
Sunday, September 4, 2011


Another species of mushrooms in our garden; Marasmius sp.
This is one of the smaller species...

Blogger friend in Canada, who has a far better picture of a Marasmius: "Parasols"

Marasmius is also shown here in another post: {The Most Dangerous Mushroom: The Death Cap, Amanita phalloides}


  1. These look so pretty Mariette, almost like little flower heads stretching through the undergrowth.
    We have had such a wet summer here, that fungus of all shapes and sizes is popping-up everywhere. Though I have not seen anything like this. Do you suppose it is edible?

  2. Hoiiii...vermaken jullie je een beetje...???...liefs van

  3. i love the papery undersides of these. :)

  4. It's amazing what pops up across the property .. we have some interesting , shapes, colours and sizes ~ coming to life here.

    So happy that your journey over the week-end was guided by the Angels of travel. Happy week-end to you and Pieter ..xo HHL

  5. What terrific photos. This is my first visit to your blog so I've taken some extra time to browse through your earlier posts. I'm really glad I did that. You've created a lovely spot for your readers to visit and I enjoyed the time I spent here. I'll definitely be back. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  6. Ik geloof jullie hebben nu vakantie toch? Fijne vakantie dan en mooie plaatjes van de paddestoelen!

  7. Sei una vera botanica!
    Un abbraccio...

  8. Hallo Mariette,
    du und Pieter, ihr habt "Pilzaugen", wie man bei uns sagt, wenn jemand überall die Pilze findet. Kein Wunder, bei eurer beruflichen Verbindung zu Pilzen. Ich fruee mich schon, wenn es bei uns wieder losgeht.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  9. Lieve Mariette,

    Zelfs bij jullie in Georgia doet de herfst al een klein beetje zijn intrede. Mooi al die paddestoelen. Wij hebben een prachtig weekend achter de rug, maar je merkt toch dat langzaamaan de herfst dichterbij komt.

    Een fijne zondag!

    Madelief x

  10. It's amazing how mushrooms can just pop up over night. We saw so many last year while in Michigan. How was the wedding? Hope all is well. Best wishes, Tammy PS I love Il Divo :)

  11. Hello! My first visit, will visit you again. Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts.Great photos! Congrats for your work. If you wish to follow back that would be great I'm at
    Thanks for sharing!

  12. Komt vast dat we allebei dit weekend bruiloft hadden twee dagen...het was geweldig !!! echt !!!....superrr feest !

  13. Che bello!!! Anche i funghi hai!!? Un abbraccio,Anna.

  14. Liebe Mariette ,diese Winzlinge kenne ich gar nicht .Sehen schön aus .Ich gucke sie mir gerne an ,aber sammeln und essen ,das würde ich mich nicht trauen .LG Ina

  15. Dear Mariette,
    Oh, how interesting☆☆☆
    I also wondered they are edible or not.
    It is always like you have a magical garden. OH, through your HARD labors!!!
    Hugs xoxo, Orchid

  16. Thanks for the identification, Mariette, and the link! :-)


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