
Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This blog is a plea for help from bloggers around the world. Poor MICHIKO from Victoria, Australia has been involved in an accident on Decembe 15. She got badly injured, just read her son's post from yesterday for more here. Sadly, Michiko has accidentally deleted her older posts, including this meaningful one with ALL the sweet comments!  Please do follow her blog, as a gift to her, for showing we all care and leave a short note for encouragement. That will build her up more than you ever will imagine! Michiko is originally from Japan. So let us pass along some blog LOVE...
Let us show her OUR SUPPORT!
Celia from the blog: Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista will understand best what this lady is going through... as I've mentioned in my previous post here.
Thanks for your help, I know that bloggers are the nicest bunch of people!

I only can reward ONE of you with a silver alphabet angel charm in my GIVEAWAY; see sidebar at the top...


  1. Thanks for the post, will visit her right away. Mei

  2. Ik zal eens even bij haar op het blog kijken. De give away sla ik even over..heb net wat gewonnen bij Madelief.
    groetjes, Renny

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir einen guten Tag.

    In Liebe


  4. Zal eens kijken op haar blog, een ongeluk is altijd erg.

    Fijne dag,

    liefs Janny

  5. Thanks for the post!
    Have a nice day, kisses.

  6. OMG!!!
    I never knew about it☆☆☆
    I'll pop over her site, thank you very much letting us know!!!

  7. Hallo Mariette,
    ja, das Schicksal spielt so manchem übel mit. Ich habe sie besucht und ihr gute Besserung gewünscht.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. I was just over to Michiko's blog and ready her son's post... I couldn't stop the stream of tears, for I know too well what she must be going through... confusion, wanting to be the same (fast) not understanding it takes time. She will have a long road ahead of her as will her family.

    I know blogging and the support and encouragement the blogging community friends (such as yourself, my dear friend) has made a huge difference in getting up and wanting to move forward. I hope Michiko will be back on-line soon... even if just to say she is having an aweful day ... the comments she will receive will help her to regain the feeling she is not forgotten!! ...

    Many blessings to you my friend for bringing her situation to the world. I am keeping her in thought and prayer...xo Celia (HHL)

  9. Hi Mariette, is a regrettable incident! but I've left a post. comment and my best wishes and prayers are with her and her fam. It's a nice jester. Convene to unanimous, many minds and hearts agree and ask and wish for his speedy recovery, you can make the impossible possible! Prayer is a powerful vehicle for healing! Greetings, dear. Rose M.

  10. I will venture over to visit right now and wish her a speedy recovery. Very nice of you to think of her in such a way. :)

  11. Sei una persona molto sensibile ed altruista...vado a vedere subito! Un abbraccio, Anna

  12. Dear Mariette

    Thanks for putting us in the picture with this story.

    Oh no so sad for Michiko, who sounds like a lovely lady who is focused on her family and the beauty of nature.
    I've popped into her blog, become a follower and left a message of encouragement for her.

    We just never know what can happen when we start each day.
    Here's hoping that we only have good stories to share in 2012 from now on.

    Take care

  13. Wat goed van je Mariette, dat je dit even onder de aandacht brengt..
    Wat ontzettend erg, ik ga zeker volger zal ik niet zo heel veel reacties posten, want mijn schrijf Engels... ha ha, ik ben van de bijna eerste lichting op de middelbare school die Engelse les kreeg, dus dat was toen nog niet zoveel!!

    Maar ik denk dat ze ook al blij is met wat meer volgers, want dat doet je inderdaad ook goed, weten dat er mensen zijn die je blog leuk/mooi/goed/ of weet ik wat al niet meer vinden..

  14. I'm on my way over right now my friend. You heart is huge. You've touched my soul with your caring!

    Love you~


  15. Dear Mariette,
    I am so sorry to read this and I will visit right now. Prayers lifted!
    Love to you, CM

  16. what a great give away!!! I love that charm! thank you for telling me about it!

  17. Hi there! I just popped over to wish her a speedy recovery and say hello. It reminds me to never take a day for granted.

    I also want to thank you sweet Mariette for your kind comments on my blog. I do hope to get back to my normal blog reading schedule now that the kiddos are back in school. I've missed it so much.

    Happy New Year!

  18. Mariette, you have such a wonderful heart... I will go visit...

  19. Dearest Mariette, Thanks for the heads up on Michiko's
    accident. I just went over and left a comment with Andrew and started following Michiko's blog to keep up with her progress.
    Thank you so much for your thoughtfullness.
    Love to you, Ginger


Thanks for your visit and comment.
