
Monday, October 3, 2011

{Our Hummingbirds Viewed from Kitchen Bay Window}

When we still had green grass, before it all got burned from the hot sun, we also did take these images from our hummingbirds. Having the camera on a tripod on the windowsill in the kitchen bay window, we made this slide-show for you. That's our daily view from the breakfast table, as well as for lunch and supper. We do enjoy this garden view tremendously and hope you will like it as well.
Such a joy for watching our hummingbirds while having breakfast, lunch or supper...

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  1. Hallo Mariette,

    dein Video spielt sich nicht ab. Es erscheint der Kommentar "Dieses Video ist privat". Du musst es freigeben für alle. Das war auch der Fehler bei meiner Diashow von Wiski.
    Schöne Grüße

  2. Het filmpje werkt niet bij mij....hele fijne week liefs

  3. Our hummingbirda have taken off for their winter grounds in the far south!! They will be back next April!!

  4. Que bonito!!
    Son unas aves fascinantes.

  5. Hi Mariette, I love hummingbird are beautiful! having birds around, I imagine that it will in your case, you have plants around to come and watch this beautiful bird, beautiful! Saludos. Rose marie

  6. Hallo Mariette,
    jetzt hat es funktioniert. Das ist ja so suß.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  7. Hello Mariette,
    What a lovely view! I love it!
    Have a fabulous week!
    Blessings, Wendy

  8. Mariette, what a wonderful view, I adore hummingbirds :)


  9. Liebe Mariette,

    wunderschön. Wir freuen uns.

    Sonnige Grüße
    Angela und Elisabeth

  10. Lieve Mariette,

    Wat een prachtige vogels zijn het! Ik kan mij voorstellen dat jullie er ontzettend van genieten.

    Een fijne dag,

    Madelief x

  11. how wonderful! beautiful view, very nice your guest and his glass is also very original ... even here the sun has burned the grass, which is not raining and our well has only 1 meter of water for watering the lawn and is very spoiled (even Dora has some trouble with his pee)
    however, your garden will still be beautiful...

  12. I love the green of your feeder. Most of the hummingbird feeders you see are red, but that green you have is so pretty. Hope your day is great. Best wishes, Tammy

  13. Hallo Mariette

    Dankjewel voor je lieve berichtje op mijn blog. Het heeft mij ontroerd.

    Liefs, Mandy

  14. Hello Mariette! It's been far too long since I've visited your blog. I have the very same feeder only mine has clear glass and red flowers! We have a hummingbird who's become very territorial and won't allow any other hummers near our deck, he swoops down on them and scares them away.

    The other day we were sitting in the living room with the sliding door open and 2 of them flew inside our apartment and were fighting in here! Luckily they found their way back out. It was a bit scarey but mainly funny, now we keep our screen shut at all times:)

    Hope you're doing well my friend!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
