
Saturday, January 7, 2012

{Romantic French Rose Boxes}

To my many loyal readers I finally want to introduce some very special and rare French Country Style gems, that I have put on my Spectrenoir for sale. Hope you will like them and the images that I will post here are to explain in more detail the beauty of those pieces. First of all let me introduce this artist friend to you. She is a lady about my age, who lives just outside of Paris in France. Her name is Françoise Kiéné and she does sign all of her work with her initials FK in a very discrete way. You almost have to look for it with a magnifier!
But she does a quite remarkable job; judge for yourself!

Don't forget my GIVEAWAY that is coming soon...
This is a lovely, larger box made out of wood with boiled carton in a rich burgundy color. An exceptional old box and you can see it here at Spectrenoir.
Great French Country Style Gifts!
Sorry, SOLD OUT...
Unique painted composition of roses on raw wood; LIME. See it on line at Spectrenoir for description of the piece.
Sorry, SOLD OUT...
Wooden Box with Yellow Roses 6½" in diameter. See the description again at Spectrenoir by scrolling down.
Romantic Arched Wooden Chest with Roses. Read for more info on line at Spectrenoir.
Sorry Sold Out...
Shown here is a lovely Round Wooden Box with Pink Roses Painted Composition on lid and also on the sides. See my corresponding info from link above, for details.
Wooden Box with Roses and Forget-me-nots composition, also painted on all four sides. See it in detail at Spectrenoir.
Sorry Sold out...
See my on line info from link above...
This is a lovely round Chocolate or Bon-bon tin that Françoise neatly painted over with a roses composition. For more detail see my Spectrenoir listings.
This is a Jewelry box made of small bamboo and composition painted by Françoise. See it on line at Spectrenoir for more detail.

Great French Basics Gifts!
My GIVEAWAY is soon to follow...


  1. Thank you for your advise. These boxes are beautiful and meticulously painted,

    have a nice weekend,


  2. Hi Mariette,
    all the boxes are fabulous and match so wonderful in your store. You always find the best things.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    so schön wie immer.

    In Liebe


  4. I'm always in awe of anyone who can paint plain items with such pretty designs and make them into something so beautiful. I have a friend here who can do the same, but she's chosen to do embroidery designs by machine because doing anything by hand takes so much time. It's really a shame as she is so talented. Hope your Saturday is a good one. Tammy

  5. Phooey! I left a comment but it's not showing up. Our internet is very slow at the moment.

  6. So here goes again...

    Those are very pretty painted items. I'm always in awe of folks who are able to take plain pieces and make them beautiful with handpainted pictures. I have a friend here who is able to do the same but she's chosen instead to do embroidery designs by machine because it doesn't take as much time as the painting and handiwork she used to do. It's a shame because she is so talented and isn't using her gifts to the fullest. I wish I had even 1/10th of that kind of creativity. Hope you are having a good day. Tammy

  7. hoi Mariette,
    het duurde even voor het kwartje viel, maar mijn moeder heeft het 1 en ander uitgelegd, en nu doet de snapper het !
    leuk om zo familie `tegen het lijf te lopen ´ haha !

    leuke spulletjes heb je, qua smaak zit t duidelijk in de familie, mijn moeder vind zoiets ook heel leuk.
    het is niet echt mijn ding, maar dat zal vast de generatiekloof zijn, lol !

  8. No doubt:your friend is a true artist. Beautiful works,indeed.
    Nice time to you Mariette-:)

  9. Thank you dearest Mariette: you are so sweet to me. I'm deeply grateful.

  10. °º♫ Olá, amiga!
    °º✿ Que florais lindos! Peças lindas!
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·. Bom fim de semana!
    ✿⊱╮Beijinhos. Brasil

  11. Hi Mariette,

    The painted boxes are so pretty! How nice to have a nice talented friend in France.

    How sweet to have found your cousin. :-)

    Happy Birthday to your father. Wow! 91 years young.


  12. Wonderful pieces with exquisite painting that will one day become family heirlooms for someone Mariette!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    those Roes-Boxes and paintings are georgeous!

    Have a happy weekend!
    Sending love and hugs


Thanks for your visit and comment.
