
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

{Our Camellia Nuccio's Gem & Christmas Angel Gift}

For Christmas we did have some perfectly white Camellia 'Nuccio's Gem' from our garden. Enough to fill a small vase. Often when it rains hard, they turn brown right away but this time they were perfect. Love to share them with you, as well as a beautiful Crocheted Christmas Angel Ornament that I received from dear blogger friend Olga, who has the blog Lacy Crochet as well as Olga's Home and Garden Blog. Just click on the two hyperlinks to visit Olga's great blogs.
  • Perfectly crocheted angel ornament by Olga from Lacy Crochet with golden ribbon loop for hanging.

  • Used my Christmas place mats with napkin that I've sewn a couple of years back.

  • Three Nuccio's Gem Camellias in a vase on the kitchen table.

  • The place mats are machine quilted and the borders are done in a decorative DMC metallic gold thread with the Serger.

  • The place mat reverses to different fabric with tiny holly leaves.

  • Detail of the decorative DMC metallic gold thread stitching.

If you need some Classes from Mariette, 'A Stitch in Time' just holler...


  1. ma che brava che sei il tuo blog è graziosissimo mi sono aggiunta se ti va passa

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    das sind wunderbare Sachen, die
    du uns präsentierst.

    Herzliche Grüße

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    die Kamelie ist wunderschön - wir haben eine in rosa - aber die blüht natürlich noch nicht -
    ich mag die selbst gehäkelten Baumhänger gerne - hab auch einige bekommen -

    deine Tisch-Sets sind sehr stimmungsvoll und aufwändig -

    ich wünsche dir eine schöne Woche -

    liebe Grüße - Ruth

  4. Lieve Mariette,

    Ik hoop dat jullie twee gezellige kerstdagen hebben gehad?! Je camelia's stonden er in iedergeval prachtig bij. Je hebt ook mooie cadeautjes ontvangen.

    Geniet van de laatste dagen van 2011!

    Lieve groeten, Madelief x

  5. Ben helemaal weg van je engeltje !! fijne dag liefs van

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    Camellia 'Nuccio's Gem'is really is white like snow and marvelously beautiful white Crocheted Christmas Angel perfectly matches with your hand made Christmas place mats with napkin♡♡♡
    Thank you very match, they warmed my heart and always admire your skill in various field.

    With lots of Love from east, Orchid*

  7. Dearest Mariette,

    I hope you had a beautiful Christmas and I wish for you everything wonderful for the New Year. Peace, Health and Happiness to you friend!

    xo Catherine

  8. Happy New Year ! !
    May the year bring you Good Health & Happiness ! !

  9. Christmas blessings to you, Mariette!!! You are such a dear friend! May your New Year be the best ever!

    Love to you~


  10. Liebe Mariette,
    wie hast du wieder alles schön zusammengestellt. Der Häkelengel ist wirklich spitze. Über deine Kamellien kann man nur staunen und die Placemats und Servietten sind nobel. Und was ist mit dem tollen Serviettenring? Ist es indonesisches Silber (Djokja)?
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  11. All so lovely Mariette from the flowers to the placements and that sweet little angel. I hope you are having a great day. I'm off to bed. Goodnite! Tammy

  12. So zauberhaft, vorallem der Engel ...

    Liebe Grüsse Alexia

  13. Hi Mariette,

    Your place mats and napkins are beautiful! I love the gold metallic stitching on them. The flowers are stunning!
    I adore the beautiful crochet angel ornament that your blogging friend made you.


  14. What a sweet angel! Very pretty and such a sweet gift.

    Thank you for the visit dear friend..I was thinking , perhaps the reason we only celebrate Christmas for one day is because we are so impatient in this country!!! We should slow down and enjoy things a bit more..thanks for making me think!!

    Hugs and love,


  15. There is no gift more precious than one that has been crafted by hand, as it is filled with care and love. Your flowers are gorgeous!! I wish our gardens could stay awake during our winter season... though we did have a green and mild Christmas,today the out property is covered a blanket of white. I think the Mr. G is planning on getting out the skidoo. xo HHL

  16. Oh so Lovely!! That angel is gorgeous!!

  17. ✿¸.•♪
    Muito lindo, como sempre!

    º° ✿✿¸.•♪
    "O segredo do Natal está dentro da gente, reflita e viva-o intensamente."

    (⁀‵⁀,) ✫✫✫
    .•°*”˜˜”*°•.✫✫✫ MERRY CHRISTMAS!

    Boa sexta-feira!
    Bom fim de semana!
    Beijinhos do Brasil.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
