
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

{Our Narcissus Cragford blooms EARLY!}

  • Already on January 13, I took this photo from our fragrant Narcissus Cragford.  
  • It sure is a daring daffodil for emerging this early. There are a few more varieties blooming right now but the weather is too dark and dreary for making any photos. 
  • The forecast is not much better for the coming days. We all long for those light days with some sunshine! But enjoy this early spring bode with me...
Plenty of rain and very mild weather, close to 20°C or 68°F is encouraging of course!


  1. Deares Mariette,
    I love the Narcissus flowers! It will take a few weeks, before we can see them in the gardens... You lucky woman :O)

    Have a great week,
    sending love and hugs,

  2. Mariette,are these not the most beautiful spring flowers? I love them. Pity they don't stay out very long,but certainly worth having in the garden.
    x jeanetteann

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    der nächste Frühling kommt gewiss.

    In Liebe


  4. Preciosos los narcisos!!
    parcen de cuento-

  5. Hi Mariette!
    Oh my god, do you really have flowers alredy in your garden??? Simpely lovely!
    Sprig hugs from Anna

  6. Dearest Mariette,

    You don't know how much joy your lovely flowers bring to me. All I have is white in my yard. Lots of snow. Spring is very far off I am afraid so I will have to take my spring joy from other bloggers! Ha!

    Thank you for sharing your flowers!
    xo Catherine

  7. Questo bellissimo giglio non ha paura di inverno, è in grassetto)
    Grazie cara Marietta mi segua!
    Buona giornata:)

  8. I narcisi sono molto belli!Mi piace metterli nella scatola di latta!Baci,Rosetta

  9. Maravillosos tus narcisos.Besos

  10. Are they already growing in your garden ? It's winter !!!
    It looks beautiful.
    Hugs, Bianca xx

  11. Oh my dear friend, berries and now these beautiful Narcissus!! You are so blessed ... and I am too... this little flower has made my morning. Thank you. I'm enjoying a cup of tea looking at your beautiful flower and dreaming of when the snow will be gone and our gardens will start to come alive again... Blessings, xo HHL

  12. Hallo Mariette,
    ist es denn schon wieder soweit? Wenn erstmal die Frühlingsblumen blühen, haben wir eine schwere Zeit geschafft und alles wird wieder leichter zu ertragen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  13. Ja, de narcissen zijn vroeg dit jaar! Zelfs hier in het hoge noorden zijn ze al uit de grond aan het komen en dat in januari. Wij hebben dit jaar bijna niets van sneeuw gehad.

    Bedankt voor je lieve en leuke reacties op mijn blog. Eindelijk werkt blogger weer zodat ik bij jullie ook een reactie kan plaatsen.

    Lieve groetjes,

  14. Dear Mariette,
    It's lovely to see the flowers blooming, even though it's still winter. Have a lovely Day!


  15. Oh heerlijk nu al wat narcissen!

    Lieve groetjes Janny

  16. How fortunate you are to have blooming flowers during the winter season. Makes me smile and think about spring. Very refreshing. Lovely image of a beautiful flower! Thank you for sharing!

  17. Beautiful narcissus! I had narcissus blooming every year at home back in Japan. The weather has been unusually mild...looks like they think it's spring already :-)

  18. Greetings, Mariette! It's been a while since I stopped by. There are just too many blogs out there to visit! LOL! But what a treat to visit here to see your lovely blooming flower. We've had over six inches of snow here this past weekend in my New England area, so this is a breath of fresh air to see this. Take care and hope you have been well!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
