
Saturday, March 31, 2012

{Our Glendale 'Mother of Pearl' Azaleas near Gazebo}

We had our garden blooming almost ALL at once! On March 13, I made lots of photos... Also beginning with our beautiful Glendale Azaleas 'Mother of Pearl' near the gazebo. Their buds look like dark pink, almost reddish. Then they open up to different shades of pink, even lighter towards their maturity. Have a look...
Photo taken on March 13
This is also from March 13 and you can see the steps of our gazebo in the back.
To the right is a natural rock garden which we collected from our own property.
Now it is March 18 and we're facing towards the wooden walk way where our Garden Tour can be done... With tea/coffee in our gazebo. Offered to you Book an Event.
We never rake our fall leaves, they remain the natural blanket for our entire garden. A source of nutrients as they slowly will decompose. On the lawn my husband Pieter uses the John Deere mulcher so grass, including leaves, also get recycled for the lawn itself. Nothing goes to waste here. Keeping the planet GREEN by Going GREEN.
Not only a feast for the eye, but also for the bumblebees.
Those frilly petals resemble a ballerina's tutu.
This photo shows you all the different stages of the darker closed buds and the open flowers.
Too bad that this is only for the duration of a mere week...
We always have fond memories of Mom & Dad who visited us during spring, at peak season of the azaleas. We all went to the romantic city of Savannah where thousands of azaleas bloom in all their splendor at the many court yards and squares throughout the city.
Such a majestic flower...

Related links:

{Balta Rhododendron in Our Garden} | previous post by me


  1. what pretty pink azaleas you have in your yard! thanks for stopping by to say hi! XO Christie

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    Blüten und Farben sind eine Pracht.

    Herzliche Grüße


  3. Die doen het wel erg goed bij jullie!!
    Azalea's is iets wat ik niet in de tuin heb, die hebben toch wel een soort van 'bosgrond' nodig, en dat hebben we hier niet.
    Wel fijn dat je tuin zo groot is dat je ze kan planten, het moet idd een feestje zijn om ze te bekijken nu ze in bloei staan.

  4. Hi Mariette, so beautiful. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  5. hele blog is zwart !!..mooi je azalea's ....fijn weekend...liefs

  6. Hej Mariëtte De roze bloemen komen goed uit bij de zwarte achtergrond van je blog.
    Fijn weekend, lieve groet

  7. Dear Mariette, beautiful Azaleas you have in your garden. Have a fantastic Saturday!
    Hugs, Eva

  8. Dear Mariette,

    Your garden is so beautiful with the gorgeous brightly coloured azaleas.
    It must be wonderful walking around your lovely garden.

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend

  9. You have made your blog, it was great. So many beautiful flowers in your garden.
    Have a nice weekend.


  10. Bonjour Mariette,
    Such beautiful azaleas. Your blog is amways full of so much beauty.
    Thank you so much for stopping by and your kind comments about Belle, so happy you enjoyed it. Celia is a talented writer.
    Take care and talk soon,

  11. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Azaleen sind wirklich eine Pracht. In meinem Garten wächst nur ein Exemplar im Topf, die anderen sind alle eingegangen. Ich vergesse nie den Anblick der blühenden Azaleen und Rhododendren in Kew Gardens/London.
    Schöne Grüße, Johanna

  12. Hallo Mariette,

    wunderschöne Azaleen! Die Zeit zu solch einer Blütenbracht wird bei uns erst in 2 Monaten kommen ... also warten :)

    Lieber Gruß von Senna

  13. Hello!
    Welcome as a follower on my blog. How nice that you wanted to look around.
    I'm pretty jealous of your flowers. With me growing almost nothing in the garden yet.
    love from Kajsa

  14. Liebe Mariette,
    oh ich liebe Azaleen - deine Bilder sind traumhaft schön -

    leider habe ich nicht viel Glück mit dieser wunderschönen Pflanze -

    mir sind schon einige eingegangen - hab heute nur noch eine in lila und eine in rosa - all die herrlichen anderen Farben gibt es bei uns leider nicht mehr - ich denke, es liegt viel am Boden - der ist sehr schwer - Lehmboden -

    man kann nicht alles haben -

    ich wünsche dir ein schönes Wochenende - lg. Ruth

  15. Ohhhh I love that color pink its soo PRETTY!!!

    Hope you have a blessed weekend :)


  16. Dearest Mariette. Your azaleas are so lovely. You are so right, what a shame that their beauty lasts a mere week. We are always a bit saddened when the last bloom fades.
    Have a Blessed Palm Sunday.

  17. Il tuo giardino è sempre un incanto!Baci!Rosetta

  18. This time of year is so beautiful, all the flowers popping, waking up to the sound of the song birds...
    Have a lovely week leading up to Easter, lieve Mariette xxx

  19. Suas flores são lindas e as fotos também.

    Páscoa é renascer.
    Feliz recomeçar!
    Feliz Páscoa!


  20. Hola Mariette. Tus azaleas son preciosas. Ya me gustaría a mi tener algunas así de bonitas. El clima aquí, en verano es demasiado caluroso y no aguantarían este calor. Aquí lo que mejor pervive son las gitanillas, geranios, rosales, jazmines y buganvillas. Que disfrutes de ellas que son hermosísimas. Besos.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
