
Monday, May 21, 2012

{Our Lilac Orchid & Roses}

On our windowsill the lilac orchid started blooming in all its splendor. However the trailing blossoms needed to get elevated so they could fully open up. At the same time we had a lilac rose blooming in our garden. So we teamed them up together. The roses are inside a French Baccarat crystal perfume bottle. Together on our white Corian windowsill. Do you have any orchids blooming right now? 
Are they not a perfect match in color?
On top of an upside down white ceramic planter with sea shells but this worked.
Here the roses are still budding out...
Perfect buds and beautiful leaves as well.
Such a joy to look at on our kitchen bay window.
Hope you do have something blooming on the windowsill as well.
Tell me what it is you are enjoying right now.


  1. Good Morning, Dearest Mariette.
    Oh, such beautiful Lilac Orchid & Roses♡♡♡
    Marvelous blossoms, aren't they☆☆☆
    To tell the truth、I had "agapanthus africanus", but it is hard for our Japanese style tiny house to keep these flowers inside of the house. And cold rain destroyed it after having enjoyed some years (forgot to put insde of the small front door, so sad!)

    Thank you very much for the lovely Orchid flowers with roses. You always have knowledge and wonderful sense of decorating them♪♪♪
    Love you always, xoxo Miyako*

  2. Orchids are one of my all time fav's and the colour is perfect next to the rose clipping. I always enjoy the creative way you display items. And that Baccarat crystal perfume bottle, is just the right size.

    Our roses are just starting to get leaves; the butterfly garden is all a green ~ just waiting for buds and colour. Our Angel garden is doing well (a couple of winter a casualties.. a quick trip to the nursery has everything back as it should be).

    Wishing you a beautiful week-end! xo C.(HHL)

  3. They look gorgeous.
    I haven't got windowsills at home,but as I am on holidays and have bought a couple of little flowering plants at a beautiful cottage garden we visited,I have them on the windowsill of the cabin overlooking the bay. Hope they will thrive for another day then we will be home and able to plant them. I have never grown orchids,they certainly are pretty. :)

  4. I love roses, I have one post about roses, LET S TALK ABOUT... Orchids are sweety, but the rose is queen of flowers. Your blog is cute, nice, except snake. Greatings! Have a nice and sunny week.

  5. Che bello Mariette!E' un incanto!Buona domenica!Baci,Rosetta

  6. Prachtige kleurtjes bijelkaar!

    Fijne zondag,


  7. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße


  8. Lovely color of your flowers. I have two white orcides that are blooming now. Have a nice sunday.


  9. Mariette,

    Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit to my blog. I am always glad to have new visitors and comments. I will be adding you to my blog roll and have added my name to your list of followers.

    Your orchid and roses are gorgeous! I love the color.

  10. Prachtig mooi Mariette !!!!Zo subliem zijn de kleuren van de orchidee en de roos !!!! Bij ons is het weer eindelijk heel mooi en zie je in mijn tuin elke dag meer kleur...EINDELIJk !!!De rododendrons bloeien nu volop....Een feest om naar te kijken... als ik naar buiten kijk !!!
    Lieve groetjes.....ELLY.

  11. Dear Mariette
    How wonderful the orchid and the rose got together.
    It is happiness to see such a thing!
    I actually have a similar orchid that blooms in my kitchen window.

  12. Dear Mariette,

    Your orchids and roses look so beautiful on your windowsill.
    Not a lot blooming here at this time of the year, except for some little pansies making a pretty show.

    Happy week

  13. Mariette,

    Your orchid is so pretty. Such a beautiful color .. and your roses are devine. Perfection!


  14. My white orchid out in the garden is blooming for the second time this year, so I am very happy. It also seems to need supporting though - those stems are quite strong. Those colors are a perfect match.

  15. Liebe Mariette,
    mit Orchideen habe ich kein Glück. Aber du hast ja einen grünen Daumen, bei dir blüht einfach alles.
    Wünsche dir eine wunderbare Woche,

  16. Dear Mariette
    Very beautiful orchids. You are very lucky to have this flower so vivid. I think it is hard to stick and even orchids to bloom! Your window sill is wonderful.

  17. Oh they are so beautiful together!! Definitely a perfect match in color. Your windowsill is so lucky to have these lovely flowers :-)
    I wish you a wonderful week, Mariette!!

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Your orchid is beautiful and I love the lilac rose. They look so elegant paired together.
    I have three on my bathroom window sill with buds. I don't know if they are blooming yet but my son watered everything for me this weekend.
    Love to you,


Thanks for your visit and comment.
