
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

{Daylily Stella D'Oro}

Some nostalgic pictures from June 6 of this year when our garden still looked very promising. The Dailily Stella D'Oro was such a pretty sight! So when summer is fading away here in the southeast, I love to share these images with you. This surely is a bulb that we can highly recommend to you and it is available from Dutch Gardens: Dailily, Stella D'Oro. Let's hope that the heat and the drought of this summer has not affected the bulbs too much...

Related links:

{Daylily White Tuxedo} | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    ich freue mich über jeden Beitrag
    bei dir, auch wenn ich nicht immer

    Es ist alles wunderbar.

    Liebe Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  2. I had some back at my in-law's back garden, I bought back from Dutch many years ago, they get more and more but not much now, the garden miss me! :-( I miss the garden too... but only so much I can do... I am not there 24/7 anymore. My sister's mother in-law told me they can dried and use for cooking, pick them before flower open. I should have a go but not sure its the same one I buy from the shop, even my daughter like eat them now with chicken and black fungus, steam or stir fried. Yum... Have a good day Mariette! CallmePolarBear :-)

  3. Che bel colore di giallo!Chissà che profumo!Baci,Rosetta

  4. I have these little beauties scattered throughout my gardens & even now they suprise me with random blossoms!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!

  5. Hello Mariette~How beautiful are these blooms, I will have to tell my mom to purchase some of these :) she loves to garden and has a green its due to the fact that her dad my grandfather was a farmer in his day :)
    Thanks for sharing your beauties with us :)Have a wonderful day my friend :)


  6. Dearest Mariette:
    What a beauty! These flowers are just gorgeous, and definitely brighten up your garden, and makes me think that walking through it must be very pleasant and enjoyable for your eyes.

    My husband and I are planning a vegetable and flower garden for next spring, and I'd love to buy some of these beautiful flowers.

    And thank you very much for cheering me up on the first SALT I am participating, I'm also glad you liked the cozy teapots, they are very charming.

    Send you a big hug my friend.

    Lots of love, tu amiga:

    Laura =)

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    gerade noch Sommer und nun geht es mit Riesenschritten auf den Winter zu.
    Das wunderschöne Gelb läßt an die warme Sonne denken.
    Einen lieben Abendgruß schickt

  8. Heel mooi !!.liefs van

  9. Dear Mariette,

    Your day lily looked lovely! Such a bright and cheerful colour. Summertime past by too quickly. Already looking forward to the spring :-)! Hopefully I will be able to plant some bulbs next weekend.

    Happy day!

    Madelief x

  10. Mooie bloemen heb je altijd in je tuin! Hier nadert de herfst, zit net tussen een landklimaat en middelllandsezeeklimaat, niet zo koud als in Nederland hoor.Hebben jullie geen heftst?

    Groeten Janny

  11. Hallo Mariette,
    diese Taglilie ist wunderschön. ich sage dir aus Erfahrung, sie sind nicht klein zu kriegen. Sie erholen sich gut auch nach schlechten Jahren. Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Hi Mariette,
    I love daylilies!

    Thank you for your kind words and prayers for Lucas.


  13. Mariette, those are sweet. I have to get my bulb in...thanks for reminding me!

    Thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog.



  14. Dear Mariette,
    The dailily must have given you a Lovely time, I'm sure!!!
    I really adore their sweet yellow color♡♡♡
    Blessing to you, my dear friend xoxo Miyako

  15. Hi Mariette,
    Oh your blooms are lovely in such a gorgeous shade of yellow.
    I also hope the bulbs of the spring flowers will do okay next year. We certainly had a rough few months. But now it is beginning to cool down and the last of summer blooms are trying to hang on.
    I planted some pansies and then we had a big rain last night. We needed it very much!

    Have a wonderful evening my friend and thank you for sharing this bit of sunshine.
    Much Love,
    Celestina Marie

  16. Dearest Mariette,

    What a beautiful day lily and such a lovely idea, bringing them out when summer is fading.
    Hope that you are having a great week.


  17. Beautiful yellow flowers.
    ~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

  18. Hallo Mariette,
    obwohl du immer schreibst, dass bei eurem Klima nichts richtig wächst, blüht die Taglilie ganz wunderschön.
    Ich mag das satte Gelb besonders gern.
    Gruß, Anette


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