
Saturday, December 3, 2011

{TIP New Purpose for Cigarette Holder}

Having quite some china and also different sets of teaspoons, demitasse spoons, pastry forks and such, made me start using Cigarette Holders for keeping those different spoons/forks. Smoking is almost extinct here in the U.S. but we certainly can give a NEW PURPOSE to CIGARETTE HOLDERS...
Shown here is a Mason Mandalay Chartreuse Cigarette Holder, to the left  and a silver plate one to the right with demitasse spoons.
Oval Mason Mandalay Chartreuse Cigarette Holder close up with some gold plated teaspoons.
Silver plated Cigarette Holder with demitasse spoons.
From Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color I got three Cigarette Holders for different pastry forks and teaspoons.
One for the gold plated pastry forks...
I learned now that for my Rosenthal Sanssouci Rose-Ivory there even is a matching Cigarette Holder!
Another Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color is holding silver plated teaspoons.
This Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color holds gold plated teaspoons and coffeespoons.
Do you have already such a Cigarette Holder?

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Learn from Mariette my website for classes


  1. Dear Mariette,
    this green china is so beautiful - would fit perfectly in my dining room, too! LOL
    You are so creative, that is a great idea to use the cigarette holder for spoons.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  2. Molto belli questi servizi!Sai che bello apparecchiare la tavola con loro!Baci e buon fine settimana!Rosetta

  3. º°♥❤ Olá, amiga!
    ❤ Esse conjunto de porcelanas é super lindo... ótimo uso para os cinzeiros.
    º°❤ Beijinhos.
    ♥❤ Brasil.

  4. Liebe Mariette, ich wäre niemals auf die Idee gekommen, dass deine schönen Löffel-Behälter ursprünglich Zigarettendosen waren! Nein, so etwas gibt es im Rostrosen-Haushalt nicht. Deine Idee ist jedenfalls perfekt und genial! Ich hoffe, du fühlst dich inzwischen wieder wohler und kannst den Tochter-Besuch rundum genießen! Irgendwann wirst du schon Zeit für etwas Advent-Dekoration haben (und wenn nicht, ist es auch nicht schlimm!Dein Zuhause ist immer Fall schön!) - ich wünsche dir auf jeden Fall eine schöne, geruhsame und möglichst gesunde Adventzeit! Alles Liebe, Traude

  5. PS: Der Satz sollte heißen "Dein Zuhause ist immer schön!" Das "Fall" stammt aus dem nächsten Satz *ggg*

  6. Oh dearest, what a GREAT IDEA!!!!! AND, how marvelous that you will be with family on the holiday...I so wish I could just FLY to all my friends' homes on this side and the other side of the Atlantic....a Dutch Christmas, how marvelous. What love there is in the world! Anita

  7. Dear Mariette,

    I love the use of the cigarette holders for spoons.
    I do not have a cigarette holder and in fact I have never heard of them before.

    Happy weekend

  8. Hi Mariette,

    Your china is beautiful.

    I have not come across a cigarette holder. I will look for them when I go antique shopping. You displayed them so beautifully.

    xo Dee

  9. Dearest Mariette,
    Love the Cream on Cream. The embossing is so beautiful.
    I use a similar method for putting out flatware for large groups. I sometimes use my "old fashioned" bar glasses to hold flatware. I place mine handles up.
    I really love all your pretty cigarette holders. Thanks for the peek of the pretty china.
    Love to you, Ginger

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Really lovely and your china is splendid as well♡♡♡
    Sure is a good idea using them that way. You know what; I wish I could find something for my chopsticks. Maybe it should be a bit taller,

    PS> oh, thanks for the wonderful comment, my friend!!! I wrote return comment for you in my post as I wished for other friends to have a chance to read it♪♪♪

  11. What a chic idea this is, Mariette! I think I will have to do this, as we are hosting a large Christmas Eve dinner for about 18 this year.

    ... I wish that I would have visited your blog soon, as this post would have been ideal to add to my links this week. I will definitely have to add the post to next week's links instead...


  12. Beautiful Mariette!! I love your cups and dishes. It's wonderful to see objects that are important for someone who is so far


  13. Very clever Mariette! My Aunt had cigarette holders back in the day.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
