
Monday, April 9, 2012

{Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos}

On March 19, I already did receive a challenge request from Alessandra, in Italy, for listing 10 things that make me feel good. She is writing the blog: Shabby but ohh so chic!! ←click for getting to her blog.
Okay, now it is my turn for listing those 10 things, after having waited till first several other challenges got taken care of. 
After our trip to Curaçao we first got our tax papers done. Will write about our Curaçao vacation soon; promise! 
Our garden was also begging for weeding and still needs lots more done. 
On Saturday we finally hung the long crocheted peacock curtain at our friends' home. That was a gift from us and after I designed them, a sweet elderly lady in The Netherlands did crochet them for me. My task was for sewing on numerous brass rings for hanging. My husband Pieter, did hammer in the brass nails for the rings... Mission accomplished and even before Easter!
Happy Mom in the USA...

Okay: 10 things that make me feel good...
1. Looking at Mom's photo, taken while here in the USA, still makes me smile when thinking about all the great times when we had Mom & Dad over to visit us in the USA. Seeing Mom so relaxed and happy in this photo, being on vacation and enjoying it. She worked hard all her life, gave birth to 8 children and had her health issues.
She looks like an angel with her pink feather boa. A nice transition for when she really will become an angel...
2. Calling each Sunday after Church with my Mom & Dad and hearing their voices. Feeling blessed for having Mom still around after 4 years of kidney dialysis.
3. Happy times when video calling with Liz or Anita, our daughters.
4. Having my soul mate Pieter still with me and healthy and strong again after his open heart surgery in September 2010. Enjoying the trips we make together, while talking for hours on end in the car or when walking.
5. Enjoying a cup of coffee, or our version of Chocof (Chocolate from Dutch Cacao + Coffee) with some dark chocolates with pomegranate (from Costco).
6. Getting into a fresh made bed with clean linens, it makes me sleep like an angel under the down duvet and on the down pillows.
7. Having breakfast in our bay window in the sunshine and having fresh flowers from our garden.
8. Having friends around the table for dinner and enjoying a home cooked meal together.
9. Gardening together at our great property that we can claim all as our own. Such a treasure compared to what you can own in the Old World.
10. Watching our seven felines frolicking in our garden and being purrfectly happy - just like we!
Ten things is by far not enough for listing it all... 
It is a joy for reading your blogs and for visiting you around the world!

Now I would like to pass on this 10 point challenge to:
1. Kerri from Artisanbella
2. Claudia from NuNu's Garn-und Stofflabor a multi-talented lady that is also great in English.
3. Véronica from Los Mundos de Nika Vintage who is also very artistic.
4. Michiko from Michiko who needs ALL our help and support after her severe accident on December 15. We need to give her lots of BLOG-LOVE. 
5. Ginger from Savannah Granny who has been having health issues and today is her Birthday so she needs some BLOG-LOVE too.

Okay, mission accomplished in about three weeks...
Don't feel pressed for taking this on. But it is my aim always for helping some others by sending visitors and hopefully followers, their way. A friendly word goes a long way!
Hope we soon will have flowers again like here, from our own garden. 
We lost most roses last year due to the heat and drought but we do have the first ones blooming already.
Happy Easter setting from previous years...

  • The book from which I  made the organdy ribbons for the eggs...

High Tea/Coffee for friends...
The bay window is a favorite breakfast area and for all settings.

Have a nice week!


  1. Hi Mariette, I caught my attention the beautiful picture of your mom with that pink feather boa, which makes it look fabulous! and as you say very blessed by your condition stable! All activities that take place and that fill your life have to do with your beloved husband Peter and your home, your wonderful plants etc. only add that you are a lady very blessed and fortunate to do as much as it brings happiness to your life, hugs. Rose M

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    Tag für Tag freue ich mich, dich hier zu besuchen. Es ist alles
    so harmonisch.

    Du strahlst, und deine Freude
    steckt an.

    In Liebe

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    ich hatte Probleme zu Deinem Blog zu kommen, weil Deine Kommentare zuletzt mit einem Google-Profil verlinkt waren, bei dem ich Deinen Bloglink nicht entdecken kann. Sicher ein Versehen!
    Irgendwas ist auch anders an Deinem Blog/Blogdesign - Chrome bzw. CoolNovo zeigt mir nicht mehr automatisch den Übersetzer ganz oben in der Leiste an, was immer sehr praktisch war ...

    Das stelle ich mir auch sehr schwer vor, so weit von seiner Mutter entfernt zu sein, zumal im Alter, wo jeden Tag etwas sein kann.

    Ein schönes Bild von Deiner Ma! Meine wollte nicht ins Internet, daß sie alle sehen können, sie ist darin genauso heikel wie ich ;-) Oh, 8 Kinder - dann hast Du also 7 Geschwister?! Und dabei noch nebenbei - neben der ganzen Hausarbeit für die 8 Kinder erwerbsarbeiten können, dazu gehört wahrlich eine extrem starke Natur!

    Einen schönen Ostermontag wünsche ich Dir nun zusammen mit Deinen Mann und schicke viele liebe Grüße in die Ferne

  4. Thank you for your comment!
    Congratulations for your pictures, they are very beautiful!
    Happy day!

  5. Dear Marietta
    Beautiful pictures!
    It is often the little things in life that makes you happy and grateful ...
    Sun, flowers and so on just as you mention

  6. It looks like you have a lot of wonderful 'feel good' memories Mariette! Fantastic!
    Wishing you a beautiful week friend!
    xo Catherine

  7. Good Morning my dear friend! What a wonderful start to my day to see all the loveliness you have shared with us today.

    The photo of your Mother is breath taking!! She is absolutely gorgeous. I agree the camera captured her angelic beauty.

    I loved reading your list ... it is filled with many similar things that bring joy and happiness into the day.

    Wishing you a fabulous week ahead!! blessings xo C. (HHL)

  8. You are blessed indeed , but you deserve all your blessings my friend.XXXX Bea

  9. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Mama sieht aus wie ein Filmstar mit der Federboa, einfach prächtig. Ich stelle mir die gehäkelte Pfauen-Gardine ganz toll vor, hast du kein Foto davon gemacht? Ich hoffe, du hattest schöne Ostern im Kreise deiner Familie und Freunde.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  10. Liebe Mariette,
    deine Mama sieht aus wie ein Filmstar mit der Federboa, einfach prächtig. Ich stelle mir die gehäkelte Pfauen-Gardine ganz toll vor, hast du kein Foto davon gemacht? Ich hoffe, du hattest schöne Ostern im Kreise deiner Familie und Freunde.
    Liebe Grüße, Johanna

  11. Dearest Mariette
    What a lovely feel-good list - it's very sweet and endearing (and all the free things in life!!), thanks for sharing.
    Oh and what a marvellous Easter buquet - the roses adds something so lovely. And I just love that last image!!
    Much love and spring greetings from Greece,
    P.s. I love your new blog look!!

  12. Was that your mother - she looked so beautiful and fun loving. sandie

  13. Dear Mariette,

    So lovely to learn more about you and your beautiful life.
    The picture of your Mother with her pink boa is gorgeous.
    Thank you for the neat start to my day.

    Hope that you are enjoying the week


Thanks for your visit and comment.
