
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{16th Blog Award + Challenge & Personal Update}

On May 18, I did receive my 16th Blog Award from Melanzana but I had no time to post about it right away. Also on May 11, I received a Challenge from Elna Sudden. Thanks ladies but frankly, I am not at all in the mood for passing them on... Got back on medication for my auto immune disease. That puts a bit of a damper on the 'happy' feeling. Let's hope that in a week the inflammation will be gone.
At the time when Elna listed my name on May 11, I was facing the challenge of getting the garden ready, together with my husband Pieter, before going on a 5-day cruise to the Bahamas. That is fun but you work your tail off prior to 'relaxing' time. Garden care, house cleaning, laundry, packing and off we went. Our best friends had asked us to join them and their clinic personnel, as we've also done so in 2009. A great team and we had a fantastic time. Lots of reading, healthy food and elegant dining as a group of 13 together. From Port Canaveral, Florida we first went to CocoCay Island, Bahamas. Strolling around this secluded little paradise in the sun was nice. Next day we arrived at the harbor of Nassau, also in the Bahamas. This 'Sunny Smiley' as Blog Award is therefore perfect for a cruise to the SUN!
Thanks again Melanzana!
This was our 4-night trip from Port Canaveral in Florida to Cococay Island and than to Nassau, both in the Bahamas.
Those Islands like CocoCay are like a tropical Paradise!
Hope you all are doing well.
THANKS for all my new followers and for your visits and comments.
As soon as I feel better (side affect of my medication also...) I will visit more blogs.
Yeah, let's hope it will soon be: Mariette's Back to Basics...

Related article:
Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos previous post by me


  1. i hope you are feeling better soon.

  2. Dearest Mariette,
    You must be understood very well you are not drop too much gain...
    You have so many place time to post about it right away Monavch of the seas Canaveral your husband Pieter before going on 5 day cruise to the Bahamas.
    Those islands like tropical paradise I hope doing well very soon.
    Love thinking for all yours...

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy for you with the another award and wonderful trip♡♡♡ Yea, very lovely smiley with wonderful arrangement of flowers which is marvelous match with your trip.
    I DO pray for you that your symptom gets better with the medication, my friend!!!
    Your sure must be busy, I am thinking of you and hoping you will take a rest some time as I can guess you are all-rounder who do your best.
    Lots of hugs from Japan, xoxo Miyako*

  4. Hope you feel better soon! Mei

  5. Liebe Mariette,
    hoffentlich geht es dir schon ein wenig besser.
    Die Eindrücke, die du uns von den Bahamas zeigst, sind fantastisch.

    Liebe Grüße

  6. Woon je ver van de Bahama's? Wat is de zee daar ook mooi van kleur!Heb je in Italië aan zee gewoond?
    Heerlijk zo'n reisje!

    En sterkte met je gezondheid!

    Groetjes Janny

  7. Ik hoop dat je weer snel de oude bent...beterschap...liefs

  8. Hello Mariette

    I get a real James Bond feeling, looking at these views of CocoCay in the Bahamas. I can just picture you searching for shells on the beach.

    Congratulations on your award and good luck with the medication.


  9. Dearest Mariette,
    I wish you all the best and hope that you feel better soon!
    Love and hugs

  10. On my blog is awards for you. All the best on your travel! So much sunny and funny times!

  11. Beterschap Mariette!

    Groetjes, Inge

  12. Hi Mariette,

    Congratulations on the awards.

    I sure hope your feeling better :)

    The Bahamas is one beautiful place to visit.


  13. Wishing you a very speedy recovery from your blog friend who is also " in de lappenmand" :-)

  14. So sorry to hear about your setback, I hope you start to feel better soon.

    Glad you had a nice relaxing trip.


  15. Sorry to hear you are having health issues. One of my best friend's son was diagnosed with an auto-immune disease a couple of years ago and as a result nearly lost his eyesight. He has had many surgeries and been on cortisone for quite some time. His symptoms are under control for now but the doctors have said that he could take a turn for the worse at any time. Very hard not knowing when symptoms might reappear. Wishing you all the best. Tammy

  16. Liebe Mariette,

    ich wünsche dir alles Gute.

    In Liebe


  17. Beterschap lieve Mariette!
    Maureen xx

  18. Dear Mariette,

    Congratulations on 16th Blog Award!

    Wow! The Bahamas are a paradise ... So beautiful!

    I hope you can feel better soon!

  19. What a beautiful place you have visited. I hope you feeling better really soon. Have a nice day.


  20. I hope you are feeling better soon Mariette! How wonderful to go on a lovely holiday. Those beaches look fantastic!
    xo Catherine

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    Congratulations on 16th Blog Award..
    Get Well Soon....
    Blessing and Once Again Heartiest congratulations!!!!!

  22. congratulazioni per il premio!!!!! spero che tu stia meglio, un abbraccio forte Lory

  23. Dearest Mariette,

    How lovely you had a cruise to the Bahamas with your friends, and so glad that you had a relaxing time in this wonderful place.
    So sorry you have not been well and hope the inflammation has gone away and you are feeling better.
    Congratulations on your Sunny Smiley Award and as you say perfect for a cruise in the sun.


  24. Dear Matiette, I love to see and learn about the places you travel. How exciting to go on a cruise to the Bahamas. I'm so pleased you had a nice time in the sunshine :) with your friends. I guess you are back to the garden now. How are you keeping? How is your hand, has the lump gone down at all? I pray it has and it's not bothering you. Take good care my sweet friend. Love and care, Kerrie xoxo

  25. Oh Dear, so sorry for my typing errors. Please forgive me. Love you!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
