. These mushrooms are beautiful ... I have quite a variety of mushrooms growing in my yard ... 3 different species and am trying to get good pictures of them for identification purposed..however they are certainly not as lovely as yours.. thank you for sharing ...HUGS

  20. Wat een prachtige foto's heb je van deze paddestoel gemaakt.
    We zijn op vakantie geweest, een cruise, en we zaten aan tafel met 2 Amerikaanse dames, en moest gelijk aan je postje denken waarin je beschrijft dat jij Amerikanen 'netjes' leert eten...zij aten ook niet met mes en vork....


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