
Friday, December 30, 2011

{A LAST Toast to 2011... framing its STERLING MOMENTS!}

Like at a great wedding, there will be that final moment, biding adieu with one last toast and best wishes to the 'New Life' together. New Life together in 2012 for all of us, as we make A LAST Toast to 2011. Was it a good year to you? Do you have fond memories that you want to frame inside a sterling frame? Let's hope each one of you has at least a few of those special 'Hinge-Moments' that we want to remember for the rest of our life. To pick us up, when times are dark, difficult or lonely... Fond memories for lifting us up at times of sickness, or while healing from our wounds; be it physical or emotional.
I do hope that you will have the best of everything and are looking forward with full expectations and high hopes to yet another year on this planet. Wishing you good health above all and a strong family bond because with that, one can over come a lot of problems that might be coming our way. We are not living in paradise 'yet'... and there might be some angels among us, but we better watch. For framing such a sterling 2011 moment, I can offer you this Giovanni Raspini 925/000 silver frame with Angel. It is available at my Zen Cart powered boutique on line. Let's Toast to 2011, as I would like to thank you for your visits and for leaving sweet comments! Those are my little STERLING MOMENTS...
For your fond memories, available at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics.
This heavenly piece is protected against oxidation. The glass is beautifully beveled!
Giovanni Raspini, Italy - solid sterling silver Frames. Just click hyperlink.
Available at Mariette's Back to Basics Boutique.
Sorry Sold out...

Related link:


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    I wish you and your family wonderful and happy hours in the last days of this year and a great, healthy and peaceful New Year 2012!

    Sending love and hugs,

  2. I have so enjoyed following your blog this year, Mariette. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and successful new year, filled with good times spent with relatives and friends. Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. Jij ook bedankt voor je lieve comments van afgelopen jaar en ook de beste wensen voor komend jaar en veel gezondheid!
    Lieve groeten,

  4. Happy New Year, dearest Mariette to you and Pieter.
    Wishing you good health, prosperity and a year ahead filled with happy days.
    It has been a pleasure getting to know you through you blog and I am so grateful for your friendship and your kind comments.

    Sending hugs

  5. Ik toast ook op jou Mariette en Pieter voor het Nieuwe Jaar!

    Een prachtig engeltje van zilver op het mooie lijstje!


    Hugs Janny.

  6. Bedankt voor het afgelopen jaar !!..leuk je ontmoet te hebben....een heel fijn gezellig en vooral gezond jaar

  7. Gorgeous frame! I love the Angel in the design...xo HHL

  8. Lieve Mariette
    Graag wil ik U en je famillie de beste wensen sturen bergen van gezondheid,liefde en geluk.
    Ook wik ik je bedanken voor je lieve reactie.
    Lieve groetjes Carine

  9. Que 2012 traga novos sonhos, novas alegrias e muita inspiração para o seu trabalho!

    ¨¨¨¸.•°` BOAS FESTAS!!!
    ¸.•°`♥✿⊱╮FELIZ 2012!!!

  10. Ik wens jou en je familie ook alle geluk en gezondheid toe in 2012 en natuurlijk nog vele jaren langer!!!

  11. Dear Mariette,

    What an enchanting silver frame!!

    Happy New Year, hope all your wishes come true in 2012!!

  12. Mariette, what a beautiful frame! And, some lovely thoughts about the approaching new year. Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. I hope you and your family have a very Happy New Year!

  13. Hi Mariette, beautiful silver frame, and more with those details angelic "as everything you sell in your boutique. I hope to spend a nice farewell 2011 and the new year bring you many blessings, greetings. Rose M.

  14. I have really enjoyed following your blog this year, Mariette and would like to thank you for all your supportive and kind and heartfelt comments . I wish you, Pieter, all your furbabies and all your loved ones a very happy, healthy, and successful new year,.XOXO Bea

  15. Dearest Mariette,

    I have so enjoyed getting to know you this year and look forward to our continued friendship in 2012. I wish you and your family Peace Health and Happiness for the New Year!

    Big hugs!
    xo Catherine

  16. A really lovely post. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog and so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, if you find a spare minute hope you visit me sometime and follow back so nice to meet new friends. Sending you special wishes for a wonderful New Year I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.
    Always Wendy


Thanks for your visit and comment.
