
Thursday, September 29, 2011

{Edible Agaricus Campestris or Meadow Mushroom}

On August 3, Pieter did make these great pictures of some edible Agaricus campestris in our garden. They are also called field or meadow mushroom. They are closely related to the cultivated white button mushrooms or Agaricus bisporus. You CAN eat them, no problem whatsoever. They eventually will open up as they grow older, just as the white button mushrooms will do. Or any brown variety of course.

Related article:
Modern Mushroom Growing by P.J.C. Vedder (my husband Pieter...)


  1. Hallo Mariette,
    das ist ja ein Prachtkerlchen. Ich liebe Champignons, aber nachdem es die so einfach zu kaufen gibt (ohne Verwechslungsgefahren) brauche ich mich nicht mehr auf die Suche machen. Dieser Champignonkönig gab sich sicher die Ehre, weil er wußte, dass ihr ihn würdigen konntet.

    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  2. You're lucky to have fresh mushrooms direct from your own garden!
    Have a good weekend Mariette! ;-)

  3. Such beautiful pictures. I love mushrooms. Back in Ukraine, we went mushroom picking each autumn. That was so much fun.


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