
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

{TIP: How to enter Blog from Google Account on Comments Page}

Some readers did not find the entrance to my blog from my Google Account identity on their comment page. Let me show you how quick and easy it is:
This is my comment identity, since I've joined all my accounts are now merged. This is very convenient and also VERY easy for you to get to my blog.
Since I joined all my accounts under Google+ this is how I choose my identity when I comment on your blogs.

This is how my comment looks like.
By clicking on my name, highlighted, you get to my Google Account... and land on the Posts page, see below
Now you click to the right of Posts, on About and you land here, see below... 
Most important: scroll down see (highlighted) where it shows Contributor to (Blogspot... where you click on and voilà! see the yellow marked line below.
My Email is listed there as well.
I can only highly recommend using Google+ like this as well. 
Any questions are welcome!


  1. my friend this is such a great tip. I was on google+ but found it a little confusing ..when I now leave a comment any response is sent to my personal email vs. my blog email.. I ;pve the merging idea of all things .. but wish blog stuff could still be kept separate.

    as always thank you fort sharing your wonderful tips :) ... hugs and blessings.xo C. (HHL)

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    thanks for this helpful Tip! I have noch checked out Google+ jet, did not have so much time ;O) But with your help, it will be done easily :O)
    have a happy week,
    sending love and hugs

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das hast du gut und schön gemacht.

    Alles Liebe


  4. It's always good with a tip, thank you.


  5. Liebe Mariette,
    herzlichen Dank für die Aufklärung. Manchmal kommt man auf das Naheliegendste nicht! ;-)
    Ich mache bei Google+ ja nichts, mir ist das alles zu viel. Jedenfalls zur Zeit bzw. ich brauche es nicht und von daher wußte ich nicht, wie das da läuft. Wieder etwas dazugelernt.

    Liebe Grüße

  6. non ci capisco niente....spero di imparare questa nuova cosa!!! Grazie per avermi inviato la mail!
    Buona giornata, Anna

  7. Hi Mariette,
    So many new ways to do the same thing. I figured this out awhile ago, but would rather stay with the past way to get to blogs. Thank you for sharing your expertice. You are always helpful.

    Have a wonderful weekend my friend.
    Love to you, Celestina Marie

  8. Dearest Mariette, I'm so happy and thankful for your friendship. You are very special to me. Your kind loving comments I will treasure forever! I haven't had any troubles to get to your blogspot. I don't use Google plus so your very informative post has taught me some new things. That's what I love about life so much, we are always learning new things. Wishing you a pleasant weekend. Sending smiles and love your way. God bless. Love, Kerrie xOx

  9. thank you for your comment. Hugs Alessandra

  10. Dearest Martiette,
    Thank you for sent me today..
    All my friends are very happy for about me...but not my golf doing are not yet.
    Please understand at tonight because my friends are well be go home and I will be write for tomorrow.

  11. Oh I will have to get really used to this! I have not even entered into Google + for fear of having to take a lot of time to learn new things!

    Marietta, you are so beautiful! THANK YOU FOR VISITING ME and many happy wishes to your husband and brother for their April birthdays! LOVE! Anita

  12. Ok...I'm back...still confused but I'm getting it! My lack of computer prowess is showing it's feathers! :)


  13. Great tips as I am not savvy at all with this computer business and changes and Thank you pretty lady for visiting me, I am thrilled! Thank you again and now I'm so glad to have met such smart and clever lady like you! Lots of hugs,

  14. I am loving google+! Am using it the same way that you are and it is such a breeze to share posts and pics etc.
    I better make sure I have you added to my circles.
    Hugs on this Thursday! xo


Thanks for your visit and comment.
