
Friday, September 16, 2011

{Our Mail got Misssent to one of 10 other Dublins}

When we just had immigrated on August 29 of 1983, most of the mail from our loved ones traveled quite some time before finally ending up in our mail box! Let's have a look at the total of 11 Dublins in the world. Maybe I have overlooked one, so please let me know. But yes, Mom's letters came in with all those stamps on the back that read: Misssent to Dublin, Ireland. Next was a stamp from Dublin, California and Ohio... Did you all know that there were so many Dublins?
Do you have some similar mail problems with letters that didn't reach you in time?

Just got a hint that there are as many as 21 Dublins in the USA!
I certainly had NO idea about that fact.

Below you will find them with their County and State listed:

Dublin, Montgomery, Alabama, USA

Dublin, Graham, Arizona, USA

Dublin, Logan, Arkansas, USA

Dublin, Alameda, Californa, USA

Dublin, Bladen, North Carolina, USA

Dublin, Lake, Florida, USA

Dublin, Laurens, Georgia, USA

Dublin, Wayne, Indiana, USA

Dublin, Graves, Kentucky, USA

Dublin, Harford, Maryland, USA

Dublin, Manistee, Michigan, USA

Dublin, Coahoma, Mississippi, USA

Dublin, Cheshire, New Hampshire, USA

Dublin, Seneca, New York, USA

Dublin, Franklin, Ohio, USA

Dublin, Mahoning, Ohio, USA

Dublin, Bucks, Pennsylvania, USA

Dublin, Fulton, Pennsylvania, USA

Dublin, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania, USA

Dublin, Erath, Texas, USA

Dublin, Pulaski, Virginia, USA


  1. That is funny, but then again, someone told me recently there are at least 7 cities named Paris in the US... ;-) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Oh Gott, wie gut, dass es sich hierbei nur um eine Postkarte gehandelt hat und nicht um wichtige Papiere oder um ein heiß ersehntes Päckchen.....

    Nein, ich wusste es nicht, dass so viele Dublin´s gibt....

    LG Lea

  3. Che buffa questa cosa, non lo sapevo!!! Grazie per avermi insegnato qualcosa di nuovo!!! Bacioni, Anna.

  4. Ciao cara, felice fine settimana!

  5. Also sowas! Das habe ich noch nie gehoert...ich habe eigentlich wenig probleme mit der Mail - das finde ich eigenartig (?) Vielleicht solltest Du Deinen Namen aendern LOL

    Schoenes Wochenende und Danke fuer die netten Komments auf meinem Blog.

    Ich bin froh dass Du Deine Reisen gut ueberstanden hast. Alles Gute,
    Doris und Gizzy :-)

  6. Oh My God! if indeed it is annoying, but good at the end of the route your mail arrives. Imagine how they look with stamps from different locations when they reach your hands! greetings, Rose Marie

  7. OMGOSH!! Wow who would have known... though what a wonderful story when you finally received your letter (to have so many stamps on it!! ....

    I can't wait to bring back BlogLand Pen Pal this month ... I hope you will join along... xo HHL

  8. Hallo Mariette,
    das ist ganz erstaunlich,wieviel gleich lautende Orte es gibt. Kein Wunder, wenn die Post eine Weltreise gemacht hat bevor sie euch erreicht hat. Ist überhaupt erstaunlich, dass sie es bis zu euch geschafft hat.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  9. Hi Dear Mariette, So glad to see you back home safe and sound.
    I had heard of a few of those Dublin areas but had no idea there are this many. How frustrating to know your mail was routed all over the place before coming to you.

    I think my town in the only one though and of course very different. Flower M**** and I also paint flowers. I never would have thought I would end up here. LOL

    Missed you my friend.
    Love, Celestina Marie

  10. isn't it amazing it made it to you at all?

  11. Mariette, That is as bad as luggage traveling all over. I never realized there were so many Dublins. Have a great weekend. Enjoy the cool weather. so nice.
    Love to you,

  12. Oh, das wußte ich auch noch nicht, kannte bislang nur das Eine!
    Aber ich weiß von diversen Schweizen in aller Welt. Selbst bei uns in der Nähe gibt es solch eine kleine ;-)

    Liebe Grüße


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