
Wednesday, January 25, 2012

{GIVEAWAY = YOUR Choice of 925 silver Giovanni Raspini Letter!}

Because I got some reader remarks, as to the photographed 925 silver Giovanni Raspini 'M' would be perfect for them, I want to state the following: This Worldwide GIVEAWAY is about a 925 silver Giovanni Raspini Alphabet Letter of CHOICE! If you look at my Zen Cart powered Mariette's Back to Basics Boutique you can select the one you would want to win. Hope this did clarify any doubts. Wishing you GOOD LUCK! And if you don't win by February 4... you can always order one at my Boutique! Hoover over the red words with your mouse; they are hyperlinks. Right click on them for opening in a new tab. 
P.S. the Dutch chocolate Alphabet Letter is NOT included...
You can order yours at Vander Veen's the Dutch Store or at The Dutch Market.
Copy and paste onto your post.
Thanks for all that already participated!


  1. Liebe Mariette,

    davon sind bestimmt viele begeistert.

    Viel Freude wünscht dir

  2. Hello there Mariette, hope you're doing well! Those are such beautiful letters!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the safety reminder on the ribbon around my lamp...I have checked it out to make sure it doesn't heat up:) It's pretty low below the bulb so it stays cool.

    Have a wonderful week my friend!

  3. Dolcissime letterine!Partecipo volentieri!Copiato e incollato su blog!Bacioni,Rosetta

  4. Dear Mariette, Your letter charms are just gorgeous. I know they must be stunning in person. Your giveaway is very generous. Some one will be very blessed to own one.

    Hope you are doing well my friend. It is raining here with wind and cold.
    Have a great evening and rest of the week.
    Much Love, Celestina Marie


Thanks for your visit and comment.
