
Friday, February 17, 2012

{My 14th Blog Award}

From Nani in Macedonia I received my 14th blog award, click Kajnani-nani blog. THANKS Nani and I will try to work it out but I will not list 15 for passing it on as that is way too many... Nani had her birthday on February 15, so you might want to congratulate her on that. Belated yes, but still pretty close.

I am also expected to reveal 7 things about myself...
1) Just like Nani, I am a WATERMAN.
2) Am very HAPPY that my Mom reached the age of 88 on February 12! She is a WATERMAN too.
Despite her having almost 4 years of kidney dialysis, from March 18, 2008 on, she has reached this blessed age.
3) LOVE the warmer weather and can't wait for spring to really start; not just 'teasing' and back to cold again.
4) Felt happy with our new Italian Coffee and Wine Bar 'Via Col Vento' (Gone With the Wind).
Dear friends Heinz & Maria from Ristorante da Maria run it.
I got a special treat on Monday from a sweet 93 year old role-model friend, who invited both of us for lunch at 'Via Col Vento' for my birthday on February 6.
This made us feel like being back in Italy, in the Veneto area...
5) LOVE the State where we live! For an idea of how Central Georgia looks like, see: Georgia Traveler.
6) Am so pleased with the delicious Chocolate Recipe for diabetes type 2, see my previous post: {Our Liz & Telepathy + AMAZING Chocolate Recipe!}.
Had another yummy chocolate heart today after coming home from Atlanta...
6) Proud of my husband Pieter who built a sturdy 3rd bridge across the creek. High enough for high water levels, IF it will rain a lot like previous years.
7) Bought several super healthy rose bushes at Costco today because we lost almost all of ours last year due to the heat and drought. Look forward to some real home grown roses for filling a vase. 
And now... passing it on to several lovely blogs. That is always the hard part as there are so many deserving recipients!

1) Princesa Nadie A most romantic blog with flowers and porcelain cups & saucers etc.
2) Anna from The Doll House A highly talented lady with great styling!
3) Valentina from Les Cotrions Another highly talented lady with a lovely blog full of inspiration.
4) Marian from Schunsland Yet another highly talented lady!
Please do pay them a visit and wishing you all a lovely day; anticipating SPRING...


  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch liebe Mariette!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen fröhlichen Start ins Wochenende!
    ♥ Liebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    herzlich gratuliere ich dir zum Award.

    Alles Liebe

  3. dear Marietta
    I congratulate you and wish prosperity to your blog also congratulate the other winners.
    Thank you for the recipe for chocolate potrben me and me ...
    You're particularly good person,
    Thank you for friendship!
    Have a wonderful day!

  4. Gefeliciteerd meid!
    Geniet er maar lekker van!

    Hier gaat het grote feest beginnen! Dreej daag lol en plezeer!
    Maar wel leuk!

    Je hebt gelijk wat mijn Moeder betreft, ze was zeer goed in allerlei soorten van handwerken. Ze zou zeker trots op me geweest zijn. Ze had vast en zeker een PC willen hebben.Alleen om dit op mijn blog allemaal te kunnen zien!!

    Ikga nog even knutselen!

    Liefs je nichtje ♥

  5. Gefeliciteerd met je award!

    Groeten Maaike

  6. congratulations on your beautiful award - it's very well earned. Wishing you a fantastic weekend!


  7. congratulations to you, dear, on your award! and i wish my husband was handy like yours sounds to be! :)

    (thanks for commenting against word verification! :))

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on your 14th award♪♪♪
    Wonderful rose designed lovely award!!!

    PS> Well, thank you very much letting me know about the word verification. OMG, I've never noticed my comment tag requires it. I cannot find the place or box where I can put check for no word verification in my "postd and comments" form in the setting...... I will post about getting help later, thank you very much!!!
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Delighted to meet you.Visiting your blog has been a pleasure
    Best wishes

  10. And thank you very much for your award!!!!!!
    It has been a very nice surprise!

  11. Orchid again,
    How silly of me!!! I cannot find the box to take the check off from, hehe.
    Love you my friend, xoxo Miyako*

  12. Hier gings übrigens auch nochmal um das Thema Backlinks:!category-topic/blogger-de/allgemeines/ZFFNnbet9d4

    das scheint selbst eine Google-Mitarbeiterin nicht zu wissen, wie die zustande kommen. Eigentlich seltsam!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
