
Monday, December 26, 2011

{After Christmas Sales: Humility - Tolerance - Patience - Integrity - Compassion}

On Sunday morning, March 6, 1988 we did go to a Moorish, Byzantine style Church with Venetian Gothic influence. That was in New Orleans, Louisiana, across from the historic Roosevelt Hotel then called Fairmont hotel. We just had arrived the previous day for the 7th North American Mushroom Conference where Pieter would present a paper as Vice President Training & Development of Campbell's Soup Mushroom Division. We'd driven the 600 miles (965 km) from Fairmont Drive in Dublin, Georgia. We just moved from one Fairmont to another Fairmont... 
The Immaculate Conception or Jesuits Church was a beautiful building. You also can find info  here: Jesuit Church in New Orleans. We did meet with Fr. Tonnar after Mass because his short homily was one I wanted to bring home for my writer friend to use for his weekly columns. Quite appropriate for after Christmas I share it here with you as well...

I am flat broke from overspending at Christmas. But I need to go shopping again soon because I am completely out of self-respect. I've said a few things I wish I could take back, and I am not feeling very good about myself.

I also want to exchange a carton of self-righteousness for an equal amount of humility. I hear it is less expensive and it wears better. And while I'm at it, I'm going to check on tolerance and see if there is any available in my size.

I must remember to try to match my patience with the little I have left. My neighbor is loaded with it, and it looks awfully good on her. I was told the same department has a repair shop for mending integrity. Mine has become frayed around the edges from too many short-cuts and too much compromising. If I don't get it refurbished soon, there won't be any left.
I almost forgot the most important thing of all -- compassion. If I see some, no matter what the color, size or shape, I'm going to stock up heavily, regardless of the price. I have run out of it so many times and I always feel ashamed when it happens.
I don't know why it has taken me so long to get around to shopping for these items. They don't cost nearly as much as some of the frivolous things I've bought on impulse and I'm sure to get a lot more satisfaction from them.
Yes, I am going shopping today and I can leave my credit cards and checkbook at home. The things I am looking for have no price tags.
After my friend wrote the column with this text, I did write Fr. Tonnar again and I received a very nice card back.
Unfortunately he died about 8 years after we'd met him, in 1996...


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist äußerst interessant.

    Ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag
    und grüße dich herzlich


  2. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨°º
    ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨° ·.°ºº
    ¸.•°`♥✿⊱╮FELIZ 2012!!!

  3. That is a really good sermon- and it is so true what is said.Sadly you can't buy compassion and it seems lots of people could do with stocking up on it!!
    Have a very lovely 2nd day of Christmas :-)

  4. Hi! Than you so much for your comment. No, I haven't made the angel myself, it was a gift from my friend, who lives far away.
    Merry Christmas to you too ;)

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    This message suits my day. Thank you for sharing it, and for sharing such a beautiful card and note from Fr. Tonnar. I'm sure he left a print on many hearts.



  6. Liebe Mariette,
    nun ist Weihnachten schon fast wieder vorbei und ich möchte Dir auch noch schöne Tage wünschen. Das Kussbild unter dem Mistelzweig ist einfach wunderschön und es ist schön zu sehen wieviel Freude ihr miteinander habt :)))
    Ich freue mich Dich hier gefunden zu haben und freue mich schon auf ein neues, interessantes Bloggerjahr mit Dir :))
    ganz, ganz herzliche Grüße

  7. Liebe Mariette ,Weihnachten ist vorüber ,ich hoffe du hast es schön verbracht . Ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche zwischen "den Jahren" und ein gutes neues Jahr !!!Liebe Grüße von Ina

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    das Kußbild unterm Mistelzweig ist so schön!

    Nun ist die letzte Woche des Jahres angebrochen und ich frag mich , wo die Zeit geblieben ist.
    Das Jahr ging so schnell vorbei .....

    Ich wünsch Dir eine schöne und letzte stressfreie Woche im alten Jahr!
    ♥ Liebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  9. Thank you for sharing this; it really is a great reminder of what is important. Your Thank you note from Fr. Tonnar is most lovely and also a wonderful reminder that something as small as a handwritten letter, can really make the difference in someone's life. Happy Holidays, xo HHL


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