
Saturday, September 17, 2011

{The WINNER of the Christmas with Victoria 1997 book}

On September 15 by midnight was the end of my International Giveaway Christmas with Victoria 1997 Book. It took me a bit longer for working this out as we had just come home by 2:00 AM that very day. 
Back from a 16-day trip to The Netherlands for a wedding and twice visiting Mom in the hospital for her dialysis. 
Also a lovely trip to the Eifel in Germany where we went to the highest point, the Hohe Acht, which is a tertiary volcano. On top is a tower, built by Emperor William in 1908/1909 as a gift to his wife on their 25th wedding anniversary.
But now to the winner of this lovely book...
Using the True Random Number Generator...
Number 11 came out as the winner:
Ginger from the lovely Savannah Granny blog.
Make sure to pay her a visit as she  has the cutest post about a baby porcupine.
Thanks to ALL who participated, as I would love to show my appreciation for following and reading my blog!


  1. Dearest Mariette,

    So glad that you are back home, safe and sound and what a wonderful trip you must have had.
    Congratulations to Ginger, she will be thrilled.
    I will go and say hello to her.
    Hope that you have a lovely weekend, dear friend


  2. Herzlichen Glückwunsch der Gewinnerin und viel Spaß mit diesem wunderschönen Buch.

    Liebe Marietta, vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog. Jetzt muss ich mir erst einmal in Ruhe ansehen, wo du überall warst.

    Viele Grüße aus der alten Welt

  3. Sorry I've lost the last few your blogs that I didn't visit in here.
    Today I am jogging around in the blogs land to keep it up all my friends.
    My situation (Hey fever)was end up I have has infection in behind my nose then I have on Antibiotic for five days.
    It sound you has been very busy trips that you went seen your Mum etc.
    Hope everything is alright with you
    and your mum.

  4. Congratulations Ginger! What a fantastic prize to win, enjoy it!


  5. Dearest Mariette,

    Congratulations for your friend on her winning!!!

    And SO glad for you to safe back home. I am so sorry about your mother's ailment. (hope she is doing OK)
    Well, it seems that you DID have a wonderful back home trip.
    I'm all ears later in your blog.
    Please take a good rest for a while, my friend,
    Have a peaceful weekend, Orchid*

  6. Hallo mariette,
    wie schön, dass du eine gute Zeit hattest. Das Wetter war ja einigermaßen und so habt ihr bestimmt viel erlebt.
    Herzlichen Glückwunsch der Gewinnerin dieses tollen Buches. Sie wird sich sicher riesig freuen.
    Schönes Wochenende wünscht,

  7. Hello mariette,

    Glad you are save at home, it is a long trip, isn't it?
    Congratuliations for the winner of your beautiful book.

    Have a nice weekend,


  8. Fijn dat jullie weer veilig thuis zijn na 'n mooie vakantie in prachtig Limburg èn Eifel!

  9. So happy to learn you are home safe my friend. Can't wait to read all about your adventures.

    Congratulations to Savannah Granny off to visit and congratulate her.

    Wishing you both a wonderful blessed and peaceful week-end..xo HHL

  10. auguri alla vincitrice...un bacio e buon w.e. lory

  11. Hello Dear Mariette,
    It is so nice to meet you! Thank you for leaving such a sweet comment and I am now following you, too!

    Congratulations to the winner of the beautiful book! Lucky girl!!!

  12. OMG!! How excited am I. I am sooo thankful and I am looking forward to enjoying this beautiful book. Your giveaway is so generous and timely.
    You have a beautiful and informative blog. It is always a pleasure to visit with you.
    Thank you so much.
    Love to you, Ginger

  13. De winnaar van harte gefeliciteerd!
    Fijn weekend!

  14. Liebe Mariettte,
    Gratulation an die Gewinnerin. ein wunderschönes Geschenk.
    Ich freue mich dass ihr so schöne Tage in Europa verleben durftet.
    Ich liebe die Eifel und war in meiner Jugend sehr häufig dort. Besonders toll finde ich die Vulkaneifel mit den vielen Maaren.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt Dir

  15. Dear Mariette,
    Thank you for your little criticism, I did not even notice the grammatical error:)

    Regards, kiss and a nice weekend.

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    ich habe mich so sehr über deine Worte zu San Francisco gefreut, denn du kennst es und bist ebenso begeisetert wie ich !
    Aber zuerst zu idr , du warst in Deutschland , in der Eifel..auch sehr schön da , ich glaube das wetter war zu dieser zeit hier ganz gut ( anders als im Juli / August).
    Schön, dass du hier ein paar schöne Tage hattest !!! Und mit lieben Besuchen vergeht die zeit eh schnell....
    Ja, SanFrancisco ist ein Traum, soviel Multikulti...wir haben in der jugendherberge in Fisherman`s Warf gewohnzt, sehr schön, mit Blick auf`s Meer , also mein Mann unsd ich wollen, wenn die Kinder mal nichtmehr mitfahren , unbedingt nocheinmal von SF auf demHighway nach LA, die Küste war soo schön....
    Schick dir ganz viele liebe Grüße,

  17. Congratulations to the winner, I am sure she will adore this fabulous gift.Hope you enjoyed your stay in spite of the worries you must have about your mother!!

  18. Congratulations to the lucky winner—I was crossing my fingers for this one! :)


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