
Wednesday, June 20, 2012

{10 Ultra-Specific Blogs with PR 4}

For almost three years now I've been reading and following several blogs. Today I would like to mention here 10 Ultra-Specific Blogs with a PR of 4. That is: Page Rank of 4 out of 10. We all strive to write good content that will be read by many. Even more important is to pass on some worthwhile information to others; unique and original content. There are however way too many that take the word copyright or plagiarism too liberal. They gather content and photos left and right, than proceed by posting this on their own blogs as being theirs. Often not even mentioning the original source. Both, my husband and I have been contributing quite a lot for books and magazines, so we are very familiar with that. Still there remains some pride into managing your own photos, and your own wording, both genuinely produced by your hands. Showing and sharing your own ideas and projects, often using them as a tutor for others; that is high value! So today I am delighted to share with you 10 of those Ultra-Specific Blogs. Certainly there will be more out there but I only have limited time for reading and visiting some of them. Please, if you know of any other Ultra-Specific Blog(s) with a PR of 4 or higher, let me know! with a 9 PageRank

*Valentina from Les Cotrions in Italy showing always fresh original content with great photos and ideas. She is very talented and works with an art foundation and has a passion for  home décor.
*Doris from Hold my Hand with her lovely and insightful stories as a social worker and book author.
*Jo Anne Coletti from Vintage Rose Collection a lovely artist that creates life-like roses and her content is 100% Jo Anne.
*Theresa from The Run *A* Round Ranch Report with exceptional insights through her photos and humorous text.
*Lene from THE ESSENCE OF THE GOOD LIFE with her extraordinary photos and insightful text. A treasure on cultural knowledge.
*Carolyn from Aiken House & Gardens with her showcase of garden blooms and romantic tea settings.
*Leeann from Fabulously French with always great photos of her Brocante and Decoration finds.
*Sarah from Haute Design believes in kindness, compassion and respect and presents great added informative text, supplementing professional photos by others, with appropriate credit given.
*Chris Cox from Easy & Elegant Life an excellent male perspective on Fashion and Style.
Sorry, had to remove one of the 10...

Above listing of my limited selection of 10 Ultra-Specific Blogs with PR 4, is by no means sequentially, neither alphabetically nor by ranking.
They all 10 are just my true role models, in trying to achieve such PR one day myself.

The last update on PR was 03 May 2012, so you will have rather accurate info if you check it now.

Of course I would love to hear your ideas and thoughts. We all are often wondering how we are doing with our blog posts. This gives at least some analysis and of course it will never be totally accurate. Wishing you a lovely week and a great start into official summer season in a couple of days. That also means that our days will start shortening pretty soon...


  1. wow, thank you, mariette, for recognizing me and my blog! i had not heard of the page rank tool before. but glad i have a good rating. :)

  2. This is great information and a lovely way of visiting other (great) blogs!!!

  3. There is so much information out there that it can be overwhelming trying to keep up. Thank you for always sharing new findings with us. This sounds most interesting and will add this to my list of things to look at... wishing you a fabulous day and blessings to you both.xo C. (HHL)

  4. Oh my goodness!! Thank you dear Mariette for including my blog on your list. I knew nothing about the PR... wow. I'm truly surprised!

    ((( hugs to you and Pieter )))


  5. Dearest Mariette,
    I was thinking about my son's did wrong things in my blogs.
    Because he has help about my new post.
    I am sorry Dear Maritte to writing with me "Thank you very much".
    Love for you,

  6. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for this great information!

    Ich wünsch Dir einen fröhlichen und sonnigen Tag!
    ♥ Allerliebste Grüße Claudia ♥

  7. Dear Mariette,
    THANKS YOU for mentioning my blog in your list!!!!! I's a very nice way for starting a new and very hot day and I'm very glad for your friendship!!!! I didn't know this you know I'm not blogging so much lately!
    Warm greetings!

  8. Hej Mariëtte, alleen Lene ken ik. Van haar volg ik zelfs 4 blogs.
    Fijne week, lieve groet

  9. Dear Mariette

    Thank you for your lovely comments, and for that you have chosen me among your 10 ultra special blogs! I feel extremely honored and very happy to be on your list along with such talented bloggers. And as you write - it's enormous good PR.
    I have been on our property in Denmark and came home to Norway today, so I have not seen your last two comments. I do not have access to the computer when I'm in Denmark.
    However, I have always my camera with me, so I've taken many pictures of our own and others' gardens in Denmark. I will show them on my garden blog in the near future.
    Summer has finally arrived here in Norway, so my time will be given priority in the garden and not on the blog.
    I also hope the sun shines with you and wish you a wonderful day!

    Much love from Lene

  10. Liebe Mariette,

    WUNDERSCHÖN - wie immer.

    Alles Liebe


  11. Interesting. Never even knew about such a rating. I don't like going to blogs where there are all sorts of photos but you know full well they're not their own and yet they don't like back to anyone. Not nice at all. Wishing you a great day. Tammy

  12. I'v never checked my page rank, so thank you. What a pleasant surprise this morning. Enjoy the day!

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    ich verfolge die Blogger-Szene schon von Beginn an. Der Google PageRank ist ein Phänomen für sich!
    Ich hab' meinen zwar auch schon überprüft, möchte mich davon jedoch keineswegs abhängig machen!
    So hängt er auch von Dingen, wie Verlinkung in anderen Blogs ab, wie viel man bei anderen kommentiert, auch ob und welche Links man setzt bzw. ob doFollow oder noFollow.

    Um nur für den Pagerank zu arbeiten, müßte ich mich prostituieren, und das möchte ich nicht. Auch will ich nicht allzuviel Zeit im Internet verbringen! - Deshalb ist meiner trotz relativ viel Schreiberei und Arbeit (wie im Waldgarten) nur klein. Aber das ist o.k. so, denn es handelt sich bei dem Blog lediglich um mein persönliches Garten-Tagebuch. Da sind 500 Besucher am Tag schon mal viel. Ich könnte bei so vielen gar nimmer regelmäßig kommentieren ... schaffe das nicht mal bei einer Handvoll ...
    Schön, daß Du das Thema mal aufgegriffen hast!

    Liebe Grüße

  14. I didn't know about this, I don't keep track of anything like stats or page views or any of that...numbers bore me I guess!!! I'll have to check out these blogs though!

  15. Hi Mariette,
    I didn't know anything about ranking. I will have check mine out.Thank you so much the information.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth


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