
Monday, February 13, 2012

{Valentine - Toi & Moi}

When working as international mushroom consultants, during one of our trips, we did find at Schiphol airport in The Netherlands a cute ring with Toi & Moi (French for You & Me). Perfect as a forever Saint Valentine. Yellow gold with a white gold heart in which a tiny diamond is set. They had to size down the ring, to fit my ring finger and by doing so I almost missed my plane. The jewelry store had send the down sized ring to the wrong terminal so I had to sprint back in order to retrieve it. My husband Pieter did wait for me at the gate... they kept the door open for me. Wow, that was JIT; Just In Time! But I've cherished this cute ring forever since.
Do you have any favorite jewelry pieces with a story?
Wishing you a Happy Saint Valentine's Day!

Related link:
{VALENTINE AROUND THE GLOBE} | previous post by me


  1. what a great story - I love that ring with the dangly heart.

  2. prachtige ring,fijne Valentijnsdag

  3. Thank you for the nice comment.
    Beautiful story, the ring is beautiful!
    Kiss for you ...

  4. Liebe Mariette,
    sorry, dass ich nicht mehr jedesmal kommentiere, ich komme einfach mit meiner Zeit nicht mehr über die Runden. Der Ring ist wirklich zauberhaft. Dafür hätte ich auch gerne (fast) jedes Flugzeug verpasst! So eine süße Idee und vor allem, dass du ihn bekommen hast. Ich kann ihn mir an deiner zierlichen Hand auch gut vorstellen.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  5. Dear Mariette,
    Wonderful ring with sweet story !
    Have a lovely week

  6. bellissimo!!!!!!!! buon san valentino anche a te!!!! un abbraccio Lory

  7. Aww Mariette I love this story..
    and I love your Toi & Mor ring the heart is really sweet. The ring is so special and so full of love..
    Gary and I have matching rings from Hawaii, we purchased back in the early 90. My ring had become to small for me so on our last trip, just this last Oct. we brought our rings with us and I had mine re-sized and Gary had his cleaned and shined. I have been enjoying wearing my Hawaiian ring again.
    Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth

  8. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Valentinstag!!!

    Liebste Grüße, Biene

  9. Happy Valentine's day!! No, I don't have a Valentine's day story like that sadly, my life has not been as blessed as yours.I did have a good friend visit me and keep me company on a bad Valentine's day, for which I will always be grateful , so I am always very aware that valentine's day is a mixed blessing for many of us.

  10. That's quite a story! And a beautiful ring. I can see why you cherish it. Wishing you and Pieter a wonderful Valentine's Day!


  11. Dear Mariette,

    The ring is so beautiful and know how special this must be for you and Pieter. I loved hearing the story and
    so glad you made the plane on time.



Thanks for your visit and comment.
