
Friday, March 30, 2012

{ROZALEA® Gift keeps on Giving}

Last year from dear friends Maria Runggaldier, Lady Chef at Ristorante da Maria ← (click it)  and her husband Heinz, I received this beauty for my birthday. A ROZALEA® in coral pink. It actually did so well that it no longer fits in its original pot. See for yourself how it emerged from our greenhouse where it did reside during the winter. Photos are from March 13 when it was just put outside on the patio in front of our gazebo.
Darling ROZALEA®
Barty our cat (left) admires it too...

Related articles
{My ROZALEA® CORAL PINK birthday gift} | previous post by me


  1. What a gorgeous flower! The color is so beautiful.

  2. Muito, muito linda.
    Amei o tom rosado.
    º° ✿♥ ♫° ·.

  3. Those are beautiful - just beautiful. sandie

  4. What a beautiful flower! I love the pink color very much. This is such a wonderful birthday present!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I all beautiful flower ..
    Some of your happy for you,

  6. Liebe Mariette,

    unbeschreiblich schön.

    Herzliche Grüße


  7. Liebe Mariette,
    ich habe noch nie so eine Azalee gesehen. sie sieht wirklich aus, wie eine Kreuzung aus Rose und Azalee. Zart und duftig und wunderschön.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  8. Beautiful flowers Mariette!
    thank you very much for stopping by at my blog and for your nice comments. I did visit your online shop the other day, some nice things you have there :)
    Enjoy your Friday!


  9. Sono bellissime, anche il colore mi piace!felice fine settimana...ciao

  10. sono straordinarie e bellissime!!!!!! non le avevo mai viste...un bacione e buon w.e. Lory

  11. Een Rozalea...ik had er nog nooit van gehoord, maar vind haar prachtig!!
    Het is waaarschijnlijk een Azalea met rozenbloemen.
    Wat jammer van je magnolia, dat ze bevroren zijn..
    Hier is hewt nu gelukkig weer wat kouder, zodat ze langer mee gaan.
    En dank je wel voor je omschrijving van de lingerie hoes, ik had ze echt nog nooit gezien, en ben maar zuinig op je pyama, ik vind het best wel speciaal dat ze in zo'n mooi 'omhulsel' bewaard werden...

  12. Adoro questa pianta rosa!Baci e buon fine settimana!Rosetta

  13. Never heard about the Rozalea... and what a shame! Gorgeous flower, beautiful colour, really love the pale pink!
    Will go & search for it! Absolutely worth to search for!!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend, dear Mariëtte!


  14. Hi Mariette, I wonder how the flowers grow so healthily in your hands! these look beautiful! Roses have a wide variety formidable, always surprises me observe, it seems that the variety is endless! hugs! Rose M

  15. Nice color and what a beautiful flower and you also have a cute cat.


  16. Das ist wirklich eine Beauty, liebe Mariette - eine wunderschöne Farbe!
    (⁀‵⁀,) ✿

    Herzliche Rostrosengrüße,

  17. Liebe Mariette,
    Ich möchte mich auf diesem Weg für deine wundervollen Zeilen, Worte und Inspirationen bedanken, immer wieder ist es ein Vergnügen, von dir zu hören oder zu lesen, leider bin ich im Augenblick ziemlich von der Blog- und Internetwelt abgeschnitten, unsere Telefonverbindung ist so schwach und gebrechlich, da jedoch nur 2 Haushalte daran hängen, wovon nur wir Internet haben, macht der Netbeheerder nur das Nötigste....
    Ich kann einfach nur staunen, woher du die Energie nimmst, um so rasant und energiegeladen zu leben, zu helfen und zu vermitteln.....nochmals herzlichen Dank dafür und ganz liebe Grüße

  18. Prachtig hoor, Mariette! Is net alsof ik ze al ruik....
    Fijn weekend!

  19. My dear friend! Truly a gift that keeps on giving .. year after year!! Your Rozelea is beautiful and it's hardiness is due to your's and Pieter's love and care for all gifts mother nature presents to us. wishing you a happy week-end... B;essings, xo C. (HHL)

    P.S. thank you for your sweet comment on my article in Belle. I finally posted today for the first time in two weeks since I posted ... though I've tried to keep with blog visits and reading. xo

  20. Deareost Marettes,
    I was very happy to day thank you very much.

  21. So beautiful your flowers are Mariette! I bet they smell as good as they look. At least kitty seems to think so. ;)
    Have a happy weekend!
    xo Catherine

  22. Wat zie ik nu? je bent veranderd in lay out! ik was er ook erg weg van, dat zwarte. dan komen de fotos goed uit. Maar ik twijfel al nu weer een tijdje aan totaal dat te nemen. maar durf het niet over te switchen,bang dat alles verloren gaat.Prachtig die tuin van jou! hartelijke groeten en fijn weekend. Mieke


Thanks for your visit and comment.
