
Friday, November 25, 2011

{My 12th Blog Award}

On November 15, I did receive a 'Best Blog' Award from Veronica, in Spain. THANK YOU VERY MUCH VERONICA!
Veronica has a very lively blog with great photos, called: Los Mundos de Nika Vintage. Showing the most precious vintage and antique items, interlaced with her incredible garden. A joy to visit her and she also can be found on FB with her Page: BookAntic - Libros Antiguos. Quite refreshing to see her items. Don't forget to pay her a visit.
Okay, it's time for passing this bouquet on to others who's blogs I do enjoy tremendously.

Julie Marie from Idyllhours and by the way, I'd love to find out how one can be spending some IDLE hours... For me the time is always gone before I manage to do all I WANT to do. Do you have that kind of problem too?

Lene from THE GREEN GARDEN GATE with her beautiful Norwegian blog. You have to see her inspirational Christmas Decorations.

Bea from Modern Country Lady who is such an incredible talented lady! Check her out and don't forget to follow her. Scroll down for finding her Google Friend Connect.

That's it!


  1. Congrats on your award! You deserve it! :)
    I also came by to say thank you for your lovely comments. I am slowly getting over the loss of my little cat... things are SO much better now, it's been almost three weeks. I'm sorry you lost your pets too! Those stories were tragic. It's so hard to lose our beloved little pets! Well, I have to go to your previous post -- I want to read the story that you mentioned in your comment to me!

  2. Complimenti per il premio tempo è sempre poco anche per me(se ti può consolare)..non riesco mai a prendermi un attimo di relax!!! Vado a visitare Veronica,,buona giornata, Anna.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir einen frohen Tag.

    Alles Liebe


  4. Un beso muy grande Mariette, te mereces este el premio y muchos mas!!!
    Gracias !!

  5. Dear Mariette

    Thank you for the lovely blog award - it's nice to get recognition for what you do.
    It was interesting to read about pilgrims on your blog. We also have several very old pilgrims roads here in Norway which is extremely popular to walk even today.
    They lead to Trondheim (named Nidaros in the old days). There is Nidaros Cathedral, which is the goal of pilgrims flows.
    You can see and read about the Nidaros Cathedral on this link:
    On this link you can see the pilgrims leading in Norway:

    I wish you a wonderful weekend!

    xo xo

  6. Hi Mariette,
    I saw your comment on Lene´s blog and found you that way. It´s so nice and interesting to read blogs from "over there".
    Wish you a great weekend.

  7. Congratulations on your blow award Mariette! So cute!

    Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  8. Thank you so much , dearest Mariette ! And congratulations on your very well deserved blog award !! Have a fabulous weekend!!

  9. Congrats on your award, it is no surprise to your readers. Your blog is wonderful!!!

    Happy day after thanksgiving!


  10. Dear Mariette... thank you so much for your kind words about me and my blog... I decided some time ago to make my blog award free because I could never decide on just a few to pass awards on to... there are so many beautiful blogs out there, like yours!... I do appreciate you thinking of me... hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving... xoxo Julie Marie

  11. Congratulations,
    I am not at all surprised. Your blogs are beautiful:)

  12. Congratulations on your beautiful award Mariette!

    Have a great weekend, kisses:)

  13. Congretulations, jij bofferd!

    Have a fine weekend,


  14. Congratulations on your award! It is a very cute bouquet :-)
    I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving holiday!!

  15. A chi lo dici che il tempo è poco e non basta mai.... vorrei avere giornate di 30 ore sarebbero sufficienti?
    Complimenti per il premio!!!
    Buon week end Alessandra


Thanks for your visit and comment.
