
Friday, December 2, 2011

{Cuddle up to stay warm}

December creates the urge to cuddle up and stay warm. Be it on the couch, or in bed with a book or a DVD... Even for nursing a cold one can fill a hot-water bottle and just cuddle up inside a soft woolen blanket. Sipping a hot tea or a hot chocolate. I do love both and they are so soothing! That's the good part of this month, and the following months. Are you feeling the same urge?
Luckily I'm not that cold natured any more. But I've used this hot-water bottle quite often for feeling warm, especially my feet.
This Italian wool throw from Cecchi e Cecchi is my favorite for winter time. To wrap around knees and legs or just to cuddle up in it on the sofa. The matelassé coverlet is French Yves Delorme Outlet in a rose pattern. We are fortunate to live only 4 hours away from an Outlet Store in Chattanooga, Tennessee. On line they don't always have all the items, but it is worthwhile trying!
Pillow sham is also French Yves Delorme in a rose pattern matelassé in 100% cotton. We always prefer natural fibers!
The hot-water bottles are from SIGG Switzerland.
Below you will see a surprise hot-water bottle image from my childhood...
100% wool throw is from Cecchi e Cecchi, Italy.
Pottery Barn shows this Entry Bench with a vintage hot-water bottle.
The very same I was cuddled with as a baby! It had a brass screw-on top and this is still at my parents' home. Fond memories.
Mom would fill it up whenever we had a cold, wrap a towel around it and tuck it behind our backs or feet. We had two of those bottles.
How such an add can trigger fond childhood memories...
These are almost antique hot-water bottles from SIGG Switzerland, from the link I've used under the 2nd photo.

Do you still have any of those old hot-water bottles?

Or any fond childhood memories to share?


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    oh those old style waterbottles are lovely! And they keep better warm than the new ones!
    Thanks for sharing all those nice pictures!
    Have a lovely and happy weekend,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Vielen herzlichen Dank, für deine Zeilen, liebe Mariette, nur deine Frage hab ich nicht so ganz verstanden. Ich habe in meinem Text betont, dass es bei uns nicht nur helle Lebensmittel gibt, aber ich liebe es, an einem besonderen Abend so luftig leichte Gerichte zu servieren. Eine himmlische Adventszeit und liebe Grüße,

    herzlichst Jade

  3. Hi Mariette, Yes, this is cuddle up season for sure. I am always freezing and love to warm up with a cozy throw. Your is so pretty and those warming bottles are perfect. I have never tried those but have seen them.

    Hope you enjoy a nice weekend and love to you always.
    Big hugs, Celestina Marie

  4. Lovely waterbottles dear Mariette!

    Have a nice weekend.

  5. Hello Mariette, I've never seen bags
    hot water made ​​it, we have
    rubber and hot water are called Abul.
    My mother has always used both, how many good memories
    good weekens
    Susy x

  6. Leuk Mariette, die oude warmteflessen!
    Ik heb er ook nog een aantal, maar eigenlijk ter decoratie, en ik heb er zelf niet zo specifieke herinneringen aan, maar wij hadden vroeger natuurlijk wel al varwarming.
    Fijne 2. Adventsdag!

  7. Hallo Mariette,
    ich kenne die Sigg Flaschen nur als Trinkflaschen für Sportler und Kinder. Ich wusste nicht,dass sie ursprünglich als Wärmflaschen benutzt wurden. Wärmflaschen sind etwas wunderbares. Sie wärmen Körper und Seele gleichzeitig. Unsere Wärmflaschen sind flach und aus Gummi. Süß sind die Wärmflaschen für Kinder, die zum Beispiel in Nici-Stofftieren versteckt werden.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  8. Cuddle up the season for sure!!!!

    Thank you for always stopping in and sharing the most lovely thoughts with me. You can't imagine how much they mean to me~



  9. Ach so war das gedacht :))))), das ist allerdings ein lustiger Gedanke ;)))......da wär ich nicht draufgekommen, ich hab die ganze Zeit überlegt, wie das gemeint sein könnte (aber sonst ist dein Deutsch perfekt).....nun ist das Rätsel gelöst ;)!!! Ein himmlisches Wochenende und ganz liebe Grüße,

    herzlichst Jade (die immer noch sehr lachen muss)

  10. Het is nog heerlijk hier deur staat zelfs nog open...dus ik heb het nog niet nodig !!...fijn weekend.....liefs van

  11. Dear Mariette,

    It´s always so nice to remember all those things that made us feel so good when we were little girls :) Lovely pictures!! Right now I would have a cup of hot chocolate or tea too!!

    Have a wonderful weekend my dear friend!!

  12. Hi Mariette!
    I would love to have such a bottle.i am so so very cold at almost all times during the winter even when i dont have a cold. So they sell these at pottery barn? A stor i wold love to have in sweden....
    Have a nice friday evening.
    Hug Anna

  13. Dearest Mariette,

    I love your post! Keeping warm, keeping cuddly, and keeping cozy! We are having a terrible storm at the moment and staying home cuddly on the couch this evening, sipping some hot chocolate is my idea of a good time! It's too cold, windy, snowy and slippery out!

    Wishing you a happy weekend sweet friend!
    xo Catherine

  14. I've never used a hot water bottle like that.

    I use to have a rubber one. As the nights get cold my bones get colder. I think I'm going to buy a new one. :-)

    Thanks so much!


  15. I adore these! I think we still may have one, that is quite large, in a grey sort of color... although, come to think of it, it could have been the type that used to be placed beneath the bed? (it's quite large)



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