
Monday, December 12, 2011

{Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls + 500 Posts}

Just would like to thank all my loyal readers from 148 countries again, for making it a reality that yesterday I launched my 500th post. Especially for this Christmas season it has a special meaning. Something to really be grateful for, being healthy and managing to do what I want to do. Enjoy some of my most favorite Christmas decorations in solid silver from Giovanni Raspini, Italy. These upscale silver Christmas balls were available at my Zen Cart Boutique Mariette's Back to Basics. Shown below are my personal balls and angel.
The special 925/000 solid silver angels were also available at Mariette's Back to Basics.
Nothing else works like candles for this special season...
Photo is from the Giovanni Raspini book.
143 countries since July, 2010...

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  1. Que rincon navideño tan bello!
    Me encanta!

  2. Congratulations on your 500th post and your amazing variety of countries where people are following you from. You amaze me with how you never run out of things to post about and how your posts make for interesting reading.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    ich gratuliere dir ganz herzlich - wow das ist toll -

    die Kugeln sind etwas ganz Besonderes - wunderschön -

    ich wünsche dir eine schöne stressfreie Vorweihnachtszeit -

    danke auch für deine lieben Grüße an meinen Mann -

    liebe Grüße - ich drück dich - Ruth

  4. This is really something special Mariette, really beautiful for Christmas! My, what a lot of posts 500! Congretulations!And for your health too!

    Liefs Janny

  5. Dearest Mariette. Félicitations on your 500th post! This is quite an achievement. I have enjoyed reading you in 2011. Here's to a healthy, happy and blogging-filled 2012! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  6. Congratulations on 500 posts!! The photos are gorgeous .. love the way the Raspini ornaments are incorporated with the wreath. To another 500 plus posts ... xo HHL

  7. Hello dear Mariette~Wow congrats on your 500 post!!! Love your angel ornament, its truly gorgeous :)


  8. Liebe Mariette,
    auch von mir Herzlichen Glückwunsch. 500 Posts! Und was für welche! 500 x Information, Kreativität und tolle Fotos. Deine Leser danken es dir und ich kann nur sagen, mach weiter so. Die Giovanni Raspini Silberkugeln sind wirklich luxuriös. Das sind tolle Sachen, wie alles bei dir.

    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  9. Congratulations on the 500th post! And 148's amazing!!
    I love your Christmas decoration. So beautiful.

  10. Dearest Mariette, Congratulations on your 500th post. I love my visits with you and I enjoy your stories about your homeland. Best wishes for the future. May you have great health and prosperity.
    Love to you, Ginger


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