
Thursday, December 29, 2011

{Our Wintersweet - Chimonanthus praecox}

  • Like last year around Christmas time, this year we also had some lovely fragrant blooms from our Wintersweet or Chimonanthus praecox (Calycanthus p.) (C. fragrans). 
  • Therefore I want to share these blossoms and buds with you here...
  • No leaves but blooms...

  • The light in our kitchen was just perfect for taking these photos. 
  • We kept only a few blossoms ourselves and I did deliver a small vase to a dear friend that is recovering from her knee replacement. 
  • Hope she was able to enjoy them.

  • Hope you enjoyed these beautiful winter blooming Chimonanthus praecox (Calycanthus p.) (C. fragrans).

Related article:

Our Garden's Winter Blooms for Christmas (


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for sharing those wonderful flowers with us! They look so beautiful, so fragile .....

    Have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Thanks for sharing.....they are so beautiful.
    Have a nice day.
    Hugs Bianca xx

  3. è un piacere guardare le foto dei tuoi fiori...sono meravigliosi...ti abbraccio Lory

  4. Che belli questi fiori a stella proprio di questo periodo!Baci,e tanti cari auguri di buon anno,Rosetta

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das war ein Genuss bei dir.
    Schön, dass du mich darauf aufmerksam
    gemacht hast.

    Alles Liebe

  6. Che fato assolutamente meravigliose, Mariette, sento quasi il profumo di questi bellissimi fiori.
    Ti faccio i miei auguri per un
    2012 strepitoso e magico.
    Un abbraccio
    Susy x

  7. Dearest Mariette
    They look just so lovely. I love and appreciate the delights you derive (and share) from your garden.
    Much love from Greece,

  8. What a beautiful and unusual flower. Thanks so much for sharing and for following and commenting on my 366 project blog. :)

  9. Wunderschön, liebe Mariette!
    Ich kannte diese Pflanze noch nicht.
    Aber hier wächst ja leider auch nicht alles, was bei Euch problemlos gedeiht.

    Danke auch für die Links. Ich habe nur so meine Befürchtungen, was solche Bestellungen in den USA betrifft. Das ist für so wenig Stoff, den wir brauchen, doch zu aufwändig. Aber ich werde gern mal bei dem genannten Blog anfragen. Vielen herzlichen Dank!

    Liebe Grüße und einen guten Rutsch in das Neue Jahr 2012!

  10. Sooo schön, deine Blüten, liebe Mariette! Ich danke dir außerdem für deine süßen Zeilen zu meinem Weihnachtsposting! Auch dir und deinen Lieben die allerbesten WÜnsche für das Neue Jahr und einen guten Rutsch!!!
    Herzlichst Traude

  11. A most beautiful blossom and one that I was not familiar with. Your photography is lovely!

    So nice stopping by to visit with you! Sending wishes for a very Happy New Year!

    Kindly, Lorraine

  12. Great Photography as usual. Neat blossoms even without leaves, they have a lot of dignity and beauty to them.
    Have a happy new year !

  13. Hello dear Mariette,
    These blooms are so beautiful and so delicate!

    Thank you for your comments. I'm glad you liked my little angel. I loved how it looked in the pictures with your beautiful camellia.

    I'm so busy now. My father-in-law is visiting from Norway. And the the day after tomorrow is Viktor's birthday as well as New Year's Eve.

    Happy New Year to you and Pieter. Best wishes for 2012!

  14. Dearest Mariette!
    Wow, what a lovely flower and stunning pictures♡♡♡
    I wish I were able to enjoy these flowers of yours with you♬♬♬
    Love and hugs,xoxo Orchid*


Thanks for your visit and comment.
