
Saturday, September 3, 2011

{Il Divo - Amazing Grace + Personal}

One of my favorite groups is Il Divo; 'divine male performer' in Italian. This operatic quartet of four male can really sing! The Spanish baritone Carlos Marín (my favorite!), Swiss tenor Urs Bühler, American tenor David Miller and French pop singer Sébastien Izambard. So which one is YOUR favorite of these four? Let me know...

For me this day is certainly Amazing Grace as it is exactly one year since Pieter had his successful open heart surgery...


  1. Liebe Mariette oh ja ich liebe sie auch,wunderschöne Stimmen und sehr symphatische Leute,wunderschön ich habe schon 3Cd es werden aber sicher nicht die letzten sein,weißt du mein liebstes Lied ist* Halleluja* bitte höre dir dieses Lied an,es ist ein Traum so schön,ich liebe es.Liebe Grüße von Edith.

  2. Oh, Dear Mariette.
    I have heard of them singing once in the morning-show. Sure DIVINE voices they have☆☆☆
    And surprised to hear your husband's surgery!!! (if I missed to remember, SO SORRY)
    Happy for both of you that he is doing fine!!!
    Lots of love and Hugs xoxo, Orchid

  3. Sure I like them Mariette! It is all my style. I like that spanish tenor most, than the American! And the french guy most good looking hihi!
    I missed them in Paris but when they come again I will go! What about Pavarotti? I heard him twice in Holland! So beautiful.
    Did you get my rose????

    Lots of love Janny.

  4. Oh yes!! They are most wonderful - I have a cd my mother gifted to me one year... and I love listening to it on a Sunday afternoon with our tea. I must get it out - I haven't listen to it in a while.

    Pieter, I'm so happy that all went well and you have made wonderful strides in recovery. Many blessings to you and our dear Mariette.

    Happy Labour Day my friends..XO C.


  5. Pieter, Congratulations on your milestone and continued good health. God be with you.
    May each of your days be filled with His continued Amazing Grace.
    Have a restful holiday.

  6. Beautiful voices, and congrats to your husband on his special anniversary. Continued good health. Blessings to both of you, xo

  7. Oh I love them! I read about each one of them when I first found out about these handsome men. Carlos is my favorite... charming, and with that beautiful voice that makes my heart beat faster! :-))

    What a sweet way to celebrate Pieter's recovery. He is a good-hearted man!


  8. Fabulous! And congratulations on Pieter's health! Have a wonderful weekend with all your felines , in your wonderful and stunning garden :-)
    Much love

  9. This post reminds of the first time I visited my late inlaws. My mother in law had a wall in their living room dedicated to Placido Domingo - she was a real dedicated fan and thought he was a God :-) We all had a sweet laugh together as it was evident my father in law had stark competition. Anyhow, Il Divo do have divine voices and Amazing Grace is one of my all time favorite songs (and so very pleased to hear of your special attribution of this song).
    Lot's of love
    from Joan

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich, dich hier zu besuchen.

    Liebe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  11. I'm sure I've heard them singing but never paid attention to each of them. I should! Loved the video - their voice is amazing! Happy one year from Pieter's successful surgery :-) I hope all the health and happy weekend!

  12. °º♫
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.
    Olá, amiga!
    Passei para desejar um bom fim de semana.
    Um abraço para Pieter e muita saúde para vocês.

    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  13. I love them ALL!!

    They are fabulous!

    Leave it to Simon Cowell to discover them!

  14. Dearest Mariette,

    IL DIVO ... thoses voices are so wonderful, I always love to hear them and I can*t tell you, who I like most. It's all voices together, what make me feel great ....

    For Peter I send all my best wishes and healthiness after such a big surgery! But with such a great woman on his side ..... :O)

    Have a lovely week,
    sending love and hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
