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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, August 13, 2011

{Mistery Oma Rose Resolved!}

Remember my post from two days ago? Sad that ONLY on June 10 we had some 'Oma Roses'... My prized rose bushes that I have from my paternal grandmother. We never knew the name for this beautiful rose, but thanks to friend Bea from Modern Country Lady the mistery got resolved! Even though she was extremely busy all week with all the publicity she suddenly got, she did tip me. As a Pet Parent all of her fur babies have made it into the Country Living Readers' pets album! Her delicious jam recipes got published on The Instructables editor's pick. If you scroll down on her blog Modern Country Lady, you will get there. Clicking on the hyperlink of Modern Country Lady above, will get you to her feature in 'Homemade' a British Craft Magazine.
So what did Bea name this Oma Rose? Queen Elizabeth, a Floribunda rose that got introduced in 1954 by Lammerts, USA. In 1979 it became 'World's Favorite' Rose! When I looked it up in the many books about roses that I got, I found it right there of course. And it matches all criteria. I AM SO HAPPY!
A Pocket Guide to Roses is one of the books that features the Queen Elizabeth Floribunda rose. As well as All-America Roses.

A Pocket Guide to Roses shows The Queen Elizabeth Rose on Page 160.
All-America Roses shows The Queen Elizabeth rose on Page 69.
Our Queen Elizabeth Floribunda Rose...
Here are two lovely Dutch books about roses, that were mailed to me by my brother Harry and sister-in-law Elly in 2009.
I did grow up near Lottum where every 2 years there is a Rose Festival see De Rozenhof Lottum.
That said, you know a bit more about my love for roses...
The Rose Bible by Rayford Clayton Reddell that I have here is a hard cover and a beautiful book.
Photo quality on glossy paper is exceptional. There are several photos of the Queen Elizabeth rose inside.
Another prized book of course is Victoria At Home With Roses, as is my most favorite magazine Victoria.
On a rainy day such books are a super 'pick-me-up' with all their romantic ideas!
When the roses from the garden have wilted away; then the silver roses give you joy...
This excellent book Rosen-Bestecke by Johanna Gehrlein, with lots of high quality photos for identifying your romantic silver flatware is available as Rosen-Bestecke.
Now you know a lot more about me... but I think I inherited that love for roses!


  1. Dearest Mariette,

    I'm so glad you now can name your wonderful Rose! She really is georgeous!
    And your Rose-Book-Collection is fabulous!

    Have a lovely weekend,
    love and hugs,

  2. Sono molto felice per te, finalmente sai il nome della tua rosa(stupenda)!!!!Complimenti anche per i bellissimi libri...sei innamorata delle rose come me!! Io ho appena ricevuto il nuovo catalogo di David Austen...aspetto un momento di pausa per sfogliarlo...guardare queste immagini riempie il cuore di gioia!!!! Grazie della e-mail di ieri!!! Un abbraccio,Anna.

  3. Liebe Mariette,
    nun weiß ich auch den Namen für meinen Rosenstock. Danke dafür.
    Diese Rosen sind wirklich wunderschön.
    Zart und duftend.
    Du hast ja eine Menge Bücher über Rosen. Da kannst du stöbern und nachlesen und so die Rosensaison verlängern.
    Liebe Grüße schickt dir

  4. Hello Mariette,
    I guess, you own a whole library, not only about plants in the garden. I join the love for roses and beside all your pictures are wonderful, I fell in love with the Victoria picture. What a wonderful room. I am afraid to cover my rooms with roses everywhere but I love to see it. Thank you for featuring my book again. It makes me happy that you like your purchase so much.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  5. Cara senhora,
    as suas matérias - posts - , os temas que nos apresenta, são maravilhosos, revestidos de muito glamour e capricho...
    Parabéns...Gosto imenso de vir cá...
    abraços de MF

    Dear lady, their materials - posts - presents the issues that are beautiful, clothed in glamor and whimsy ... Congratulations ... I would really like to come here ... Hugs MF

  6. Eccomi tesoro!
    Visto che sono arrivata?
    Complimenti per le tue rose, sono bellissime!
    A presto, buon ferragosto...

  7. How lovely that someone was able to identify your beautiful rose. What a fabulous collection of rose-related books. To see such pretties on the pages when there is nothing blooming outside would certainly be a balm for the eyes. Have a fabulous Friday. Tammy

  8. Dear Mariette,
    It was nice to heard that your friends find out your lovely roses name. I didn't know that the roses has name for America Or Australia.
    I thought it mostly came from England.
    What ever the roses are my favorite flowers.
    They are very strong for heat(not over 80 F).
    Have a nice weekend,

  9. Dobrý den!
    Fotky jsou nádherné!
    Růže mám moc ráda...
    Obdivuji také nádobí a příbory...
    Je to opravdu krása.
    Přeji hezký zbytek léta...

  10. Marietta!!! What a fabulous subject. I wish I could have roses, but my husband worries they would be too much maintenance. I climbing rose bush is what I would love, but imagine the pruning task????

    Thank you for your visit and kind words about my writing. We all have dreams, don't we?

    Bless you! Anita

  11. Hahaha excellent, I am so pleased you now know it was the " Queen Elizabeth " , that you were after.I knew almost straight away, as soon as I saw your pictures.It used to be a very popular rose, very strong, and super reliable, and never ill, with wonderful big flowers.All your rose- doubters out there, who worry if they should have roses as it might be so much work, should start with the " Queen Elizabeth"!!
    Next question ! :-))Only joking !
    Much love

  12. Hi, Dearest Mariette
    Oh, how wonderful that you got your mystery solved and found out the name with your generous friend's help!!! What a collection of books and YES, I could see how you lern gardening and botany. You are hardworking and studious.

    How funny that I was reading your post and fiddling back to my page, and then I found your comment for me!!! You gave us after dinner music time for us♫♫♫ Actually hubby loves the movie (swing girls) and we enjoyed "sing sing sing" after a long interval(*^_^*)
    haha, thanks for the URL.
    Hope you'll have lovely weekend,
    Lots of love and Hugs xoxo, Orchid.

  13. Dear Mariette,

    Such beautiful roses! Roses are one of the most incredible flowers, and such a favorite... songs, poems and such come to mind, and it's no wonder. Their smell alone! I think it's wonderful that you have continued in the appreciation and growth of roses in your own yard—may you always think of your Grandmother when you create a bouquet or pass the roses on your way in or out...

    As for the books, they look wonderful and being such a Victoria fan, I will definitely add that "Roses" book to my must-have list. Lovely recommendations :)

    Hope you have a fabulous weekend!
    xx, Sarah

    p.s your comments are so kind and so appreciated...

  14. Mariette, I am so happy you resolved the issue with that lovely rose's name. It is a beautiful flower and worthy of it's name. I am going over to visit Bea. I have not seen her blog but it sounds interesting. Have a great weekend.

  15. Lieve Mariette,

    Ik dacht dat ik veel tuinboeken had, maar jij hebt echt een enorme collectie! Wat een mooie roos is de Queen Elizabeth.

    Een heel fijn weekend!

    Lieve groet, Madelief x

  16. ♪°º✿
    ˛♫ Olá, amiga!
    Amo rosas... lindas imagens.
    Bom fim de semana!
    Cheio de alegria e muita paz.
    ✿♥ ° ·.

  17. Wat leuk dat je nu de naam gevonden hebt. Het is ook een mooie roze roos, ik ken hem wel. En die boeken, ja dat is wat voor mij hoor! Ik heb er een aantal van die je laat zien, maar die ene At home with roses niet, maar lijkt me ook een erg leuk boek!

    Fijn weekend,


  18. Dear Mariette,

    What a beautiful rose, your Queen Elizabeth is and so glad that you found the name.
    What a lovely collection of Rose books you have. I also love Victoria magazine and can't wait to get my copy.


  19. I have some lovely rose still in father in-law garden but they are to tall now, father in-law don't like things cut, he shout if i cut any thing, I just dont touch a thing now, just let everything grow out of shape, they still flower but not much and its too tall for me to do anything now, I feel sad seeing everything grow out of shape the garden like a rubbish dump. It's too much to do now and I don't live there... just a visitor now. I don't have the energy any more. Every where is his clatter. Make me mad. Beautiful rose and lovely Blog. Mei


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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