
Sunday, March 18, 2012

{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary}

On March 18, 2008 was Mom's 1st day of having her kidney dialysis. She seems to be the oldest patient among the two regional hospitals in my birth area in The Netherlands. Even though the statistics, according to the American Association of Kidney Patients, state that an 80 year old may expect less than five years of additional life from ESRD treatment. ESRD being End-Stage Renal Disease. It truly is a blessing for having her still around at the age of 88 as of February 12, 2012

Life changed drastically with this three times weekly treatment of the dialysis. She did have some problems like fainting and being nauseated after the treatment but for the time being, she has overcome that. Let's hope and pray that she will be granted some more time with us! When we did hug Mom & Dad goodbye in September last year, it was quite emotional, given her condition. Will I ever see her back alive...? But we have peace of mind with our 63 visits back home from the USA to see her. What more can we do besides the weekly calls, after getting home from Church on Sundays.

Mom looking happy upon seeing us back in The Netherlands...
Photo taken by husband Pieter upon our arrival in Horst.
Our Sunday routine, back from Church with a coffee, calling Mom & Dad...
One of our feline girls is on the window sill...
Mom as a little girl between her Dad's knees, next to her younger brother.
How sweet Grandpa is holding their little hands...
Thanks to my 1st Cousin Thea, from the blog: CREA by THEA I have this precious photo of Mom.
She's shown in the center with her older sister to the left. 
Their Mother knitted them some identical sweaters...
A leap in time. 
Mom with 1.5 year old me and she's pregnant with my sister Diny.
Mom at the 60th Wedding Anniversary of her Parents.
She proudly wears a green brocade dress, one of my sewing creations for Mom.
Mom and I, when we just got back from Church together, where Mom sang with the elderly choir 'Levensvreugd' (Life's Joy) for a 40th Wedding Anniversary Mass.
We were flying back to the USA the next day.
Mom wears again a beautiful brocade suit here that we bought the same year in the USA while they were visiting us. 
Mom did visit us in the USA a total of four times. 
While visiting us in the USA, our Thai-American friend Somai did invite them for dinner at their home.
My husband Pieter on the left, Dad, Mom, Somai and me. Somai's husband Bob took the photo.
Mom and I, in The Netherlands during one of our visits for her Birthday...
During that visit I obtained the photos from below—very friendly staff!
Jan Mauriks was very helpful.
Mom in the hospital during her dialysis. She gets flowers for their 60th wedding anniversary.
A publication about Mom in the Dutch Kidney Foundation's magazine as she was one of the first patients being treated in the other regional hospital. 
On my birthday in 2009, she receives flowers for their 60th wedding anniversary which was the next day.
Mom had a long-time wish for being able to see her birth place and their current place from the air. So all of the children, including me, did present them with a half hour helicopter flight. Last year on February 24 they realized that wish. You can read about it: Helicoptervlucht voor Piet en Gerda

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  1. I just sent you an email about my blogroll... and here you were, popping up at the top, with your new post! ;-) Your stories, at least, have not disappeared from it!! What a touching story, Mariette. Your mom looks lovely, and she is one brave lady. I know she is happy about your weekly Sunday phone calls, and all the visits you and Pieter paid her over the years. I love that you all got her that surprise ride in the helicopter-- she is a trooper, by the way. Have a wonderful Sunday! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Dearest Mariette,

    Such a lovely story of your dear Mother and what a blessing to have the extra gift of time with her.
    The weekly phone calls must be wonderful and hope that there will be another visit for you all.
    Great that you have been able to visit so many times and how special for you.

    Sending hugs and hope you are enjoying the weekend

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    diese schönen Fotos sind unbezahlbar.

    In Liebe

  4. Wat bijzonder zeg en wat een bijzondere foto's..
    Geniet nog maar heel lang van je mama..

    Lieve groet Chris

  5. Bellissima la tua mamma!Le auguro ogni bene,che tu possa sempre sentirla!Che emozioni queste foto di famiglia!Sei grande Mariette!Baci,Rosetta

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    endlich komme ich auch hier wieder her.
    Da hat Deine Mutti ja auch ein stattliches Alter und man sieht die große Ähnlichkeit zu Dir!

    Aber ihre gesundheitlichen Probleme sind ja weniger angenehm! Das wünscht man keinem Menschen, an eine Dialyse zu müssen.

    Ich könnte es mir gar nicht vorstellen, so weit weg von meiner Mutti u leben! Da müßte ich sie wohl mitnehmen. Aber ob sie das wollte ??

    Schade, aber die Zeitungsartikel kann ich leider nicht lesen.
    Meine Mutti hatte sich auch immer einen Ballonflug gewünscht. Allerdings ist so etwas ziemlich teuer und inzwischen will sie das auch nicht mehr - auch aus gesundheitlichen Gründen. Da hatte Deine Mutti Glück, daß Du das ermöglichen konntest!

    Liebe Wochenendgrüße


  7. It must be so difficult being such a long way from your mother. Days gone by, you would have lived near her, but the world is a different place today. My son is in Norway, not very far away, but we Skype and it seems to bring them closer.

  8. La speranza è sempre l'ultima a morire!!buon fine settimana... ciao auguri alla tua mamma!!

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    ichkann dir nachfühlen, dass du in großer Sorge bist. Wenn die Entfernungen auch geringer geworden sind: Sie bleiben dennoch. Man kann nicht jederzeit einen Besuch machen.
    Du hast eine wundervolle Bildgeschichte hier gepostet.
    Liebe Grüße

  10. Oh Mariette, I know first hand about dialysis, as my mother was an ESRD patient for 7 1/2 years. Blessings to you and your Mom. ((hugs)) xo

  11. I loved this post Mariette. I feel like I just met your mother and got to know her : ) She is a lovely women and she is so blessed to have you for her sweet daughter. How you must miss her when you live so far away.

    I adore the picture of your mother's father holding she and her little brother. So precious!

    Sending many hugs...

  12. How lucky everything are going so well. Lovely old pictures you show.


  13. the people in our country have the prejudice that the western people or europeans don't care the old people. this is a beautiful proof for the care and affection towards the old parents...

    i am very much touched by the pictures which are nostalgic and lovable...

    all the best...

  14. Mariette I love your family memories, they are always full of love and joy. The photo of your mother and you (the apricot sweater looks brilliant on you) is beautiful!

    How wonderful to have been able to go up an get a birds eye view of their home and her birth place.

    The joy for life comes through in all your photos! Many Blessing you all and may your mother continue to be strong and share many many many more years to make more memories.

    Love from us both ~ xo C. (HHL)

  15. Dearest Mariette, This is such a beautiful tribute to your beautiful Mother. I especially enjoyed the picture of the two of you when you were so young.
    What a wonderful treat it must have been for her to experience the helicopter ride over her home.
    She is such a brave lady. I pray that you have many more Sunday calls together and that you get to see her many more times.
    Blessings, Ginger

  16. Hello Mariette....Enjoyed reading about your dear Mum. God bless that woman. It must be very hard to be going through dialysis. She must be very determined. It's not easy. I'm glad you still have her with you. It's sad to be far apart but I'm sure she looks SO forward to the phone calls. Take care. Susan

  17. Dear Mariette,
    What a beautiful story of your dear mother. She looks to be such a sweet lady. How blessed you are to visit with her each week after church with a phone call. I remember those times so well. Special memories for sure.
    Love all your precious pics of family. True keepsakes to last a lifetime. Thank you for sharing the life of an amazing lady. May God continue to bless her life and grant you more happy times together.

    Thank you for stopping by. Sounds like you enjoyed a grand St. Patrick's Day with fun events.
    Blessings to you my friend. Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and love to you.
    Celestina Marie

  18. May God bless and keep your dear mother , may He make His face to shine upon her!!

    What a beautiful gift from God your sweet mother is!!

    Happy weekend dear Mariette.


  19. Felicidades Mariette para tu mama por sus 80 años,esto de la dialisis es un poco pesado por tener que ir al hospital tantas veces,pero es una felicidad tenerla con vosotros,tiene una cara de ternura tu mama,se le ve feliz.Un beso para las dos.

  20. Wonderful post Mariette! your mummy looks fantastic.... and you are a very good daughter.
    Give my love to mummy : my best wishes for a lot of health to her.

  21. Liebe Mariette,
    so groß der Segen der Dialyse ist, so ist es doch für den Körper kein Idealzustand. Was für ein Glück, dass deine Mama es so gut verkraftet. Das sind bewegende Fotos und wie toll, dass sie die Erfüllung ihres großen Wunsches noch genießen kann.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  22. How delightful to read, I love learning more and more about my blogging friends.

    I saw your comment to dear Michiko. No, we are not birth sisters..just we are very long and very good like a sister. Katie (whose avatar is there as a friend of yours in this blog, is my kitty. Michiko just knew Miss Catt who has passed away a few months ago. She has not "met" Katie yet.

    Thank you for asking.


  23. Vim agradecer a sua partecipação no meu sorteio"esconde esconde"
    Boa semana
    Ronrons da
    Kika♥ ♥♥

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    Wow, your mother must be really warmhearted lady. I am proud of her fighting for the dialysis!!!
    How sweet you two looked in the picture, that is my favorite as well. And the chat through phone call on Sunday must be really a wonderful time for both of you♡♡♡
    I starting to feel miss my mother seeing pictures of your lovely mother♬♬♬ God bless her,
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  25. Ciao Mariette, mi ero persa questo bellissimo storia della tua vita e della tua famigliaviene descritta ogni volta in un modo che mi affascina, e che non posso fare a meno di leggere...
    Un saluto Alessandra

  26. Those old photos are priceless. And what a wonderful gift to your mom of the helicopter ride. Our kidneys do so much for us -- definitely takes a toll on the body when they are not working properly, but it is good to know she is faring well. Best wishes, Tammy

  27. Leuke foto's van jullie. Fijn dat er zo'n goede band is. Ze ziet er ondanks haar ziekte heel goed en levenslustig uit.

  28. Hi Mariette, that wonderful post! I think your mother a lady incredible! to admire, so many things that require courage! and done, Greetings! Rose M.


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