
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

{Naughty Feline}

Our youngest feline girl, Spicy III, is a naughty one. It took us a while before figuring out that she was very active at night, unloading the shelves of our built-in closets. I already pondered about the fact why suddenly a pile of sweaters was on the floor... Did someone leave the bi-fold doors open? Pieter and I always closed them. So one night, I woke up because I did hear a noise... When I went after the noise, I found this little 'Devilette' on her side, poking with one paw under the bi-fold door until it would actually fold up and she could get in and start her night shift job! WOW... what to do now?! Below you will see the solution as to what we came up with in order to prevent her from repeating her plan again. That is, we did alter five bi-fold doors of all closets, so she no longer can get in. I still woke up hearing her trying to jam the doors open but her muscle power could no longer do it...
She looks like an angel but she is a real 'Devilette'...
This used to be her night time job area...
She worked very hard at unloading those shelves...
Handyman Pieter did make this kind of lock on the inside but that worked only for half of the bi-fold. There was no way to get into the closet for reaching the second one. So he put his thinking-cap on and came up with this...
Drilling holes into the bi-fold doors and adding a simple hook like this...
Problem solved!

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  1. Liebe Mariette ,das kenne ich auch .Unsere Emma ist immer sooooo lieb ,aber im Moment meine ich ,ein kleiner Teufel läuft hier rum .sie ist aufsessig ,macht sich bemerkbar in dem sie etwas runter schmeißt .Sie bekommt alle Streicheleinheiten der Welt .Weiß der Teufel was mit ihr los ist .Lg Ina

  2. Dearest Mariette, I was laughing when I saw this post about your little Devilette :O))) .... I guess, sometimes they are looking for attention ;O) But it looks like your Husband solved the problem now ;O)

    Have a lovely day,
    sending love and hugs

  3. Awww... You are clever, Mariette, but she is so cute! Are you sure you can't leave one of the closets unlocked just for her? She would feel so happy and resourceful when the door finally opens ;-) Thank you for my subscription by the way. I love it! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  4. Per fortuna avete trovato un rimedio, simpaticissimo il tuo "diavoletto"!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bacioni, Anna.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    da hat dein lieber Mann aber eine wunderschöne Lösung für euer Problem gezaubert.

    Ja, die lieben Tiere können manchmal ganz schön nervig sein.

    Vielleicht liegt es ja an der Jahreszeit "Herbst" und ihre Hormone spielen verrückt!

    Ich wünsche dir einen wundervollen Mittwoch und sende herzlichste Grüße.

  6. That cat sure has a cute face,
    I love cats too but their shedding hairs are driving me crazy.
    Three cats in my flat...
    I think your cat just wants a nice warm place to sleep among your cuddly soft jumpers.

  7. Hallo Mariette,
    die Devilette ist aber eine ganz Süße. Und ich mag es gerne, wenn Tiere eigene Ideen verfolgen. Wenn du ihr das Pulloverfach nicht überlassen willst, habe ich dafür wirklich Verständnis. Aber vielleicht kannst du mit einem alten Pullover (vorzugsweise Kaschmir, *lach) für sie eine private Kiste machen, wo sie sich zurückziehen kann. Denn draußen wird es jetzt immer kälter. Auch Wiski möchte jetzt verstärkt nachts hier schlafen.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. She has so gentle face and it hard to believed in that she became a little devil's:-)
    It is pity that you can't talk to her?
    I wondering how she does in night time after your husband had closed the door..
    I guess she might look for another place:-)

  9. We have a little "Tuxie" like that. His name is MAX & aptly named as he is almost always on Maximum!!
    p.s. Don'tcha' just love 'em??!!

  10. Hi!
    That was a god soulution to your problem, smetimes the esiest is the best.
    Hug Anna
    (bad at spelling in english, hope you can read it)

  11. That is absolutely hilarious! Hubby brought home a box of dates the other nite and put them on the dining table. The next day, the lid was still on the box, but we found a date on the floor. Jingles loves dates -- so we can only figure that she must have flipped it up just enough to get one out for a midnite snack. Ha! Great fix for the bi-fold. Poor kitty. Now what will she do to entertain herself? Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  12. Hi Mariette,

    Wat hebben jullie een ondeugende kat! Als je zo naar haar foto's kijkt zou je dat inderdaad niet van haar verwachten :-). Ze heeft ook een prachtige naam!

    Een gezellige dag!

    Madelief x

  13. Cats can surprise you with the silliness they can come up with- you always have to be one step ahead of them......:-))

  14. Dearest Mariette
    Each cat is a "one-man-show" and will entertain us in so many ways. They are never boring are they :-) Clever Pieter, but what will the little Devilette be up to instead?!? She looks just GORGEOUS - angelic in fact, lol!
    Much love fromm Joan

  15. Awwww how cute is Spicy III!! Having image of her trying to open the closet and unload the shelves made me smile big! She sure is Devilette but really cute Devilette :-)

  16. Hi Mariette,
    Oh what a delightful post. I can just envision the mischief going on in your closet. LOL You have to smile at how smart your little feline is. She is precious. Just look at that sweet face. Looks like you solved the problem with the hook. She will have to look for some more trouble to get into to keep you busy!! LOL

    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  17. Dearest Mariette,

    Oh how sweet your Spicy lll is! going by the look on her face you would not think she would have done that.
    Now what will she do for fun at night?
    Good way of solving the problem.

    Hope you are having a lovely week


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