
Saturday, March 10, 2012

{Pearls of Wisdom}

Wow, what a feeling for having all the followers back on Blogger with the Google Friend Connect Gadget. Also the Recent Comments on the Sidebar show up again. Coming back from vacation it is never fun to find Blogger problems on top of all the other chores that are waiting for you. BUT, thanks to some Pearls of Wisdom from sweet blogger friend Rebecca from A Gathering Place (click IS YOUR FOLLOWER GADGET MISSING? - IF SO... DO THIS), I at least got the Google Friend Connect Gadget back on. THANKS sweet Rebecca; I owe you! 
Scan from my saved card: CHANEL Accessoires 1996  Photographie Karl Lagerfeld
Lovely PEARLS!

Another problem I already had before I went on vacation to Curaçao was that I no longer could add or delete any blogs I follow, on my Sidebar. So I did copy all the URLs and deleted the 'broken' gadget and replaced it with a new one. Hope it will be possible now to add new URLs, or delete...
Blogger has robbed all of us from quite some precious time at one point or another.
But today I'm looking again at my followers...

The weather is great, after coming home from the tropics this is a treat! At 7:00 PM still 23°C or 73°F. 
Curaçao had daily 29°C or 84°F and 25°C or 77°F at night...

March 8, I had country # 155; Bhutan from Countries Visited
This gadget has been working fine since July 10, 2011.

Wishing you a great weekend!


  1. Hallo Mariette, Ik schrijf u vandaag in uw eigen taal en ik hoop dat de vertaler dient recht mij! Doordachte en regresastes van uw vakantie, hoop dat je had een goede. Wat verklaart deze rekeningen van de blogs waar is, nu heb ik een probleem heb met mijn foto's etc, zoveel dingen soms gebeuren en onverwachte, maar je hebt de lijst van de supporters en ik hoop dat alles goed is in uw blog, warme groeten 'uit de Caribbean! Vandaag is het hier koud 's nachts en warme dag, is het onzeker klimaat, knuffels. Rose M.

  2. Yes blogger has been a bit problematic for a long time now but it seems that most things have corrected themselves. You may have a nice Friday.


  3. Liebe Mariette,

    schön, wie du es umgestellt hast.

    Alles Liebe


  4. Dear Mariette, Thank you for your sweet comment and for add my blog to your sidebar ! I hope don't have any problems with your blog.
    Have a nice weekend

  5. Oh Mariette blogger is doing awful, awful things at the moment but they do seem to right themselves eventually. Thank you for dropping in I love seeing your name and reading your comments. Jules xx

  6. i think every so often google/blogger goes through problems. then just when we think something is temporary, they go ahead and change something for real on us. :) hope you have a great weekend!

  7. Ja voor jou ook n fijn weekend Mariette! Fijn dat weer alles functioneert!
    Groetjes, Nicole

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    die Kette ist traumhaft schön - schwärm -
    ja es gibt immer wieder Probleme mit Blogger - nun geht es mal wieder gut -
    ich freue mich, wenn du einen schönen erholsamen Urlaub hattest und nun freust du dich, wieder zu Hause zu sein -
    wow eine Menge Besucher sind auf deinem Blog verzeichnet - und so viele Länder, die dich besuchen - gratuliere dir zu deinem schönen Blog -

    hab ein schönes Wochenende - lg. Ruth

  9. Oh how wonderful that a blogfriend was able to help. It's all very confusing. I tried google+ ... but found that responses to comments I had left on other blogs, were now appearing on my personal email - instead of my blogging email - I get confused enough... so for now I've deleted the google+ (or better said I'm attempting to delete it) for now.

    I have a hard enough time keeping up with blogging .. and google+ instead of being blog related seems to be grabbing anything you have a google account with.

    I never got on the Facebook wagon; or twitter etc. and google seems much like those.

    Wishing you a wonderful week-end my friend... and that your blogger challenges are all behind you.. love and hugs to you both! xo C. (HHL)

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh, you had trouble with blogger☆☆☆ 
    Happy to know you got connection back and how wonderful you have broad friendship.
    Well, sider thing thins time...
    The bigger the site, the more problem creating; I might say!
    I feel so sorry for your precious time, my friend.
    Have a LOVELY week end, sending Hugs from japan. Miyako*

  11. dearest Mariette,

    So glad that blogger is sorting itself out and so happy that you have lovely weather there. You must be enjoying being back home with your fur babies.
    Always love your pearls of wisdom dear friend and many thanks for visiting me.

    Happy weekend

  12. Hallo Mariette!
    Bloger rzeczywiście potrafi nas zaskakiwać i co chwile pojawiają się problemy.
    Dobrze, że udało Ci się wszystko odzyskać;-)
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie i życzę miłego weekendu.

  13. Hallo Maritte,
    Das Perlencollier ist wunderschön. Auch wenn Perlen mimentan nicht mehr so in sind, trage ich meine noch immer sehr oft und gern.
    Blogger hat mich in letzter Zeit auch genervt. Vor allen Dingen war nach meiner Krankheit nichts mehr so wie vorher. Ich musste mich anstrengen, überhaupt wieder bloggen zu kommen.
    Liebe Grüße

  14. buon fine settimana!!!!!! un abbraccio Immenso Lory

  15. Dearest Mariette, So glad you're home! Sorry that you are having blog problems. Seems you got some good help. Have a great Sunday, Blessings, Ginger


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