
Friday, June 22, 2012

{Our Southern Magnolia and Hibiscus}

Rain was certainly a blessing for our huge Southern Magnolia and Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne d'Arc. They looked so happy here, on this photo from May 29. Below this post you find a link to some previous posts about either one of them. 
Love the lush green color after such much needed rain!
Here are the two Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne d'Arc and on the foreground is also the Gardenia jasminoides 'Radicans' blooming. Only white blossoms here at the front of the house. 
Now you can see the Southern Magnolia, it is huge and literally 'sits' on the ground...
Here you see also the taller Hibiscus syriacus Jeanne d'Arc.
They are so pretty with their double blossoms.
In the link below you will get to see a closeup.
The white vinyl picket fence is the border with our neighbors.
This is just a short post, for letting you peak inside our front garden.
While we were in Florida on our 6-day trip, we again had lots of rain. 

Related links:
{Our Fragrant Magnolia Grandiflora 'Namnetensis Flore Pleno'} | previous post by me; scroll down for the Southern Magnolia...


  1. Hi Mariette,

    Your garden is beautiful and loved seeing the pretty Magnolia and Hibiscus.
    Isn't it great to have a much needed shower of rain to make everything look green and healthy.

    Hope you are enjoying the week

  2. Dear Friend,
    Such a beautiful site your garden and to view your gorgeous Southern Magnolia. I have seen them here sit on the ground too. Ours was that big before a storm broke her trunk. We still have one left and love it.
    Thank you for sharing such beauty and thank you for stopping by with your kind words for our Miss B. You always bless me with your visits. I am doing a bit better and trying to move forward in the new season.
    Love to you,

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    Love the lush green color after that every days cold rain day...
    beautiful on the their double blossoms Hibiscus syriacus Jeapne d'are.
    I had too much rains days for most time that I don't like too much.
    I have so happy thing today I going to Appointments with my driving licence for three days....
    I will like to few days for my blogs after I will my son's finish off..
    Love you!

  4. Dearest Mariette your front gardens are most lovely! The Magnolia is breathe taking and equally are your Hibiscus. the care, love and hard work you and Pieter put into giving Mother Nature a helping hand is clear in your gorgeous gardens. So happy that you got some rain... we are thankful that we are able to water our gardens from the stream water (as we are on well water) and we officially are in the midst of a heat wave ... 32-36 degree C. feeling more like 40 -48 ...with the humidity.
    Sending you both and your furbabies lots of love and hugs from across the miles, xo C. (HHL)

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    your garden is a dream!!!
    the magnolia and hibiscusplants are wonderful!

    have a lovely week,
    love and hugs,

  6. Mooie struiken heb je, jammer van de regen, maar komt wel weer goed denk ik bij jullie.

    Liefs Janny

  7. Lovely, refreshing rain! Everything does look so green and beautiful afterwards. That magnolia is amazing. I've not seen one sweeping the ground like that before. I'm from Mississippi where magnolia is the state flower. :) Best wishes to you, Tammy

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    wieder fantastisch schön.

    In lieber Verbundenheit


  9. Hi Mariette!
    What a lovely garden you do have!! I haver nerver seen these flowers so big in Sweden.
    Wish you a happy midsommer thate we celebrate here in Sweden tomorow, do you do thate to?
    Hug Anna

  10. Het ziet er allemaal heerlijk fris uit in je tuin regen doet je tuin goed.......maar toch hebben we liever altijd zon natuurlijk...het lijkt erop dat de zomer hier gaat komen......hoop het maar...liefs

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    Beautiful front gardens♡♡♡
    We can see our type of Magnolia (white and pink) here in Japan. But especially, I'd love to see your lovely Hibiscus. I have visited your link and they are also GORGEOUS♪♪♪

    I hope it is not too hot to take care of your splendid garden yet.

  12. What a big and beautiful Magnolia. Have a nice day.


  13. Very, very beautiful!!
    Have a nice day!

  14. Your garden is very beautiful!
    I really enjoy visiting your blog
    Have a nice weekend!

  15. Hej Mariëtte, ook met regen prachtige foto's van je tuin, of beter gezegd park. Wat fijn om in zo'n heerlijke omgeving te wonen.
    Fijne dag, lieve groet

  16. Hi Mariette your garden is so beautiful! I love your southern magnolia and it does look like sitting on the ground :-)

  17. Liebe Mariette, dein Garten ist wirklich eine Pracht - und nach dem Regen sieht ja immer alles noch viel schöner aus! (Bei uns hat es auch gerade wieder zu regnen begonnen, nach einem sonnigen, warmen Tag!)
    Ich möchte dir auch danken wegen deines Tipps bezüglich Link Within. Ich habe mich jetzt eine halbe Stunde damit beschäftigt, aber bei mir funktioniert es leider nicht so wie bei dir beschrieben, es öffnen sich auch Seiten, die anders aussehen als auf deinem Muster. Macht aber nichts, ich bin auch mit drei Thumbnails unter meinen Posts ganz zufrieden... :o)
    Ich schick dir die allerliebsten rostrosigen Wochenend-Grüße!
    Herzlichst, Traude

  18. Prachtige foto's van jullie Magnolia Mariette. Wat moet het toch heerlijk zijn om zo'n grote tuin te hebben met zoveel mooie en bijzondere planten er in.

    Op het moment ook flinke regen en onweer in Nederland. De zomer wil maar niet doorzetten. Hopelijk is de volgende maand wat beter.

    Alvast een fijn weekend gewenst!

    Madelief x

  19. Oh what a heavenly yard you have with such beauty blooming! Lovely lush greenery. It's amazing how a little rain will really speed up the growing process. Stunning images, Mariette!

  20. ... very beautiful flowers and yard,

  21. Hi Mariette,

    Your Magnolia is beautiful! I'd love to grow hibiscus yours are so pretty.


  22. Il tuo giardino è stupendo!!
    Sono stupende anche le tue piante!!

  23. Dearest Mariette,
    Your Southern Magnolia is so pretty and lush. Alas, we don't have a magnolia on our grounds. We had to cut ours down. That is fodder for a post in the future.
    All of your Hybiscus blossoms are lovely. I like the idea of white for the front garden.
    Blessings to you and Pieter,

  24. Me encanta tu jardin Mariette, es espectacular!
    Feliz fin de semana!
    Muchos besos!


    Los Mundos de Nika Vintage.


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