
Friday, January 6, 2012

{WOW I found my Dutch Cousin + she has a GIVEAWAY!!!}

Yesterday with my post: Papa is 91 today! I got one very special comment; from my 1st Cousin, THEA. She has the fabulous blog: CREA by THEA. A while ago I did figure out that she is from the same city where I used to live for about 5½ years in the 70s. When asking her if she is from Panningen, The Netherlands, I got a reply from her that, YES she is. Don't tell me that you lived in the same street where I live she joked. Well, it turned out even far better. We're KIN to each other! Two 1st Cousins from two continents meet again via Blogger. SMALL WORLD after all. Now the good news for all of you... Thea is having a fabulous Giveaway till January 16. That will blow you away, just have a peak at ALL what is included. So I proudly show it to all of my readers here:
Just hurry over and follow this very talented lady!
Our Moms were sisters and we discovered a lot of things we do have in common.
Certainly Thea's Mom will be smiling down from heaven, as will her Dad!
One more fact is that we both did our ten-finger-blind typing course (from Scheidegger) together in 1974 in Panningen, The Netherlands. Little did we know that we would find each other again decades later...
Will tell my Mom soon via Skype about this meeting via Blogger, told Dad already but Mom was having her kidney dialysis when Dad had his birthday guests over... Sad that her life is affected by this 3 x weekly treatment. But she's still alive and that is great!
For you to take with you

 Just copy & paste the text inside the box to place on your side bar; it will be clickable

Watch also for MY GIVEAWAY that is coming soon!
Have a great day and I'll visit you again soon. 
Yesterday we went to Atlanta for our shopping. 
Had not been since we went with daughter Liz on December 6; almost one month ago... LAST year.


  1. Dearest Mariette,

    Thea is your cousin? That is great, that you found her! I follow her wonderful blog since a long time :O)))

    have a happy weekend,
    sending love and hugs

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzliche Grüße und einen guten Tag


  3. My goodness! Talk about a small world! How wonderful that you two found each other. Will certainly pay her a visit. I took typing classes in high school. I only know the keys by feel -- if I have to look at the keyboard, I can't find the letters. It amazes everyone. Kids these days certainly don't learn that skill. Everyone is pecking away at the keys. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Tammy

  4. Dear Mariette,
    Congratulations with your father's birthday, what a wonderful age.
    How nice to find your relatives, I have some relatives in England I never met.

  5. Dear Mariette,
    That is great news! How nice to meet here on blogger after so many years :) Have a lovely day!


  6. Hoe is het mogelijk hè Mariette van Thea. En wat ook leuk is dat ik haar ook ontmoet heb op mijn workshop in Limburg!haha. Jammer dat jij er niet was!Maar misschien kom ik daar nog wel eens, in Meijel vlakbij Weert.

    Groeten van Janny

  7. Oh my goodness! this is so fantastic and exciting. Please keep us posted about your Skype meeting. and will head on over there to view her blog.

    PS THANK YOU for all the awesome tips for dealing with Blogger. It is the little details, isn't it? :)

  8. How wonderful to find your cousin Mariette! I hope you enjoy visiting each other. Lovely give-a-way!
    xo Catherine

  9. How wonderful Miss M! Happy Birthday to your Papa and I'm so happy to read about you finding your cousin~


  10. Thea maakt de mooiste dingen hoor....ze is zo creatief !!...leuk dat dat famillie van je is......liefs fijn weekend van

  11. Liebe Mariette, ja die Welt ist klein und durch das Internet wird sie noch kleiner. Schön für dich, dass du deine Cousine gefunden hast.
    Sie hat einen wunderschönen Blog.
    Lange konnte ich nicht kommentieren, jetzt wird es wieder besser.
    Noch alles Gute für das Neue Jahr und liebe Grüße

  12. Such a talented and artistic family-you must be over the moon you have re-connected again !!

  13. Dat meen je niet!!! Thea een nichtje van je!!!
    Ik volg Thea al anderhalf jaar, en jou ook al bijna zo lang, en je komt jullie beide blogs zowat in elke leeslijst tegen, en jullie hadden elkaar nog niet gevonden!!!

    Wat is dat toevallig dan nu, maar jullie zijn (denk ik) beide wel totaal verschillende persoonlijkheden..maar ik vind het zooo leuk, als ik nu bij Thea d'r blog ben, noet ik vootaan aan jou denken en vise versa natuurlijk...

  14. I don't know where to start... ok Happy birthday to your dad for having been turned 91!!!
    Then, wowwww 2 cousins that meet again after so many year via sounds amazing but so great!!!
    Now I am going to put your cousin's giveaway on my sidebar waiting for yours as well!!!
    I hope I didn't make too many errors!!
    Ciao Alessandra

  15. Hi Mariette, Oh how wonderful to find each other and have so much in common as well as family. Thea looks to be such a talented lady and I love the pic and her giveaway. Will go visit next. Thank you for sharing and Congrats to you both and blessings for many years ahead of family memories together.

    Thank you for stopping by. The throw's yarn is acrylic and washes so nicely and stays so soft. I love to work with this for that reason. Thank you for your kind comment.
    Love you dear one, CM

  16. Carissima Mariette, sono proprio felice che tu abbia trovato tramite il blog una tua cugina...che bello!!!! Domani con calma vado a visitarla..ora vado a nanna. Un abbraccio, Anna

  17. Dear Mariette,

    How wonderful for you connecting again, with your cousin and it is a really small world. Will go and visit her blog, thanks for telling us.
    I love all the sweet boxes with the pretty roses.

    Have a lovely week


Thanks for your visit and comment.
