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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, September 26, 2011

{More of Our Kitchen}

On August 30 in my post {Our Kitchen Improvements} I did promise to show you more of our kitchen, so here it is... When we bought our property we were looking for a lot with sun in the back of the house, south side for the afternoon. That also meant that our bay window area would have morning sun as it is facing east. We never did regret this—as it is the most joyful start of the day for having breakfast in the sun! 
Husband Pieter did make the design of our home and we had it custom build by a local contractor.
Seen here also are our IKEA Nordmyra chairs.
You have seen my hand crocheted curtains before in my post about {Our White Ceramic Chandeliers from Italy} also in this post about {Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls} and in this post {French Floral Pillow Set and our Gazebo}. Oh and also here: {My Old-Time Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments}...
Detail of handcrocheted rose curtains.
Door to our veranda.
Miele US  Plate & Cup Warming Drawer above Dishwasher.
Miele Oven above Plate & Cup Warming Drawer.
Great feature is the TOP SOLO
Well deserved recognition! It is so true. Miele is available at Miele USA.
See how those two Gardena scissors are hung from three chrome knobs.

Gardena Garden Scissor for removing thorns from roses.
These chrome knobs are available at Home Depot in sets of two, see info below.
Our Amana refrigerator with pull out freezer drawer.
Energy Star rated.
Wide shelves are great for large platters.
Door to living room and hall-way.
Door to dining room.
Buffet with tea chest and tray.
Feline resident Tiggy-Tiger girl...


  1. Hi!
    Thate must be a wonderfull place to eat breakfast. I really liked your curtains they look just like the ones my granmother jused to have and now i cant find them they would look great i our kitchen aswell...
    Hug Anna

  2. Hello Mariette,
    your kitchen is so bright and lovely. I can imagine how delightfull it is to have breakfast there. The sun is coming through the windows. Really impressive. Thank you for your lovely comment for my wiski cat post. Tiggy Tiger loves to have breakfast in the ktichen, too.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. guten morgen mariette!

    ich LIEBE euren ausblick in den garten, es muss wunderschön sein, hier am tisch zu sitzen und zu frühstücken!!

    ich wünsche euch einen tollen neuen tag und eine gute woche!


  4. What a beautiful kitchen, Mariette. So bright, so clean... I can't help wondering if you have a dog?! There is NO WAY I could keep white floors so clean with my big yellow dog Hailey :0) Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  5. Hello Mariette

    Your kitchen is so fresh and beautifully fitted. I really like the cabinets with their profiled doors: just the look I would like. Then, the white-tiled floor brings it all together.

    Breakfast, looking over the garden, must be a calming start to any day.


  6. Cara Mariette, la tua cucina è bellissima...molto luminosa e arredata divinamente..stupende le tendine a uncinetto!!! Una carezza al micetto e un abbraccio a te!!! Anna.

  7. Mariette
    Thank you so very much for taking the time to visit and most of all comment.
    Love your beautiful white Swedish Nordic feel to all the white :) It truly is a kitchen for you to love!

    About now I try to feature the holiday art in etsy shops off and on all the way to December, last year I started to late in November and could not get the custom orders or the product out on time.

    My signs were few last year and the demand was big so through the year I finished those orders and shipped them out to have extras this year for first come first serve :)

    We are dealing with the heat here in California as well, you must be looking forward to the cold season giving you a break from all the heat.

    I am now your follower and will enjoy all that you share.

  8. Girlfriend...I just love it! LOVVVVVVVVVVVE it! Fresh, clean and wonderful!


  9. Hier ook alles van Miele, inclusief stofzuiger ;-)

  10. Vorrei venirmi a prendere un caffè nella tua cucina ed ammirare la tendina all'uncinetto e il tuo bel frigorifero che è tutto ben ordinato all'interno.Ti auguro una bella nuova ultima settimana di settembre,bacioni,Rosetta

  11. Wat een mooie keuken....zo netjes ook en schoon en opgeruimd !!...pfffff......keurig !!....zoals het hoort.......ik ga even wat doen hier......kan nu niet meer achter blijven.......liefs fijne week van mij...xxx...

  12. Mariette, eure Küche ist das reine Schmuckstück. Vor allen Dingen der Ausblick in den Garten ist wunderschön.
    Miele ist eine hervorragende Marke. Ich habe sie auch schon seit Jahrzehnten.
    Einen sonnigen, guten Wochenbeginn wünscht dir

  13. Oh my dear friend Mariette, your kitchen is wonderfully spacious and inviting - with the beautiful view of outside. I love the little details that you have added - such as the chrome knobs for the scissors; and the tassels on the pulls of the buffet doors. The crocheted rose curtains are perfect! They add a wonderful warm touch without taking away from the gorgeous outdoor view.

    Tiggy-Tiger looks perfectly comfortable enjoying his food/water in the natural light filled kitchen. Wonderful place for sitting enjoying cup of tea/coffee at the table.

    Thank you so much for adding the Art of Letter Writing button to your side bar. Writing has helped me so much; and this is my way of giving back and trying to encourage others to keep writing by hand. Wishing you a beautiful and blessed week my dearest, xo HHL

  14. Liebe Marietta,

    ohh, was hast du für eine helle , schöne Küche !! Gefällt mir sehr gut un d am besetn der Blick in den Kühlsschranke und euer Tiggy-Tiger...

    Dir wünsche ich eine wundervolle Woche,

  15. Hoi Mariette,

    Ik heb het de vorige keer volgens mij ook al gezegd, maar wat hebben jullie een heerlijke ruime keuken! Dat moet fijn zijn om in te koken. Ook de grote raampartij is een groot voordeel. Niet slecht om 's ochtends aan de tafel je boterhammetje op te eten met uitzicht over de tuin :-)!

    Madelief x

  16. just beautiful!

    I would love having my breakfast in that lovely area and your curtains are simply exquisite!

    Love the scissor idea and of course no kitchen is complete unless it has a kitty!

  17. Hola dear Mariette, your kitchen is so, so great, really love it!!!
    hugs dear

  18. Oh, such nice ideas. Your kitchen is very bright and lively. I love that refrigerater.

  19. Love, love, love the clean crisp white of your kitchen!!!

  20. Liebe Mariette,
    eine wunderschöne Küche hast du. Der Erker ist einsame Spitze. Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dort bei einer Tasse Tee oder Kaffee zu sitzen und einfach nur aus dem Fenster zu sehen.

    Mir war nicht bewusst, dass Miele international ist. Wieder etwas gelernt.
    Außerdem möchte ich mich bei dir für deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog bedanken.

    Ich wünsche dir eine gute Woche.
    Viele Grüße von Karin

  21. Oh my gosh! I wouldn't dare show you the inside of my fridge. No matter how hard I try, just can't seem to keep it organized. And my cabinets are quite cluttered. Your kitchen is clean and organized and clutter-free. :) Have a great week. Tammy

  22. Liebe Mariette,

    ...die Küche gefällt mir sehr gut, besonders der hübsche Essplatz ist sehr gemütlich!
    Aber auch mit Geräten und Schränken bist Du gut ausgestattet, so dass Dir die Arbeit "leicht" von der Hand geht!
    Eine schöne neue Woche wünsche ich Dir und lasse liebe Grüße hier!

  23. Thank you for inviting us into your lovely home ! It's always such fun to have a peek at someone else's house!! How tidy indeed and super clean..!! I love the windows and of course the crocheted curtains are a master piece of skill and patience.
    Love to you, Pieter and all your lovely cats .

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    your kitchen is wonderful! Specially the place in front of the windows, what a lovely place to eeat and have this wonderful sight out there!

    But the best in your kitchen is ...... your cat :O))))

    Have a lovely day,
    sending love and hugs


  25. Ich denke es wurde alles schon gesagt, was gesagt werden musste über Deine Küche!!! Wirklich toll und die Gardinchen hatte ich ja schon mal bewundert.

    LG Lea


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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