
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{Our Damage from Tornado spin off of Hurricane Earl, 2003}

  • On Thursday morning, March 20 of 2003, we had a terrible Tornado spin off, of Hurricane Earl, that hit right here where we live. 
  • Our creek side had been blooming for days with masses of creeping phlox. After the tornado struck, our two bridges were knocked out and the creeping phlox washed away... It looked like this:

  • The power of wind and water... this was after the flood.
  • On March 24, husband Pieter started to repair the bridge. 
  • He actually was working on the construction of our Rose Suite at that time but this needed attention fast as we no longer could reach our wood garden for work.

  • On March 26, Pieter had build this new bridge... 
  • To the left you still see part of the previous bridge as it was flung high on the land. 
  • Too heavy to even move it... Incredible how strong the powers of nature can be!
  • To the right you see a few of the remaining creeping phlox, to the left they all had washed away...

  • We don't have photos, only video, from how gorgeous it looked before with these pink masses of creeping phlox blooming. 
  • Several years of work gone... 

  • Pieter did use a crate from Sintra, in which our oak Oisterwijk furniture for the veranda had arrived from Rotterdam by boat.
  • Trying to barricade the soil from washing away entirely...
  • Azaleas blooming on the other side of the creek.

  • March 20th 2003 - a deadly tornadic thunderstorm all the way into central Georgia...

We did have 2.94 inch or 7.5 cm of rain! 
Info obtained from

  • Building paradise is not that easy... But we did start all over again.
Related link:
{IMPACT and AFTERMATH of TROPICAL THUNDERSTORMS} | later post by me about our bridges
{2004 Hurricane Francis - Our Garden Before and After} | previous post by me


  1. My heart goes out to you,it must be dreadful and heartbreaking to go through such a freak of nature. Wishing you all the best.
    Australia is going through an awful lot of fires and floods with loss of precious lives at the moment. We are lucky we live in South Australia,so miss a lot of it.

    Blessings to you and your family xx jeanetteann

  2. Wow that did a lot of damage - we had one by us - not that bad though.

    I see a couple of my friends here - Eva and Susan.

    Love, sandie

  3. Mother Nature is most unpredictable. How awful to loose so much that was cultivated with care, love and hard work.

    Pieter and yourself are amazing at bringing back to life such beauty. Mother Nature I'm certain will spare you further challenges!! So, happy that this was years ago ... The photos you share of your gorgeous property are beautiful and you can see all the hard work that goes into!!

    Blessings for a fabulous week ahead!xo C (HHL)

  4. In Australia please lip know if she is alright.
    I hope some people happy been by and lots of foods.

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    das sah ja schlimm aus!
    Ich wünsch Dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche!
    ♥ Liebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    das hast du wieder sehr schön

    Sonnige Grüße

  7. Liebe Mariette,
    das muss ein Schock gewesen sein. Aber besser die Brücke, als das Haus. Ich bin immer erschüttert, wenn ich die Bilder nach den Tornados sehe. Die Menschen tun mir so unendlich leid. Wie gut, dass du so einen tüchtigen und handwerklichen Ehemann hast.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, your last phrase "Building paradise is not that easy... But we did start all over again" speaks itself about how hard you and your husband's work!!!
    I really AM sorry for your "creeping phlox", my friend; how terribly you two must have felt. I heard the tornado hit somewhere in America recently.
    How hard it must be to conflont with the nature☆☆☆
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  9. Yes the nature is powerful. Good luck with you rebuilding, it's a lot of work. Have a nice monday.


  10. Lijkt me vreselijk om mee te moeten maken.......en nu maar hopen dat het niet nog eens gebeurd.....fijne week liefs

  11. Mother Nature can be a very nasty lady!!

  12. Hello Mariette!

    I was a bit behind on blogging but I think I am getting caught up! :)

    That tornado would have been very scary and causing such wreckage to your beautiful garden.

    Wishing you a beautiful week!
    xo Catherine

  13. Yep gewoon twee grote bomen gepland...zo mooi...nee mijn moeder is nog geen jaar...een hele goede vriend van ons......tja zo gaat dat liefs van

  14. Hi Mariette,

    I more than understand. In the last 3 years we have been hit with many storms.

    Your garden will be beautiful in no time.


  15. La naturaleza es imprevisible amiga ,una pena el puente,tanto trabajo para nada,vives en un paraje maravilloso,me encanta ese lugar,siento lo de el tornado,seguro que ahora saldran bellas flores.

  16. Ciao Mariette, grazie per la visita, ho aggunto anche l tuo nome alla sfida...spero accetterai....
    Un bacio e a presto Alessandra

  17. You are so fortunate that there was not more damage. Nature is always able to spring back with time and cultivation. Wishing you a wonderful week. Tammy

  18. Dat is behoorlijk heftig, wat een ravage. Erg om zoiets mee te maken en altijd de angst dat het weer kan gebeuren.
    Lieve groet,

  19. sure hope this season won't be as destructive as it seems to be starting out! :)

  20. Hola Mariette , es increhible como en cuestion de min. se destruye tanto! sin poder hacer nada , es dificil en ocasiones. saludos , Rose M .

  21. Dear Mariette,

    The power of nature is powerful and so glad that you, Pieter, your kitties and house was safe. So sad with six dead and many injured.
    Pieter did well with building the new bridge and love the pink masses of phlox.

    Enjoy the week

  22. Oh my dear friend Mariette,
    I'm so sorry for what happened to your beautiful land. It's unbelievable how years of work were washed away by the power of nature.
    I know it is very sad, but I thank God that you and Pieter are safe and sound. I wish you all the best, take care and I send you a big hug.
    Lots of love,
    Laura <3

  23. Dearest Mariette,

    I felt so sorry what was happening, It has been washed away your beautiful garden that you both have been built.I couldn't imagine what the real tornado is.Thank God that you and Pieter were safe that was the most important.

    Wishing you the best as always.

  24. Hello Mariette,

    with so much energy will be hopefully your paradise build up and like the flowers expressing the power - I wish the best for the start.

    Warm regards Senna

  25. Brrrrrr...che brutto il tornado!Baci,Rosetta


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