
Saturday, February 18, 2012

{Word Verification is Time WASTE!}

Blogger has changed for the worse its Comments Word Verification with now a two word/symbol check. It is illegible and you are forced to try it twice or trice before you FINALLY can place your comment. As Theresa from The Run *A* Round Ranch Report put it: "My eyes don't decode spy messages!"  SORRY but none of us has that luxury of time. So once more I want to ask you to follow my earlier TIP on how to handle your Comments Setting. Will show you below. 
Yeah, try again. What an Invasion into my precious time...
Can you make out the other word's beginning?
How can I possibly make THOSE characters?
I'm not a robot and neither an idiot for doing this kind of games!

  • By the way, I now have the setting for comments on Registered Users and that avoids almost all spam!
  • Show word verification: No
  • Comment Moderation: For posts older than 3 days to be safe.

Theresa's post about WORD VERIFICATION WOES! is excellent and very clear; see below.

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  1. My friend thank you for this post - I was starting to think I needed stronger glasses, when I come across a blog that has word verification.

    I have also heard that GFC is going to be gone come March 1st. So I have added an alternative way for people to follow me ... in case this happens (under GFC follow button). Google+ is still in development and apparently lots of tweaking is still going on.

    Wishing you, Pieter and the furbabies .. a lovely week-end! xo Celia (HHL).

  2. Greetings ... I posted about this very thing on Living Boldly earlier today ... 'Rant in 55 Words' ... your post is brilliant and clear!!!

  3. Dear Mariette,

    So many changes and not all for the good.
    I have just got a new computer so too many changes all at once for me.
    I really hate that 2 word verification as really it is taking all the fun out of blogging.
    Thanks for sharing this and will have to look into this when I have time.

    Wishing you and Pieter a lovely weekend

  4. Thank you so much for this information. It has been driving me mad. I'm still trying to find my way to the old thingie you mentioned to add a thank you note to my commentors
    but will keep trying at least I've fixed 2 problems.
    x jeanetteann

  5. Mariette ti ringrazio,non sono brava a gestire il pc,farò vedere a mio figlio!Baci,Rosetta

  6. Hi Mariette,
    I have noticed this change to a strange word verification. I did skip this word verification for my blog since long. There comes a lot of funny spam-comments, but Blogger separates them into a separate file, so I can control and skip them. Thank you for your brillant information.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  7. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, how much I appreciate you♡♡♡
    Theresa's explanation about 'cog' looking icon helped me and I could have my old interface back again!!! What an easy thing I had to do and I don't know why blogger switched their word verification format???
    I will add her "word verification free blog" into my post.
    Thank you SO much, my dear friend♪♪♪

    Lots of love and many many Hugs to you, xoxo Miyako*

  8. Klopt helemaal, lief nichtje van me!!

    Zonde van de tijd!

    En idd, niet iedereen weet hoe te handelen. Je moet terug naar de oude interface! Ik heb gisteren ook al iemand geholpen om het eraf te krijgen.
    Ik weet niet veel van PC's maar heb gelukkig een gezond boerenverstand! En zoals je weet......kom je daar heel ver mee!

    Nogmaals een heel mooi weekend!!

    Liefs oet ein bont Kepèl ♥

  9. Brava Mariette..ho fatto un post simile anch'io ma molto più tuo è fatto benissimo! Speriamo che tutte tolgano questa opzione! Un bacione, Anna

  10. Hi Mariette, I finally leave a comment, I was all week trying. Mariette fijate this entry is rather interesting for people who receive many visits and have to visit and verification of words this is really late and a nuisance. Never put it, for the same! hugs. Rose M

  11. You are so right sweet Mariette! Oh that double word verification ~ not nice! My eyes just can't take the fuzziness of it all ~ and who has the time to squint and type? Haha!

    I must admit, there is a couple of blogs I did not comment on this morning as it had the new word verification.

    I haven't used word verification for a very long time. I find blogger catches spam well. No problems.

    Thank you for helping to spread the word!

    Have a happy happy weekend!
    xo Catherine

  12. Hello my dear Mariette:
    Thank you so much for this tip, it was very helpful, you are right this bothers me a lot too and I didn't know how to get rid of it, since I have the new interface. I already fix my 2 blogs.

    It was amazing to know you had a Woody as a pet! I'm glad you have them all the time there, here it is very rare to see them, I guess I was lucky to take some pictures.

    Again, thank you so much for this wonderful post.

    Have a nice weekend my sweet friend,

    Con cariño,

    Laura =)

  13. Hi dear Mariette, thanks so much for the info, I did change my setting.....I hate the new word verification also....

    Thanks again sweet friend :)

  14. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! for helping to spread the message!!! YAY!!!

  15. Thank you for following. Nice blog you have.

    Hugs from Sweden

  16. Thank you Mariette for this post. I have noticed these space alien words to verify. I do need to try several times! I'm not sure my blog's setting. I will check!

  17. We are on the same wavelength with this Mariette, as I too posted about the same thing. Very aggravating to say the least. I'm off to bed now. Goodnite! Tammy

  18. Liebe Mariette,

    das hast du sehr gut gemacht.

    Alles Liebe


  19. Mariette, an appreciative thank you for posting this information! I had the word verification enabled on my blog and wished to disable it. It took me two hours to figure out how to turn the word verification off (with the help of the blogger forum). The problem was going back to the old interface. So glad it is fixed and now I won't miss any comments. Thank you for sharing!

  20. I know, this new word verification is so annoying. Takes forever.

  21. Thank you Mariette for your post. I used the new interface and had to go back to the old one. I wonder what shall we do when the new one become compulsory!!!
    Have a nice weekend Mariette.

  22. Liebe Mariette,
    das ist wirklich mehr als ärgerlich! Ich schrieb neulich ja auch schon darüber. Aber einige haben Angst vor Spam oder meinen, sie hätten schon sehr viel Spamkommentare erhalten.
    Ich selbst kann das nicht bestätigen. In all den Jahren habe ich vielleicht gerade mal 3 solcher Kommentare, die noch dazu nicht von Bots stammen, bekommen. Blogger hat außerdem ja einen separaten Spamschutz integriert. Und dieser Captcha-Code ist inzwischen ohnehin überholt, denn er kann maschinell entschlüsselt werden. Ich frag' mich wirklich, was das soll!

    Herzliche Grüße

    das ist der Link dazu, solche Bilder sind heute kein Problem mehr für Hacker ;-)

  24. BRAVO!! Sweet Mariette thank you so much!! You put the facts out in a clear and concise manner.

    Now, GRANNY SAYS "Turn the *#&%@# word verification OFF!

    Love to you Mariette.
    Hugs, Ginger

  25. Dearest Mariette
    Grrr - what is Blogger thinking?
    We all just want a quiet life and that means:
    1 - being able to leave a blog comment - pop up or not.
    2 - without word verification
    3 - have the ability to join or remove blogs as we please (with Bloggers new interface I'm unable to remove blogs of no interest now)
    4 - Keep Google Friend Connect as it works well and we are all 'au fait' with that system.

    Thank you Mariette for airing this issue for us!


  26. Liebe Mariette,
    ich danke dir für deinen Hinweis - ich habe mir deinen Tipp abgeschrieben - ich muss für mich noch entscheiden, ob ich keine Einschränkung mehr haben will, denn ich bekam schon Kommentare mit sehr hässlichen Worten von bösen Menschen - ich würde dann ohne Schutz sein -

    trotzdem vielen Dank und liebe Grüße - Ruth

  27. I tried to take off this option but it is not clear how I can do it. thank you for help. hugs

  28. ooh, I hate those word verifications - they are so hard to read! Grrr! The old single words were much more user friendly.

    Cheers - Joolz

  29. Dear Mariette,
    Thank you for the great info!

  30. Was mich noch einmal interessieren würde, wie man die Backlinks zum eigenen Post unterhalb der Kommentare anzeigen lassen kann.
    Ich hab' nun schon alles versucht. Die Einstellungen im Blog sind korrekt - nämlich "Neue Posts haben Backlinks"
    Backlinks = Anzeige angekreuzt!

    Ich hatte sogar schon ans Blogger-Forum geschrieben, aber dort hat man mich mißverstanden.!searchin/blogger-de/backlinks/blogger-de/n02UoxJjIps/EMDwF_ktC3IJ

    Es kann doch eigentlich nicht sein, daß ein Backlink nur DANN entsteht, wenn man diesen als Post veröffentlicht? Er müsste doch auch dann erscheinen, wenn ich auf einen Post ganz normal verlinke, oder?

    Liebe Grüße nochmal

  31. Hello! You are absolutely right, I've already taken a year, because actually bothers to interpret those words illegible. Good for your advice. Happy weekend to you.

  32. Hello! You are absolutely right, I've already taken a year, because actually bothers to interpret those words illegible. Good for your advice. Happy weekend to you.

  33. Mariette, thanks for your tips on word verification, will try to remove it.I know myself that it's annoying at times.Anna
    P.S. thanks for you nice nice comment! Glad to know more people who lived or live in India!Take care and have a great Sunday! Anna


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