
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

{YOUR Christmas Charity - Fabulous Felines Fundraising}

On Monday a parcel arrived from Greece with some of the cutest feline faces captured in high quality photography by Joan from the blog Gods Little People. This is from the Fabulous Felines Fundraising and would also make YOUR best Christmas Charity ever. You can find her Etsy Saints & Apostles handmade fineries on her blog's sidebar.
This cuty is TODDY and you can read about his rescue here: Mystery boys.
Dear Joan has rescued and cared for some 40 felines, hence she needs this FABULOUS FELINES FUNDRAISING.
Paying for all the needed care such as veterinary costs, and the food takes up ever more for her.
The time she spends on Gods Little People is a labour of love in itself!
So PLEASE do stop by at her blog and try to help her out.
The way Joan does wrap her fineries is a gift in itself... She has a HUGE heart.
The signature label from Saints & Apostles adorns the second parcel.
'Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.' Quote Pythagoras
Signature tag from Saints & Apostles
Beautiful folded blank cards with envelops...
This is Ellie, a miracle kitten that was found at the age of 10 days and in what shape!
View her video: Off to see the world.
This is Rosie and she definitely did come back from near death read: What further happened....
Life for Rosie as it should be, read: Life as it should be.
New day for Rosie to explore, read: A new day to explore.
In July I did receive a parcel from Greece with a regal gift! Joan designed and made this silk couture evening bag for me. You can read about it here: {Parcel from Greece with Regal Gift}. Joan is a very talented lady and I am fortunate for having such a treasure made by her loving hands.
This time she added a beautiful lingerie bag... with red roses!
Boutique quality by Saints & Apostles...
THANKS Joan for all you do and may God bless you for such unselfish kindness!


  1. Those cat pictures are so lovely!

    Have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    die Katzenfotos sind wirklich allerliebst.
    Was für ein zuckersüßes Fellknäuel.

    Aber auch die Geschenkpäckchen sehen ganz zauberhaft aus.

    Herzliche Grüße und eine wundervolle neue Woche.


  3. OOOh!! Me encanta!
    Que gatito tan bonito!!
    Es una belleza!!
    Feliz semana!!

  4. Cat pictures are soo beautiful nad lovely!

    Happy week my dear, kisses:)

  5. God bless Joan for looking after the animals.

    Proverbs 12:10
    The godly care for their animals,
    but the wicked are always cruel.


  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind allerliebste Kätzchen! Da bekäme man wirklich Lust auf ein eigenes. Doch bei uns würde das nicht funktionieren. Aber meine Mutti hat noch die schneeweisse süße Kitty, die sehe ich ja oft.

    Die Geschenkbeutel sind auch sehr schön!

    Und jetzt lese ich mal weiter runter. In letzter Zeit bin ich fast nur unterwegs und immer nur ganz kurz im Internet.

    Liebe Grüße

  7. Vielen Dank :)♥

    Wow aus Georgia bist du?
    Oder hingezogen?

    Liebste Grüße

  8. As anyone who follows my blog know I Love Felines..... We have rescued many over the years & our precious BOYZ are rescued fur-babies!!
    Happy Holidays ! !

  9. Wat ben je toch weer heerlijk verwend !!...leuk hoor...geniet er maar lekker van ......liefs van

  10. Dearest Mariette
    Thank you from my heart for such a fine and thorroughly beautiful post. You really are such a treasured friend. It just simply uplifts me so much knowing that the rescue stories captures other peoples hearts.
    Blowing you a kiss,

  11. Hallo liebe Mariette,
    was sind das nur für entzückende Katzenbilder, so süss!
    Habe auch gerade deinen Post über Liz gelesen,die Euch ja vor kurzem besucht hat. Da ist es doch klar das dann der Besuch wichtiger ist als Kommentare zu schreiben. Eigentlich wollte ich mich ja schon zum Sintaklaas Tag bei Dir melden um zu sehen wie weit Du mit den Vorbereitungen dafür bist, aber die Zeit hat mir mal wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht, wie so oft in letzter Zeit!
    Sag mal hast Du Frl.Melancholie schon früher gefunden, oder bist Du durch meinen Post zu Ihr gekommen?
    Dir nun noch eine schöne Zeit und ganz lieben Dank für deine Kommentare bei mir.
    Liebe Grüße aus dem stürmischen Deutschland sendet Dir

  12. What a talented artist Joan is, and so caring ! I adore the red flowery bag, it's gorgeous.

  13. Joan does beautiful work doesn't she? In her cards and in her big heart in looking after all those sweet kitties. Love all your words about her Mariette. Such a wonderful post about a wonderful woman!

    Big hugs to you!
    xo Catherine

  14. What a wonderful post ... thank you for introducing Joan and sharing her work and the great heart she has. I'm off to visit her now. Many Blessings my friend, xo HHL

  15. Hello Dear Mariette, this new story of the rescue of cats is very touching! is so interesting to see that these beings, the animals in any way we move and react positively when we live with these, we developed a degree of tenderness and sensitivity to many special and interact with them during their recovery has resulted in a total benefit physical, emotional and spiritual. I hope many people will identify with these! The purse or handbag is beautiful! Thanks for your visits. I've been "missing in action 'you imagine that! Hugs, Rose and Happy Holidays to you and Peter! Rose M

  16. Hi Mariette,

    The kittens are adorable. How wonderful that they have been rescued.

    You have received such lovely and thoughtful gifts.


  17. Hello, Dearest Mariette.
    What a talented and warmhearted lady Ms.Joan is!!!
    These LOVLY kitties are so adorable and you always share with us such enlightening post, my friend.
    Silk couture evening bag and lingerie bag with rose design are SO GORGEOUS☆☆☆
    Blessing to you from Japan, xoxo Orchid*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
