
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

{Our New Roses from Costco}

From Costco we got some great new rose bushes. Last year we lost most of ours, due to the extreme heat and drought. Let's hope this year we will have better luck! Let me show you our selection of great AARS roses, except one. Also one other rose we got from Home Depot.
Fragrant Cloud, a Hybrid Tea Rose 
Oregold, also a Hybrid Tea Rose and an AARS winner.
Queen Elizabeth a Grandiflora rose and also AARS winner.
Guess we now bought the very same rose that my Paternal Grandmother got for herself decades ago. 
We got some starters from hers! 
Miss All American Beauty also a Hybrid Tea Rose and an AARS winner.
The latter is from Home Depot but made the total of about 14 new roses complete.
Did you plant any rose bushes yet? 
What are your favorites?

Related posts:
{Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses{Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'...} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses{3 Most Prized Roses; from my Paternal Grandmother} | previous post by me about my dear Grandma's roses


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    I can guess your excitement and hoping that we will have a good year for these lovely roses♡♡♡
    Looking forward to enjoying your post when they bloom wonderfully!!!
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Liebe Mariette,
    ich wünsche dir, dass deine Rosen in diesem Jahr nicht so leiden müssen und du viele Freude an ihnen hast.
    Die "Queen Elisabeth" habe ich auch seit vielen Jahren im Garten, ich find sie wunderschön.

    Liebe Grüße

  3. Prachtige rozen, Mariette!
    Lieve groeten,

  4. Wat een mooie rozen, veel succes ermee!
    Hier staan een paar oude rozen, die zijn ook aan vervanging toe. Maar er is maar 1 probleem een giet die de rozen wel heel lekker vindt!

    Groetjes Sandy

  5. It's always so exciting to go through the green houses as spring gets near. So many pretty roses you have Mariette! Your garden is going to look extra beautiful this year. It's still too cold and snowy here to think of planting flowers yet ~ but I am looking forward to it! :)
    xo Catherine

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    das wird ganz wunderbar, wenn all diese schönen Rosen bei dir wachsen und duften. Ich hoffe, meine neuen Sorten vom Herbst haben den Winter überlebt.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  7. Hi Mariette,

    You picked out some beautiful roses. I adore the look and fragrance of a rose.
    I have a miniature rosebush that my children gave me a few years ago. I look forward to summer when it will be in full bloom.


  8. My friend this is just what I needed to see this morning!! It is showing (almost white outs) today I'm staying inside and catching up on things...since even the therapists cancelled due to weather. Wishing you a fabulous day ... filled with rose petals and dreams...xo Blessings Celia (HHL)

  9. Adoro le rose cara Mariette e queste sono magnifiche! La mia preferita? Senza dubbio la Quenn Elisabeth. Un abbraccio grande, Anna

  10. Very nice with roses and the yellow one is beautiful I think.


  11. Liebe Mariette,
    die neuen Rosen sind ganz bezaubernd.
    Sicher werden wir noch mehr Bilder von ihnen sehen.
    Liebe Abendgrüße schickt
    Irmi (die sich hiermit zurückmeldet)

  12. Sono bellissime queste rose!! buona giornata...ciao

  13. Mi favorita Mariette es la rosa amarilla,fantastica.
    Un beso

  14. Beautiful roses. I've seen miniature climbing rosebushes here but have never bought one as I know they won't survive the summer heat. You are so fortunate to have such beautiful grounds surrounding your home. Best wishes and blessings, Tammy


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